The Flower Mill: The easiest "Grinder" to use


Well-Known Member

I've seen a few posts where people are explaining the pain in their wrists from using a traditional grinder, tough to grind and cut through the plant matter.

The Flower Mill does not cut or grind the bud, rather it pushes the bud through holes in a plate and lets the bud break off where it's easiest. The mill spins easy even with it full loaded.

I'll take some pics tonight, of the milled product compare with the same weight ground with my 3.25" Sharpstone grinder.



Well-Known Member
I just watched a video, and it smushed the guy's bud without grinding a good amount of what he put in. Then I watched another and it smush / rolls the bud while shaving off a tiny bit at a time. The one guy said it works better if you twist it slowly, which didn't look very smooth let alone effortless. Fail. Brilliant Cut is still the king.


Well-Known Member
I think one of the mods posted a pic a while back of their electric herb grinder. Looked awesome. Wish I could remember what it was called.


Well-Known Member
Ye Olde tried n true. The trick; small pieces of bud, and leave those small pieces out to get a lil extra surface dryness. ALSO very important, get the right size grinder, those short fat deals can be hard to twist, and so can the really small ones. This one pictured is much easier, medium in size and height. Even when my hands and wrists are blasted, I can manage to twists this bad boy. Two full rotations & then two full rotations back the other way, repeat.

Oh also, keep it clean. I soak the teeth portions in iso once in a while when it starts getting really sticky. And pay special attention to the outer portion & threads with a q-tip and iso.
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Well-Known Member
I just watched a video, and it smushed the guy's bud without grinding a good amount of what he put in. Then I watched another and it smush / rolls the bud while shaving off a tiny bit at a time. The one guy said it works better if you twist it slowly, which didn't look very smooth let alone effortless. Fail. Brilliant Cut is still the king.

The Brilliant Cut looks sweet, might try one some day.

The Flower Mill is unbelievably easy to turn, it takes a few seconds but when it starts to mill it goes fast. If you need something easy on the wrist take a good look at the F.M. Fluffy grinds too.



Well-Known Member
I think one of the mods posted a pic a while back of their electric herb grinder. Looked awesome. Wish I could remember what it was called.

I bought a Mamba last month to give it a try, I find that it sticks and jams quite often. Does a nice job on the grinds.



Well-Known Member
The Brilliant Cut looks sweet, might try one some day.
I've had mine for about a year now and have run at least an lb through it without any binding whatsoever. I bought the large one and in my opinion it has a perfect grip size, but that doesn't really matter because it's so easy to twist. I usually stuff it to the gills with large chunks of 62% moist bud, (roughly a 1/4th I think) and that takes a slight bit of muscle to get started. But any sensible amount is hardly noticeable. I think the key is how they left a tiny bit of wiggle room between the teeth / rim, so it gums up less and also finds the path of least resistance to plow through.


Well-Known Member
I've had mine for about a year now and have run at least an lb through it without any binding whatsoever. I bought the large one and in my opinion it has a perfect grip size, but that doesn't really matter because it's so easy to twist.

I just ordered a Brilliant Cut, large size as suggested. $195 with shipping and tax.

When it comes in I'll do a showdown with the B.C., the Mamba (electric) and the Flower Mill. I'll judge by: ease of turn; ease of loading; fluffyness of grinds; how well it vaporizes; speed of grind ... any thing else anyone can think of.



Well-Known Member

I've been using my new Brilliant Cut for the past 4 days and I think I've found the grinder for me.

Of the 4 different grinders I've been testing I'd recommend 3 for people with different wrist strength. The Flower Mill is much easier to twist than the Brilliant Cut but it takes some time and skill to make it work.

For someone with poor wrist strength the Mamba will do the job but it tends to jam up at first but once going does a good job. You have to take the cone off the grinder to get all the bud out.

The Brilliant Cut has no screws, all magnetic. Never binds, cuts the bud in fairly large flakes.

Christmas presents for my 3 nephews.
