Well-Known Member
It is well known that facts have a liberal bias.Confirmation Bias is running rampant up in this political thread.
It is well known that facts have a liberal bias.Confirmation Bias is running rampant up in this political thread.
More like amazed you can tie your own shoesNo substance.
You guys are so shit, hahaha.
Your logic used against you and you're all dumbfounded.
More like amazed you can tie your own shoes
So, you just believe and don't need facts to decide.i don't think there's any difference between republican, democrat, torrie, whig, green, black, orange, labor.....i don't care what country you come from, what leader you follow, or what personal philosophy you adhere to.
there are lobbyist all over the world. there are rich people who don't want to follow rules. there are endless temptations. the system itself is fatally flawed, and no one is willing to shoot the suffering beast and put it out of our misery. all public offices should have 100 percent transparency, at least as far as financial matters go. 100%, every penny accounted for. every contribution a matter of public record, posted as they happen. all politicians 100% barred from participating in any business with the government if they own a private business. it's going to take a lot to convince me that a single politician anywhere, in any party, isn't crooked. i used to think they were great people, who were watching out for us, and protecting us from i think we need protecting from the harm they cause.
you know i don't.So, you just believe and don't need facts to decide.
With that kind of logic you could come up with all sorts of conclusions.
Do you believe the earth is flat?
If you can't accept facts then how can you accept the earth is round?you know i don't.
i pick up the papers (figuratively, i actually sit at the monitor, now a day) every morning, and without fail, i read of scandals worldwide. i read of politicians being tried for corruption. i see politicians trying to whitewash school shootings, because their nra lobbyist masters tell them to. i see foreign politicians having people murdered. i see corruption trials, war crime trials, and low, contemptible behavior.
i see absolutely nothing to give me hope. yet. i'm not condemning anyone publicly. yet. what goes on in my own mind....goes on. and it doesn't make me optimistic about the future.
i just find it very hard to make the distinctions you apparently make with ease....skunks stink....some skunks are more likely to spray you than others are, but how the hell do you tell which ones are which, till they spray you, or not? do you just assume they all won't, or do you assume they all will? does the skunk joining a certain political party make it less likely to stink? or is it still a skunk?
show me a wall of articles about the wonderful things politicians are doing....for every article you can post, i can post ten that say they're lying scumbag pieces of shit.....i don't have time to research every politician in the country, much less the world. i look into the more influential ones, and the ones that get themselves into trouble.....and there is no shortage of them, and no trouble finding stories about them. i do have trouble finding articles about politicians doing anything good. what the fuck is a person supposed to think about a particular...profession? calling?.....neuroses?.....when pretty much all you hear is they're all a bunch of lying, unethical, scumbags?It's your cynical conclusion that everybody is out for themselves and ready to stick it to the next person that I disagree with. If you want to talk about a specific person who you believe is corrupt for specific reasons then you are showing the ability to reason. If you want to just say somebody is corrupt for no other reason than "snakes bite, scorpions sting, its their nature", then you aren't using reason, you are simply believing. Which gets me back to why I think you very well could believe the earth is flat.
Now you are demanding that I prove a negative. Specifically, you are saying "prove to me that Ron Wyden is not corrupt". In other words you started with a belief that has nothing to back it up and demand I disprove it. That is called a logical fallacy, in other words, a bad keep saying i can't accept facts....what facts? show me facts that say democrats are immune to corruption.......i've already shown you that they aren't...want a wall of links about democrats involved in corruption? as well as politicians from all parties from all around the world? i can spend a whole day posting the links......
yes, democrats are slightly better than republicans at the moment....they aren't fucking saints.....they never will be....those are facts....i accept them....why don't you try it?
show me a wall of articles about the wonderful things politicians are doing....for every article you can post, i can post ten that say they're lying scumbag pieces of shit.....i don't have time to research every politician in the country, much less the world. i look into the more influential ones, and the ones that get themselves into trouble.....and there is no shortage of them, and no trouble finding stories about them. i do have trouble finding articles about politicians doing anything good. what the fuck is a person supposed to think about a particular...profession? calling?.....neuroses?.....when pretty much all you hear is they're all a bunch of lying, unethical, scumbags?
i don't think stereotypes about races or religions are true, because i don't see endless news stories about particular races or religions constantly getting caught doing unethical things. because there's not proof of their shitty behavior shoved into my face on a daily basis.
i don't believe the earth is flat, because it's been sufficiently proven, in multiple ways, that it isn't. no one has ever proven that a politician was worth trusting.....but i get evidence daily that they aren't.....
