The federal government ran a $14-billion deficit

From candidates to voters:
Sorry, no can do. Since we're in the tank for those who bribed us with campaign funding, we're really not going to do fuck all for you- so the only thing left to do is distract you from that fact by slinging as much mud on the lens as possible!

Unfortunately that's so true... It means that we end up choosing our candidate based on being less bad than the others, rather than being the best choice.
Unfortunately that's so true... It means that we end up choosing our candidate based on being less bad than the others, rather than being the best choice.
Do not fall for that trap; it's how us Yanks ended up with the Chump.

Stick to your guns and find progressive candidates who won't cozy up to the fatcats. You might lose an election by splitting the ticket; that just tells them you mean business and that they can't count on your vote if they don't earn it by putting your interests first.

You must share this strategy with all your friends and then have them tell their friends and so on. Canada's population is the size of California; everyone knows everyone else within 3 or 4 degrees of separation.
There aren't any willing to STAND UP and DO THE JOB
It seems really weird we have the leaders we have today around the globe.. Stand ins with NOTHING TO SHOW
being directed by ??

Do not fall for that trap; it's how us Yanks ended up with the Chump.

Stick to your guns and find progressive candidates who won't cozy up to the fatcats. You might lose an election by splitting the ticket; that just tells them you mean business and that they can't count on your vote if they don't earn it by putting your interests first.

You must share this strategy with all your friends and then have them tell their friends and so on. Canada's population is the size of California; everyone knows everyone else within 3 or 4 degrees of separation.

you are so lefty libby it hurts..
you missed that antifa are facist thugs that are aloowed to wear masks and get away with violence
that children are being used as tools o n the bs climate change crap..hint climates change..looks at iceland in 1400s..lood at how vancouver had the hottest days in the early 1900' the states there were hotter days in the 1930's than this year..

please don't pollute the Canadian forum with your anti Usa President bs..
he lost...he is perhaps the only president who is doing what he promised
youthink you are cool and so protected, so you called your President names..
gee ,,maybe you should be a talk show host

now you come here..and try to direct Canadians how to do it the same way you poor losers did

you are just an uncle ben with better manners

and you don't have to worry.. most Canadians are as wrong as you
There aren't any willing to STAND UP and DO THE JOB
It seems really weird we have the leaders we have today around the globe.. Stand ins with NOTHING TO SHOW
being directed by ??


Putin always seemed like a strong leader, although I wouldn't want to live there! Just seeing him on TV, he seems to be self assured, in control, and he doesn't hmm, and haw when talking.

"Brigitte Macron keeps her golden locks looking good with the help of her husband’s official hairdresser, whose services to the presidential couple cost the French taxpayer a whopping €5,200 a month, a new report reveals." from the story here

5,200 Euro equals $7,595.36 Cdn


for a hairdresser!

Talk about vain... but he does look good :)
There aren't any willing to STAND UP and DO THE JOB
It seems really weird we have the leaders we have today around the globe.. Stand ins with NOTHING TO SHOW
being directed by ??

They need support from the People- who sadly believe what the television tells them.
you are so lefty libby it hurts..
you missed that antifa are facist thugs that are aloowed to wear masks and get away with violence
that children are being used as tools o n the bs climate change crap..hint climates change..looks at iceland in 1400s..lood at how vancouver had the hottest days in the early 1900' the states there were hotter days in the 1930's than this year..

please don't pollute the Canadian forum with your anti Usa President bs..
he lost...he is perhaps the only president who is doing what he promised
youthink you are cool and so protected, so you called your President names..
gee ,,maybe you should be a talk show host

now you come here..and try to direct Canadians how to do it the same way you poor losers did

you are just an uncle ben with better manners

and you don't have to worry.. most Canadians are as wrong as you
You're as politically dyslexic as smogdog; yes I'm Leftist- it's the only direction that makes sense from fascism, which is extreme Right wing.

Antifa aren't fascists, they FIGHT fascists. You are very confused.

Those children are the very ones who will be forced to live with the consequences of our excesses and willful ignorance. But you don't care who else suffers as long as you get your way, right?

Uncle (has) Ben is another right winger.

I was born in Canada, my folks have retired in Canada and I'll be joining them. So telling me that somehow I don't count is not only telegraphing your knowledge of the the weakness of your political positions, you simply have no leg to stand on.

It's good to know that you admit that you have less sense then your countrymen.
not confused are delusional
uncle ben is JUSTlike you and jt ...lefty pc RIGHT WING,libby neo marxist space cadet unreality
antifa are left wing facist thugs
you are one of the whining usa election losers
i don't care where you were born..
i "admit" that i am ashamed of you....
not confused are delusional
uncle ben is JUSTlike you and jt ...lefty pc RIGHT WING,libby neo marxist space cadet unreality
antifa are left wing facist thugs
you are one of the whining usa election losers
i don't care where you were born..
i "admit" that i am ashamed of you....

