ay greenie mate... wat's the lowest u've noticed your p.h go to ?? r u using a nutrient pen? uve got some filth looking stuff there man!!
rekon it's from your costant soil amelioration,ive Not done wat youve done....keepd raising my p.h wif lime ,dooh..!! should have tryd tht..have trid too using other ways thou, i keep puting big garden worms in my pots (when ever ive been gardenin and ran into-em) they keep pissing off thoe .figured if i could keep the little priks in the pot id nutralize my soil that way!! i keep tha top of all pots topped up wif horse n cow shit thru the whole cycle 2,rekon tht would probly rais ya ph abit 2?? anyone know bout tht ,if thts true?? all these ferts u get seem to send ur soil real acidic i havnt used a ph tester but i know soil it would very salty,im still looking at some chunky lookn acorn's wif snow all over them, but!!!!! i,m not gting that colour u r damm..next time .