The Fog of War in America

I guess so, I think he just called buck a nasty woman.

I guess I did!

Not my intention, though. Seriously, we have too much in common to be wasting all this time and electrons fighting amongst ourselves.

Surely we can debate like adults?

If not, then we stand little chance of changing the minds of those with whom we have serious differences.
Did you notice that I spent a lot of time there trying to tell you that I agree with you most of the time?

If you have an issue with the specific term, might I suggest 'belligerent' instead?

To directly answer your question, I think you have every right to challenge the bigots and extremists- and I said so.

The point I made is that your tone is self defeating. It allows those who disagree with you to focus on your angry attitude than your point. I've seen it over and over.

I'm not suggesting that you give them a free pass, far from it! That said, reasoned argument carries much more weight than simple vitriol.
well since words have meanings you should pick the right ones
well since words have meanings you should pick the right ones
English isn't precise as we might wish it to be and words can have different connotations to different people. Worse, both the language and those meanings evolve over time and between cultures, leading to lots of opportunity for misunderstandings.

I hope and believe you can grasp what I'm driving at, even if my choice of words is imperfect.

I guess I did!

Not my intention, though. Seriously, we have too much in common to be wasting all this time and electrons fighting amongst ourselves.

Surely we can debate like adults?

If not, then we stand little chance of changing the minds of those with whom we have serious differences.
If I had a dollar for every time you ran from a logical debate, I could afford to be unemployed like you.
English isn't precise as we might wish it to be and words can have different connotations to different people. Worse, both the language and those meanings evolve over time and between cultures, leading to lots of opportunity for misunderstandings.

I hope and believe you can grasp what I'm driving at, even if my choice of words is imperfect.
you said i was more intolerant than an actual nazi, or someone who wants to murder illegal immigrants
you said i was more intolerant than an actual nazi, or someone who wants to murder illegal immigrants
That Chomsky must be a powerful elixir of ego for tty. And considering his posts and sigs it was certainly unneeded. He reminds me of a young white boy who just read Atlas Shrugged for the first time.

I'm not blaming Chomsky, he's a good thinker, but there is something about him that makes his fanbois amazingly pompous and superior.

Tty thinks you are more intolerant than nazis because you dared to disagree with him. That makes you the devil incarnate.
if the list is endless then you should not have a problem naming 1-3 people towards whom i am hostile and aggressive then
You named a couple yourself just above. Why do you need my help?

Anyway, I've said my piece. I'm not telling you how to be.
UB has never been hostile or intolerant of any differences I have with him. He has never followed me from thread to thread to harass me and accuse me of doing the mean spirited and aggressive shit he does. He has never told @rollitup off or blamed him for the tone of the forum while causing most of the forums problems.

The only person I see who does that shit is @ttystikk and I'm surprised he hasn't been banned for it yet. Such a tolerant subforum.
/stilljustneclbeardthings... It's amazing how people who usually are yelling at each other about penis' and ball washing have unified to discredit try. Quite a good read