The Fish Thread

I have been there once, we spent the weekend there, and right before we left i caught one trout. One trout allll weekend. And I wouldnt have gotten frustrated but your standing shoulder to shoulder with people all day who's catchin trout after trout...just not fair! lol

ahh i hate it when this happins it really ticks me off but it feels good when your the one cathing them and they are not getting shit
There is thousands of people there, so if your not one of the people that gets closest to the release spot, its going to be a long day!
ah ya true i went to a lake when they first stocked it and it was mayhem tangled lines every where it was the last time i ever did somthing like that i like fishing with a few buddies or by myself some times and just enjoy the quite and be at peace for a lil while
well ive been fishing lately for salmon/steelhead/and big trout for about a week now at the same spot every day and have not got one bite and now today i was in a spot using night crawlers tryin to hook a steely or trout and nothing for about 2 hours so i moved about 30 ft down streem and some one else goes to the spot i was in it was theri first cast and bam they hooked a 23 inch trout i asked them what they used and they said nightcrawler and they were using the same exact setup, and they caught about 4 in the same spot within half hour it just made me so mad not at them but the situation. then i go up stream where i also usally fish for 3-4 hours a day with a spinner and theri is a older man in my usall spot witch was ok i talked to him and he had about a 15 pound jack salmon on a stinger, and then told me he caught to big steelies all on a lure i was happy for him but yet again made me mad because i am in the same spots and using the same stuff the use every day now for the last 7 days and have not even gotten a bite so tommore i am going down to the river before sun up and gonna try to hook one.
thats me with my catch, caught it out of jewel lake!
now thats a huge stingray but are you sure its your catch it appears to have a logo at the bottom left corner and you look alot like the guy off the show monster fish on national geographic channel not to mention it looks like he is wearing a NG channel hat. if it is yours then thats a really nice catch but if its not shame on you
thats me with my catch, caught it out of jewel lake!
Thats Campbell creek - I recognize that tarp from when the cops were pulling down that Bum camp, it was floating down the creek amid empty monarch vodka bottles.
Damn, nice ray, you're a little younger than I pictured . . . - did I just see you take a drink out of the creek?
Carefull, that'll give you the shits.
what was your first clue the fact I live in ak or the fact I said I pulled it from jewel lake?

well the first thi8ng was the AP on the bottom left corner, next is the guy i see him on the national geographic channel on the monster fish show, and he is wearing a national geo hat i didnt know you lived in ark. and i dont know where jewel lake is but i did find it strange that you said it was out of a lake
well the first thi8ng was the AP on the bottom left corner, next is the guy i see him on the national geographic channel on the monster fish show, and he is wearing a national geo hat i didnt know you lived in ark. and i dont know where jewel lake is but i did find it strange that you said it was out of a lake
No lake, those fuckers come out of big freshwater rivers in Asia - they can top 1300 lbs. I'm pretty sure the jewel lake thing is a poke, and come on - everybody knows where that is.
well the first thi8ng was the AP on the bottom left corner, next is the guy i see him on the national geographic channel on the monster fish show, and he is wearing a national geo hat i didnt know you lived in ark. and i dont know where jewel lake is but i did find it strange that you said it was out of a lake
No lake, those fuckers come out of big freshwater rivers in Asia - they can top 1300 lbs. I'm pretty sure the jewel lake thing is a poke, and come on - everybody knows where that is.
i never heard of the lake or i have but dont remember and know i got to look itup:wall:

meant AK.

well i went down the the river at sunrise today and got many bites and landed one nice trout, it was 13 inches not the size i really want i want some big boys but its still decent and gave a very good fight in the current.i am going to freeze him till i have at least a few pound of fish so i can throw them in my smoker:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:
caught another trout this after noon, it was about the same exact size, but no pic of it cuz i didnt have my cam and now the fish is in the freezer with no head. mabye in a few days i will have 4-5 more if not more and i can fire up the smoker, im still tryin to get the big steelhead but they dont seem to be biting.
also my girl just got a student loan and promised me as a early Christmas present i can schedule a guided fishing trip down the river so i am really excited
Very nice fish everyone, will have to get some pics of my own up here shortly. Haven't had great luck so far this year but the last fish I caught was a 13" rainbow trout. Will get a pic up in the next day or two.
Very nice fish everyone, will have to get some pics of my own up here shortly. Haven't had great luck so far this year but the last fish I caught was a 13" rainbow trout. Will get a pic up in the next day or two.

i just caught 2 13 inchers today
all right i lied about the size of the last 2 trout i caught, they were about 8 inches i guesstimated on them cuz i could t find the measuring tape, and i caught a beauty yesterday it was 14 inches and fought very well and was fun reeling him in. i almost got enough to start up the smoker:leaf:
Ok I'll show you guys some trout and a ohno my son and I caught this year in Kona Hi.
June 26 2010.jpgThese came from Bahm Lake
DSC00941.jpgSome kind of Gold Fish from Fort Bragg, & my little Bro.
Big Fish.jpg150lb Ohno
Hawaii 10 047.jpgWhat a 150lb Ohno looks like on the PLATE!!