The flush "myth"


Well-Known Member
In hydroponics, where the nutrients are removed from the medium at the onset of "flush" I do not experience these "nutrient stress" at all. We've been at this, so it's cool to disagree, just don't sell it for what it's not... I just wanted to check the facts on the premise of feeding to the end doubles your yield vs if you had flushed, which is how the post read to me, which needed to be checked bongsmilie

MichMed you're like the one guy I can disagree with without resorting to an outright block, ^5 for not being a dick, and that's not a backhanded insult but an olive branch of sorts.


Well-Known Member
In hydroponics, where the nutrients are removed from the medium at the onset of "flush" I do not experience these "nutrient stress" at all. We've been at this, so it's cool to disagree, just don't sell it for what it's not... I just wanted to check the facts on the premise of feeding to the end doubles your yield vs if you had flushed, which is how the post read to me, which needed to be checked bongsmilie
Fair enough. I explained above. I didn't mean to say it that way. I do wish I had the lab reports showing more canabanoids with feeding to the end. And I can assure you the yield is higher too but I feed very light each watering. There is not enough nutes left over for any water only. I strive for this.


Well-Known Member
Cure doesn't change the color of the bud! I've been growing for 10 years witch is minimal to most, but I've observed plants and it's life cycle without reading. Flush, don't flush. Flush let the others go and see if you can tell a difference. I'm an exclusive GH user and it made a difference in taste and smell for me.
Please just stop! Any one who thinks cure doesn't effect the color of the bud is either not curing right or not curing at all. Try asking some questions and learning instead of pretending to know what you're talking about.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
look at this pic, think about how plants make food and what is that food? flushing just seems stupid when you really think about it.

Lol, ya I took that in grade 7 I think. I actually don't flush but I would like to hear everyone's opinion. I think I asked some valid questions and I'd like to hear some answers, not that it's just stupid. Once the nutrients are stopped does it not start using what's in the plant? This I guess is more of a hydro scenario as there would still be nutrients left in soil.
Flushing is a key point to connoisseur quality buds in my opinion. I'm not sure where everybody else has gotten their information but flushing the medium near harvest helps the plant use up carbon and other elements present in the plants.


Well-Known Member
Flushing is a key point to connoisseur quality buds in my opinion. I'm not sure where everybody else has gotten their information but flushing the medium near harvest helps the plant use up carbon and other elements present in the plants.

Plants don't use up elements. They convert and make plant matter or store them.

The ag companies have been using some pseudo science to sell flushing agents.


Well-Known Member
it's funny how some might correlate "new member" as having any direct correlation to "grow skill"

but.. if these same conclusion makers are from the camp of "flushing doesn't work" then perhaps some light is shed.


Well-Known Member
If I add salt ferts to my tomatoes the week before I harvest they smell and taste off. If I dont do that they taste right.
watering them doesnt make a difference in the ones fed in the last week. If I feed my bunnies grass the day before I harvest them they taste like pissy venison but if I feed them carrots and apples they taste great. If I eat my tilipia right out of the pond it tastes like pond water and if I put them in a barrel and feed them basil for a day and harvest next day they taste great.

I dont add dry ferts in the last week of feeding but I can see fertilizers in the top soil still at harvest, so I feed to the end and I water to the end too.

maybe the term Flushing needs to be defined. everyone uses water till the end, and even flushing agents have nutrients in them, and directions on the bottle the last couple weeks always show a reduction of nutrients with more water for feedings, maybe thats the flushing period?
Go look it up on ytub, theirs guys that actually know the science behind the plant. Get a PPM meter and test your runoff that tells you how much nutrient is present in the medium and that will give you an idea of the nutrients present in your plant that your getting ready to smoke. It don't matter if I'm new to Rollitup, I guess I'm not as cool as you but I do know you don't know anything about canabis if your smoking nutrient and carbon filled bud. Good day!


Well-Known Member
"Plants don't use up elements. They convert and make plant matter or store them."

The engine doesn't run on gasoline, it runs on combustion... but you wouldn't say the engine doesn't use gasoline would you?


Well-Known Member
I dont need run off to know exaclty whats in my plant at harvest date. A refractometer tells me the exact best day to harvest, works like a charm no guesswork. I can tell how much unburned carbs ar ein my plant material on the day of harvest, can choose the peak day to cut too by my brix reading. leave the guesswork to the newbies


Well-Known Member
What if you starve it of air before the gas runs out?
Does it still run or does it die? Last time I snuffed an air-intake the thing died immediately..

@Creature1969 would you offer that the internal combustion engine does NOT "use" gas?

What if you shut off your lights and kept feeding? Would that be similar to starving of air while still "using" gas? How would your plants/engine do in that situation?
You people are comical and clearly have no clue about the vascular system of a canabis plant. If your plant is Healthy and thriving that's because it has metals and trace "ELEMENTS" providing that vigor.


Well-Known Member
Go look it up on ytub, theirs guys that actually know the science behind the plant. Get a PPM meter and test your runoff that tells you how much nutrient is present in the medium and that will give you an idea of the nutrients present in your plant that your getting ready to smoke. It don't matter if I'm new to Rollitup, I guess I'm not as cool as you but I do know you don't know anything about canabis if your smoking nutrient and carbon filled bud. Good day!

I use a ppm meter. I feed the boy what the plant needs and taper down the concentration all through ripening. The ppm's are negligible at the last watering.

I don't care if you are new to RUI. What does that mean? But now you are insulting which shows me you are likely just parroting what you saw in a video and don't really know.

I had worked with a dispensary that tested my flowers. I know exactly what difference my method made.

What do you know? You just told me again I can "flush" carbon (lol) out of my plant.

There is so much wrong with that statement it is actually funny.