The Fascist's Are Having A Bad Day...


Well-Known Member
First, the President admits the health care bill DOES violate his pledge that we can all keep our current doctors and insurance. JUST LIKE WE HAVE BEEN SAYING IT DOES in numerous threads on this forum. So to all the libs who mocked FOX NEWS, GLENN BECK and all of us who argued the point, you can smoke a cock. Plenty of you won't care because the end justifies the means... lie, cheat and steal to get your screwball agenda through.

Of course the President took no responsibility, he just stated that those provisions were "snuck" in. Yeah right, guy is a straight up fucking liar... yeah I said it. He makes Bush 2 look like George Washington. Who, exactly SNUCK it in, was it conservatives? Republicans? So, if not for the election of Scott Brown, it would have been passed and WHOOPS, all of the "nutjob tea-baggers" would have been proven right at all our expense. Fuck all you progressive lying douchebags.

Second on today's embarrassment list is "Canadian provincial premier seeks heart surgery in US" Oops, you'll never admit it, but that's gonna leave a mark.

I also wanted to point out to all you Fox and Beck bashers, I was watching Beck last night and who did I see advertising on his show... you'll never guess... think of the LAST company you'd ever think you'd see there... that's right, the New York Times. Wow, circulation is so bad they have to break down and advertise where all the viewers are... that's gotta sting too.

I won't even go into the latest IPCC scandal. For supposedly educated people, you libs sure are gullible.

Edit: Don't know why I put an apostrophe in the title.

at least he hasn't flown any planes into any buildings, yet. :clap:

