The Forward Party

if a transgender girl being able to get a tampon in a boy's restroom isn't a major issue, why have you spent four posts arguing about it? :o
maybe both parties do suck, but one sucks SOO much harder than the other one, it shouldn't be hard at all to figure out who to support.
Biden isn't a trainwreck, the American people are a trainwreck. He has done just about everything right, and is still getting shit on.
the economy is in way better shape than it deserves to be in, unemployment is at a record low, people have money in the bank...
the democrats have been passing all the reformative legislation they can shove past the republican foot in the door...
how can you not see all of this? you aren't an idiot, i've talked to you several times about several subjects, you're smarter than this

I made a post using it as an example and replied to those that replied to that post. It actually started when I made the comment "A boy is a boy and a girl is a girl". I just used the tampon as an example in a reply and we went from there. You know how things get going in threads.

You're right though, trainwreck was too harsh but I'm not the only one disappointed with Biden. I think many were hoping to go back to the Obama years which was unrealistic. I did vote for Biden but he has no business running again. I don't think he'd beat a Republican challenger like DeSantis. He should announce he won't be seeking another term so the Democrats can start focusing on a candidate that can win in 2024. Biden will be 82.

Time for some young blood to take the helm.
I made a post using it as an example and replied to those that replied to that post. It actually started when I made the comment "A boy is a boy and a girl is a girl". I just used the tampon as an example in a reply and we went from there. You know how things get going in threads.

You're right though, trainwreck was too harsh but I'm not the only one disappointed with Biden. I think many were hoping to go back to the Obama years which was unrealistic. I did vote for Biden but he has no business running again. I don't think he'd beat a Republican challenger like DeSantis. He should announce he won't be seeking another term so the Democrats can start focusing on a candidate that can win in 2024. Biden will be 82.

Time for some young blood to take the helm.
The Obama Years were a stalemate. He was Gandalf to the GOP’s balrog. That is pretend stability. No; we need to disentangle conservatism from the vicious cycle of grievance* politics.

*grievances they caused! oh well, blame the victim, it works
"Well, I say to them tonight, there is not a liberal America and a conservative America — there is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and Latino America and Asian America — there's the United States of America. The pundits like to slice-and-dice our country into Red States and Blue States; Red States for Republicans, Blue States for Democrats. But I've got news for them, too: We worship an awesome God in the Blue States, and we don't like federal agents poking around in our libraries in the Red States. We coach Little League in the Blue States, and, yes, we've got some gay friends in the Red States."
"Well, I say to them tonight, there is not a liberal America and a conservative America — there is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and Latino America and Asian America — there's the United States of America. The pundits like to slice-and-dice our country into Red States and Blue States; Red States for Republicans, Blue States for Democrats. But I've got news for them, too: We worship an awesome God in the Blue States, and we don't like federal agents poking around in our libraries in the Red States. We coach Little League in the Blue States, and, yes, we've got some gay friends in the Red States."
all lives matter
I made a post using it as an example and replied to those that replied to that post. It actually started when I made the comment "A boy is a boy and a girl is a girl". I just used the tampon as an example in a reply and we went from there. You know how things get going in threads.

You're right though, trainwreck was too harsh but I'm not the only one disappointed with Biden. I think many were hoping to go back to the Obama years which was unrealistic. I did vote for Biden but he has no business running again. I don't think he'd beat a Republican challenger like DeSantis. He should announce he won't be seeking another term so the Democrats can start focusing on a candidate that can win in 2024. Biden will be 82.

Time for some young blood to take the helm.
it was suggested that John Stewart run. at first i kind of laughed it off, but then i read a couple of articles about him, and watched the speech he gave about the republicans shitting on the veterans the other day, after they killed aid for people poisoned by burn pits.
i think he has the potential...he's 59, not a kid but he still younger than most of the alternatives, he's literate, intelligent, seems to have a real sense of ethics....i think he could have a real chance to beat desantis, if he hits the trail soon. especially if trump runs and fucks the republicans over.
it was suggested that John Stewart run. at first i kind of laughed it off, but then i read a couple of articles about him, and watched the speech he gave about the republicans shitting on the veterans the other day, after they killed aid for people poisoned by burn pits.
i think he has the potential...he's 59, not a kid but he still younger than most of the alternatives, he's literate, intelligent, seems to have a real sense of ethics....i think he could have a real chance to beat desantis, if he hits the trail soon. especially if trump runs and fucks the republicans over.

That's an interesting option but the Democratic machinery would never get behind him. I was thinking maybe Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer or Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown would be decent candidates. That's pulling from a field that the DNC might get behind but I think they're already rolling out a Biden second term which would be a big mistake.
I didnt know they were so different. Then again I neither took poli sci couses nor hung with the philosophy of gov’t crowd. Also there were few in what most regarded as a tier-1 premed mill.

So if I understand, a democratic socialist wants the whole enchilada including collectivization of the national means of production and wealth. But the “democratic” bit means the means matter. Socialists of the older school saw progress only through revolution. A democratic socialist prefers nonviolent regime change while a social democrat will only use means that are within the law of the established state.

which leads me to thinking Bernie (it is polite to spell names right. That’s why I like to tweak the names* of the lowest troll class: those who shout qrap hoping to trigger someone into losing it.) wants to arrive at a collective final state. Im not good with that, with the reason that no fully socialist country has come to be afaik, so I have no real idea if the stable outcome is available from either revolution or the more incremental democratic socialist model.

Interesting article. I skimmed it and found them to use a strict economic perspective, ignoring the other sociopolitics.
By this strict measure the USSR was a near-complete socialist state. The bigger picture showed their socialist institutions were bundled with big fascist ones that don’t have to do with socialism, like creating a political counterreligion (science for the Russians; the Germans went all iron age mystical) to extend control beyond the economic.

On the face of that, I have spent my adult life believing that socialism (which for majors not in politics or history) is conflated with communism, which became the word for red fascism, thr stable endpoint for every sicialist revolution of the previous century.

Never having seen how a socialist economy can be combined with open democracy, I see only failure modes ending in China or Cuba. I dont want to live in a red fascist society.

If there is an incremental way to give socialism a try, with equally incremental and peaceful to go back and dismantle the new (and already ossified and defended!) bureaucracy while keeping the state liberal throughout, I might be willing to try.

(edit) uhm article.

They are used interchangeably, mostly as a propaganda or populism tool on all sides, but a key diff:

Democratic socialists are socialists, anti-capitalism.
Social democrats are capitalists who want to tame the beast. Universal healthcare is good example, it’s not socialism or socialist, it’s heavily regulated capitalism.

Depending on who you ask of course… even the people who write the courses or identify as either mix it up.

Burnies a democratic socialist not a Social Democrate. Democratic socialist countries are pretty central these days are they not?
There’s a reason it says “self-identified democratic socialist”…
And no, not really, social and democratic yes, democratic socialist no. Didn’t you say you wanted them to have universal healthcare? Maybe then not parrot american propaganda used to scare americans into thinking social democracies and welfare states are socialist, communist, Chinese even.
They are used interchangeably, mostly as a propaganda or populism tool on all sides, but a key diff:

Democratic socialists are socialists, anti-capitalism.
Social democrats are capitalists who want to tame the beast. Universal healthcare is good example, it’s not socialism or socialist, it’s heavily regulated capitalism.

Depending on who you ask of course… even the people who write the courses or identify as either mix it up.

There’s a reason it says “self-identified democratic socialist”…
And no, not really, social and democratic yes, democratic socialist no. Didn’t you say you wanted them to have universal healthcare? Maybe then not parrot american propaganda used to scare americans into thinking social democracies and welfare states are socialist, communist, Chinese even.
Thank you. I like social democrats.
I fear socialism because it has an irreducible core of social experiment, of utopian desire.
Social experiments have quite a history of starting revolutions. Revolutions usually end up with an authoritarian coup. And the great wheel gets another turn.

Utopian ideas and experiments founder on one reef: they require all of us to exercise our better natures. This is not how people work, and utopian undertakings are undefended against ambitious predators. We live in a human reality red in tooth and claw. We cycle between more or less liberal phases as representative and authoritarian governments alternate. That makes for a history of massive sutained suffering. We want to end the suffering and cannot. So, we endure the despots and try to find the elusive third way during more liberal times.
If that second paragraph was not the case we could do so many things, or they would be at least possible. Society needs to have some massive shifts before something like anarchist type political theories or some of the better libertarian ones are possible for the obvious reasons like wtf do you do about murder/theft or some dude libertarianing their way into catching a river on fire. That same societal shift would make capitalism/socialism/etc. all work better.

*and also ignoring that the modern world requires large systems to function that I can't see operating without big central power structures. You can't just do your own thing for an electric grid like Texas, it's dumb. Those big central power structures, whatever sort of political system they represent or spring from, are something that I see as being always corruptible and leading to inequality for someone, the old adage about power corrupting and such. But I can't see functioning without them.
That's an interesting option but the Democratic machinery would never get behind him. I was thinking maybe Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer or Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown would be decent candidates. That's pulling from a field that the DNC might get behind but I think they're already rolling out a Biden second term which would be a big mistake.
i don't know about that, the democrats are slowly realizing they can't play by the same rules they played by even ten years an example, they have been funding fringe republican candidates in primaries to have a more beatable opponent for their candidate in the elections...They might get behind the idea of a fresh candidate with name recognition, and a real chance to win
If that second paragraph was not the case we could do so many things, or they would be at least possible. Society needs to have some massive shifts before something like anarchist type political theories or some of the better libertarian ones are possible for the obvious reasons like wtf do you do about murder/theft or some dude libertarianing their way into catching a river on fire. That same societal shift would make capitalism/socialism/etc. all work better.

*and also ignoring that the modern world requires large systems to function that I can't see operating without big central power structures. You can't just do your own thing for an electric grid like Texas, it's dumb. Those big central power structures, whatever sort of political system they represent or spring from, are something that I see as being always corruptible and leading to inequality for someone, the old adage about power corrupting and such. But I can't see functioning without them.
It is my current belief that we will have a narrow window of opportunity when we figure out how to modify the genome in such a way that the deep-brain impulses that drive the misery may be reduced.

The window is narrow because the tech will proliferate, and someone somewhere is gonna make essentially Klingons.

There will be war across the heavens.