You now owe me 10 different articles that state Ron Wyden is a lying scumbag piece of me a wall of articles about the wonderful things politicians are doing....for every article you can post, i can post ten that say they're lying scumbag pieces of shit.....i don't have time to research every politician in the country, much less the world. i look into the more influential ones, and the ones that get themselves into trouble.....and there is no shortage of them, and no trouble finding stories about them. i do have trouble finding articles about politicians doing anything good. what the fuck is a person supposed to think about a particular...profession? calling?.....neuroses?.....when pretty much all you hear is they're all a bunch of lying, unethical, scumbags?
i don't think stereotypes about races or religions are true, because i don't see endless news stories about particular races or religions constantly getting caught doing unethical things. because there's not proof of their shitty behavior shoved into my face on a daily basis.
i don't believe the earth is flat, because it's been sufficiently proven, in multiple ways, that it isn't. no one has ever proven that a politician was worth trusting.....but i get evidence daily that they aren't.....
Nice line, homes.It is well known that facts have a liberal bias.
Not mine, Steven Colbert but it IS a nice line.Nice line, homes.
show me a wall of articles about the wonderful things politicians are doing....for every article you can post, i can post ten that say they're lying scumbag pieces of shit.....i don't have time to research every politician in the country, much less the world. i look into the more influential ones, and the ones that get themselves into trouble.....and there is no shortage of them, and no trouble finding stories about them. i do have trouble finding articles about politicians doing anything good. what the fuck is a person supposed to think about a particular...profession? calling?.....neuroses?.....when pretty much all you hear is they're all a bunch of lying, unethical, scumbags?
i don't think stereotypes about races or religions are true, because i don't see endless news stories about particular races or religions constantly getting caught doing unethical things. because there's not proof of their shitty behavior shoved into my face on a daily basis.
i don't believe the earth is flat, because it's been sufficiently proven, in multiple ways, that it isn't. no one has ever proven that a politician was worth trusting.....but i get evidence daily that they aren't.....
U.S. Congressman Peter DeFazio has voted against and forgone all congressional salary increases since being elected to Congress. Instead, he has tied his salary to cost of living adjustments (COLAs) for Social Security recipients, and used the excess pay to fund scholarships for dislocated workers at five community colleges in southwest Oregon and to pay down the national debt.
Roger, you now owe Sir Napsalot 10 different articles that say Peter DeFazio is a lying scumbag piece of shit.
show me a wall of articles about the wonderful things politicians are doing....for every article you can post, i can post ten that say they're lying scumbag pieces of shit.....i don't have time to research every politician in the country, much less the world. i look into the more influential ones, and the ones that get themselves into trouble.....and there is no shortage of them, and no trouble finding stories about them. i do have trouble finding articles about politicians doing anything good. what the fuck is a person supposed to think about a particular...profession? calling?.....neuroses?.....when pretty much all you hear is they're all a bunch of lying, unethical, scumbags?
i don't think stereotypes about races or religions are true, because i don't see endless news stories about particular races or religions constantly getting caught doing unethical things. because there's not proof of their shitty behavior shoved into my face on a daily basis.
i don't believe the earth is flat, because it's been sufficiently proven, in multiple ways, that it isn't. no one has ever proven that a politician was worth trusting.....but i get evidence daily that they aren't.....
i did not say they would be about the same person...i said for every one article you can show me, i can show you ten saying politicians are pieces of long did you have to search for that one article?U.S. Congressman Peter DeFazio has voted against and forgone all congressional salary increases since being elected to Congress. Instead, he has tied his salary to cost of living adjustments (COLAs) for Social Security recipients, and used the excess pay to fund scholarships for dislocated workers at five community colleges in southwest Oregon and to pay down the national debt.
You now owe me 10 different articles that say Peter DeFazio is a lying piece of shit.