I understand what you are saying. It is hard and unrealistic to think most anyone else does. Most people have largely been programed to be dumb. Sad reality. Not calling anyone here dumb..but I guess TV is totally true all the time and has much to teach us. Having said that...Dump ain't my hero. He's a vain fucking asshole.
With Trump think this.........what goes around....comes around.
I feel I hear that train whistle getting closer.
I predict the Orange Ape will reach a deal with the feds in the next few weeks to resign and they drop any criminal charges. He will then face life in prison for the tax evasion charges in NY and other states. This could put the entire Trump crime family and most of the White House administration behind bars. It's a great day for humanity!
"He's a vain fucking asshole"

>yes..and not overly versed in spelling..but that does not mean that his policy is not better than the rest

and tty..i enjoyed your replies

but bro you have to know that you and uncle ben are both lefties..

do you see his old hillary voter chart last election,
his over the top gender and whiteman self hating "but i am different "virtue signalling,
his homosexual[oops ..more bs..-->lgbtq2] virtue signalling
..and his trump hatred

at least he knows who he isn't

its ok ..just own it..and as they say now "moving forward"

then maybe we can talk about how little children will be saved from how mother nature works even though through out
time she has shown herself to do what she will's

how the same media and lefty parents that have heaped this guilt on their children for their own advancement
and out of their own fear..i understand the a kid we had the pall of nuclear war broadcast at us with air raid siren
and "duck and cover" in the classrooms

the "real "media doesn't tell you that even if we contributed to climate change.
the crap the western world puts out does not amount to a hill of beans in pollution land..
do you think china india etc are going to rein them selves in?

AND that the earth needs more grow know that
we don't help for sure but weather is much bigger and badder than we are
and does what she wants, where ,and when she wants

we gotta roll with the punches..

i was a serious lefty decades ago actually for a long time too..up until the recent loopy left left me behind

..thought some what like you..i got red pilled

if the "real"and" good "media said this stuff i wouldn' t have to do would already know it

its down to the unfortunately true saying..

"if people hear something enough times..most will believe it"

will try to shut up now...

have a good day
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AND that the earth needs more grow know that
If CO2 is so good for us, why don't you use your BBQ indoors and why is your furnace vented to the outside of your house? Trees grew just fine before there were gas engines - ever seen an old-growth Douglas Fir? massive.
Sorry to blow up the latest climate denier goto statement with facts. Lol
Not much excitement on the cannabis front this election. Removing the plastic pkg. and imposing organic growing for commercial growers are good ideas for the Greens, but bringing up the lawsuit would be better.

Bloc Quebecois
  • No specific proposals to date
  • No specific proposals to date
  • Under new regulations, cannabis edibles, extracts and topical products will become legal by Oct. 17. However, the products are not expected to hit legal retail stores until mid-December.
  • No specific proposals to date
People’s Party of Canada
  • No specific proposals to date
The People Plant of Canada ....says ....FUCK GOV WEED OF ANY KIND....BOYCOTT and fill your balls with pride. Or breasts if ya got em.
If CO2 is so good for us, why don't you use your BBQ indoors and why is your furnace vented to the outside of your house? Trees grew just fine before there were gas engines - ever seen an old-growth Douglas Fir? massive.
Sorry to blow up the latest climate denier goto statement with facts. Lol

hey mean carbon dioxide carbon monoxide

monoxide=not good for plant grow

dioxide=good for planet greening


goodgrief bro

uneducated beyond belief

I have so many other recent weather facts , weather over the last 700 years

as well as co2 and global greening..its sure available

but you will never hear it on cbc the mainstream media

in the mean time

constant bombardment via mainstream media

and using /terrorizing kids as pawn/flunkys for the NWO is the newest way to suck people in

..courtesy of AI modelling
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hey mean carbon dioxide carbon monoxide

monoxide=not good for plant grow

dioxide=good for planet greening


goodgrief bro

uneducated beyond belief

I have so many other recent weather facts , weather over the last 700 years

as well as co2 and global greening..its sure available

but you will never hear it on cbc the mainstream media

in the mean time

constant bombardment via mainstream media

and using /terrorizing kids as pawn/flunkys for the NWO is the newest way to suck people in

..courtesy of AI modelling
Didn't bother to read your post past the first 2 lines. Are you suggesting that you can burn fossil fuels without releasing both elements? What happens to that deadly carbon dioxide while you're pretending to "green the planet". How about this - run your generator inside of your grow room to green up your plants. Do you use unlimited CO2 on your plants, or is there a point where it becomes harmful?
Earth creates sufficient CO2 on it's own without burning fossil fuels. You realize trees grew really good in the stone age, right? They don't need our help. Too much CO2 collects in the atmosphere and causes the earth to heat, which is what is happening now. I know you planet-haters don't like facts, and I can't fix the willfully ignorant, but suggesting that the amount of CO2 we are producing is beneficial to the planet is just stupidity. You embarrass yourself when you repeat the stupid talking points you learned from sites like Rebel.
Did you ride the short bus to school....?