The Federal Reserve does something Bold!

feff f

Active Member
You can say whatever you like, it does not make it true... And you have failed - many times - to discredit keynesianism.

Meanwhile the confidence fairy has been exposed; Austerity has not brought the confidence your leaders claim it should have, not here, not in Europe...
can i just ask a simple question mame?

where the fuck have you been for the last 5 years? seriously! dude, you are a smart kid. quit with the brainwashing already.

waisting all this money on college has got to be killing your parents. wake the fuck up.


New Member
Dear Editor:

This pertains to a recent article printed in your publication on February 27, 2006, entitled "Hillary Clinton Rips Bill’s Panama Ports Deal.” The article pointed out that the Panama Canal is being run by the Chinese, which is completely inaccurate.
The Panama Canal is managed and operated by the Panama Canal Authority (ACP), an autonomous agency of the government of Panama. Contrary to statements and reports that the Canal is run by the Chinese, neither the Government of China nor a private Chinese company has anything to do with the management, operation or function of the Canal.

The Panama Canal is run by 9,000 dedicated and talented Panamanians who, for the past six years, have a stellar record improving and modernizing the Canal’s reliability, efficiency and safety. This past fiscal year, a record 279.1 million tons* of goods transited the Canal. All Panamanians are proud of these achievements.

The Dubai Ports World issue has brought up old and false rumors that the Canal is run by the Chinese. This began in 1999 after a Hong Kong firm won the rights to run two ports in Panama. The operation of ports is different, separate and unrelated from the Canal.

The Panama Canal is a national treasure – a part of the sovereign patrimony of the Republic of Panama – and the ACP is the sole manager and operator of this vital waterway. It is a Canal run by Panamanians for the people of Panama.

Dr. Stanley Muschett
Manager of Executive Administration The Panama Canal Authority

Had to google that

feff f

Active Member
No serious Question
Ron Paul wants to go to the gold standard
name a Country that is on the Gold standard
There must be a success story out there some place
do you know why we have always been the money of choice? why do you think countries are now starting to doubt that? clue, anyone, hello in there.....


Well-Known Member
Had to google that
China's Beachhead at Panama Canal

by J. Michael Waller

Reporting from Balboa, Insight uncovers China's most recent political and economic maneuverings to obtain effective control of the Panama Canal as the U,S, leaves,
At the Panama Canal's only Pacific port a dozen huge construction cranes work massive new containerized-cargo facilities behind mounds of sand and concrete. Workmen clad in orange uniforms emblazoned with "Panama Ports Company" -- the innocuous English-language name in a near century-old bastion of U.S. maritime might -- operate the cranes and earthmovers alongside what once was the U.S. military's Southern Command headquarters known as SOUTHCOM. But the construction crews don't work for the Americans anymore. The Panama Ports Company is controlled by Communist China.
As U.S. forces pull out of Panama under the Carter-Torrijos treaties of 1977, Beijing's agents are moving in. And the Clinton administration is looking the other way, scrapping a 1995 plan to explore a continued U.S. military presence.
By all indications, China and its People's Liberation Army, or PLA, are building a beachhead to control the Panama Canal. Under the terms of a controversial lease, Panama gave Hong Kong-based Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. the right to build new port facilities in Balboa, the canal's only Pacific port, and a major Atlantic port in Cristobal, and to run them up to the next half-century. As Beijing increased its economic muscle in the country, Panama's politicians gave Hutchison Whampoa the right to control anchorages on both ends of the canal, to hire new pilots to guide ships through the waterway, to block all passage that interferes with the company's business, to take control of key public roads near the canal and to have right of first refusal for control of some former U.S. military bases.


Well-Known Member
can i just ask a simple question mame?

where the fuck have you been for the last 5 years? seriously! dude, you are a smart kid. quit with the brainwashing already.

waisting all this money on college has got to be killing your parents. wake the fuck up.
yeah, better that he become a tax evading, not to code building, no permit needed (*wink nudge) carpenter on unemployment and boner pills.


Well-Known Member
Dear Editor:

This pertains to a recent article printed in your publication on February 27, 2006, entitled "Hillary Clinton Rips Bill’s Panama Ports Deal.” The article pointed out that the Panama Canal is being run by the Chinese, which is completely inaccurate.
The Panama Canal is managed and operated by the Panama Canal Authority (ACP), an autonomous agency of the government of Panama. Contrary to statements and reports that the Canal is run by the Chinese, neither the Government of China nor a private Chinese company has anything to do with the management, operation or function of the Canal.

The Panama Canal is run by 9,000 dedicated and talented Panamanians who, for the past six years, have a stellar record improving and modernizing the Canal’s reliability, efficiency and safety. This past fiscal year, a record 279.1 million tons* of goods transited the Canal. All Panamanians are proud of these achievements.

The Dubai Ports World issue has brought up old and false rumors that the Canal is run by the Chinese. This began in 1999 after a Hong Kong firm won the rights to run two ports in Panama. The operation of ports is different, separate and unrelated from the Canal.

The Panama Canal is a national treasure – a part of the sovereign patrimony of the Republic of Panama – and the ACP is the sole manager and operator of this vital waterway. It is a Canal run by Panamanians for the people of Panama.

Dr. Stanley Muschett
Manager of Executive Administration The Panama Canal Authority

Had to google that
Did you quote a letter to the editor as your source?

feff f

Active Member
yeah, better that he become a tax evading, not to code building, no permit needed (*wink nudge) carpenter on unemployment and boner pills.
can a moderator please tell troll boy to grow up? i have yet to see a single post by this asshat having any substance. he trolls every thread and completely blows them up rendering them useless for those of us who like hearing and learning from others political views.

this is really getting childish


Well-Known Member
can i just ask a simple question mame?

where the fuck have you been for the last 5 years? seriously! dude, you are a smart kid. quit with the brainwashing already.

waisting all this money on college has got to be killing your parents. wake the fuck up.
My parents dont pay for my schooling.


New Member
can a moderator please tell troll boy to grow up? i have yet to see a single post by this asshat having any substance. he trolls every thread and completely blows them up rendering them useless for those of us who like hearing and learning from others political views.

this is really getting childish
You are not here for debate


Well-Known Member
can a moderator please tell troll boy to grow up? i have yet to see a single post by this asshat having any substance. he trolls every thread and completely blows them up rendering them useless for those of us who like hearing and learning from others political views.

this is really getting childish
i bet mame knows when to use 'wasting' and 'waisting' properly in a sentence.

are you proud of this as you tell someone that getting a college education is a waste of their time?

for your edification, i am a mod.