The first signs of a problem


Hi ya, Just resently joined the forum and already have a slight problem, lets get to it.
Past couple of years ive had autos in the window the were good but small so now ive gone for a small set up, plants have been growing for 5-6 weeks under a 250w HPS light, i feed with bio biz and use all mix soil, plants are looking healthy apart from some yellow spots forming on the upper half of the plant but not the new growth.

I try to upload pics if it doesn't work can some one point me in the right direction

There is also small patches of discoloration on some of the other leaves

I have this on all three plants there a mix of auto ak47 and auto No.2 and there on a 16 hour light cycle the tallest plant is 18 inches from the light

Any help and advise would be much appreciated.
Many thanx..


Well-Known Member
hit the go advance button on the bottom, scroll down and hit manage attachments, then upload from computer ;)


Nice one thanx qazwers1
OK cool got some pics up will take some more soon, one pics has the small yellow dots on the leaves and the other shows the discoloration. Lets see what you think..


Ive just had another good look around my plants and have found a leaf tip that has dried out and another leafy looking rather sorry for itself DSC02304.jpgDSC02302.jpg


how often you water\feed them mate. Any chance they got a bit of a splash from the nutes and that burned em up a bit. Whatever it is its almost not even a problem right now. Best bets probly just keeping an eye on things and look out the leaf going yellow all over. most of the plant looks nice and green..which sort of shows shes liking whats shes been getting so far!!. btw that little plant you got on the left looks a bit of a strange one. what strain is it. it dont Look like a typical strain and I'm thinking its might be a good one to keep hidden out in my garden..anyways good luck. laters man


Hi, Im watering each morning with feed ,but not too much. It could be nute burn on some of it like the leaf tip thats burnt, but there are signs of something more sinister.
I went to my local hygrow shop with a couple of leaves today and they advised a spray to kill all little pests, so i've given the ladies a blast to nuke any bugs.
The plant you mentioned thats in the pic is a Orange Thai chili plant also i got some Hot Thai, Jalapeños, Haribanero, Bij Jolokia and a couple of other types but i baked and can't remember their names right now
I'll post a few pics up of the chillies when they fruit


Well-Known Member
ur worrying too much man, not every leaf is going to be perfect, and i wouldnt be watering them everyday, unless you are using pretty tiny pots. IMO


water when the top of the siol is dry and about 2 inches of dry soil thas when i water when that happens and its probs nute burn m8 they should be ok theo im growing the same almost ive got some auto lemon skunk auto easyryder got seedlings of great white shark , and supper lemon haze and my dutch passion power plant is almost finished veg :D will upload when they get better and bigger ill keep u updated peace brethren:weed::leaf:


Yeah your probably right in that I'm paranoid i just like things to be perfect, will always do the most i can when i can in any situation.
I got three auto flowering plants growing at the moment in 5 liter pots, i don't use lots of water just enough to keep it going everyday.
The thing i realized the other night was that i hadn't checked ph of the water ive been using and found it to be 7.9 so im bringing that
down to 6.3 over the next 7-10 days so as not to shock the plants.


Well-Known Member
You should also aim for a little runoff when you water. Rather than doing a little evry day. wait until they dry out on top and then run enough to get some run off out the bottom.

Also be very carefull about spraying your plants with anything during flowering. Remember whatever you put on them you are gonna smoke after harvest.

Think you have pests??? Do this

If you go on the US ebay

Search for HOT SHOTS NO PEST STRIPS and SPINOSAD these 2 things will help keep you safe and sound.

The hot shots releases a vapour into the air which kills anything that crawls or flies it will not however penetrate your medium. Thats where the spinosad kicks in. THis is a bacteria that kills virtually anything. You can mix it with water it is very concentrated so a little is required. I mix mine into a spray bottle 2tspns in 500ml and spray my plants leaves only top and underside and whatever i have left i spray over my medium. When my medium is getting dry on top after a day or too i spray the top with some plain ph'd water as the bacteria will only survivie in moisture rich conditions. This also helps to move the bacteria further down in your medium.

I also use something else which is proven to help against soil pests that is Tichoderma. Canna make one called AkTrivator. It is around £10 for 10g of powder which you mix into your feeds and give to the plant. The trichoderma and any soil pests fight for the same food source and the trichoderma win most of the time as it is beneficial bacteria.

Sorry this is a bit long whinded but thought it might help you out if you think you have pests.



Nice one didnt think there would be a product like that will have to invest in some of that. Cheers for the reply really helpful, hadn't thought about bugs in the soil.


Well-Known Member
Shit i just sent you another paranoia now?

Its just something i use as a precaution. Dont stress remember KISS Keep It Simple Stoner.

I just like research which is why i use loads a stuff.

check out my grow if you want.

Had a few issues with Heat stress at first then i realised there was also some N deficiency.

Sorted that out but it shows everything i have done and this is my 3rd grow 2nd time from seed.

Keep me updated with how you get on.

If you check my thread you will see what a hot shots strip looks like. they can cover a 1200sq ft room with just one of them. they even kill spider mites!!!!!
