The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

I heard from a few people that high CBD produce smaller trichomes so they are finding the best in the smaller bags like 25 or 45
Let me go in teaching mode, here is part of the workshop on trichomes:

Trichomes grow in numerous shapes and sizes on many types of plants. The cannabis plant has developed three main types:

Bulbous: These types of gland are the smallest (15-30 micron across). Anywhere from one to four cells make up the "foot" and "stalk," and one to four cells make up the "head" of the gland. They can be found everywhere on the surface of the plant that is above ground level. Head cells secrete a resin, presumably cannabinoids, and related compounds that accumulate between the head cells and the cuticle.

Capitate – Sessile: The second type of gland is larger (25 to 100 micrometers) and more numerous than the bulbous glands. They are called capitate, which means having a globular-shaped head. On immature plants, the heads lie flush, appearing not to have a stalk and are called capitate sessile. They have a stalk that is one cell high, although it may not be visible beneath the globular head. These cells secrete cannabinoids and related compounds.

Capitate – Stalked: This type of glands appears during flowering and occur especially on the bracts subtending a flower and seed and also small leaves that accompany the flowers. They contain the highest concentration of cannabinoids and can range in size from 150 – 500 microns. The male flowers also have stalked glands, but they are smaller and less concentrated than on the female plant. These resin glands contain the most THC, which is also why they are the most important. Good cannabis plants have mostly capitate-stalked glandular trichomes and in very high concentration.

The dominant type of trichome and the concentration in which it occurs determines the potency of the final product. NationMaster Encyclopedia, Plant trichomes.
Well, if the majority of a particular specimen's heads are around 60-70 microns, they would go through the 73, and get trapped on the 25. So yes, it would be called 25 micron hash, but the heads are actually much closer to 73. Perhaps this is what happened in this specific instance.

So maybe there was no mistake made at all, and the reason there was so much 25, and it was so good, was because it was actually 65 micron hash for the most part ( for example).

This strain would probably make incredible 45 micron, if he had that bag in his set.
I have 10 year old + bubble bags brand and I don't have a 45. My 25 and 73 look almost the same. I'm sure under a microspcope they are different. They seem to be of same quality. My 160, I have used for edibles .. I'm going to buy new bags soon. Just keep going back and forth on which bags to grab.
I love my Boldtbags 73 Frenchy bag. However I feel like I should be supporting Bubbleman as he invented this process.
From his site:

This kit includes the following:
-5 gallon 220 micron bag
-5 gallon 190 micron bag
-5 gallon 160 micron bag
-5 gallon 120 micron bag
-5 gallon 90 micron bag
-5 gallon 73 micron bag
-5 gallon 45 micron bag
-5 gallon 25 micron bag
-3 Blotting Screens
-1 Storage Pouch for your Original Bubble Bags
-1 blue polyethylene, FDA approved 5 gallon bucket

He has dry sift screens too!


Grower size Industrial strength trimming and collecting screens. Use these 2 screens for trimming, to collect plant crystals at the same time, or use them with dried trim to make dry sift.

Product Details - 36" x 25" x 2" each - Two monofilament polyester screens: 79 micron and 150 micron screen size - Aluminum frames

With these two screens you can quickly and efficiently extract your resins from the plant using the first screen and the second screen to help clean the contaminant that has fallen through with your first extraction. A secondary screen is extremely important for consistent quality to be achieved with dry sifting.

I recently bought a set of screens and USB scope from They work as advertised. Full melt dry sift in a matter of minutes...seconds really. The scope is awesome, and its only an extra 25 bucks. I looked into them, and they retail for 75, so its a great deal. Free shipping to America. I highly recommend them to all hash lovers. I haven't had the material to use them very often, but I can see myself wearing them out come harvest season.
Do NOT use frame and stretch the screen over a metal bowl to work in a contained environment, surprisingly helpful to have your sieved trichome heads protected from the outside world.
i think it was mila who opened our(majority) eyes with water extraction.

Bubbeman would be the first to admit that he never invented the process. He is often confused as such though, since he was one of, if not the original ambassador for bubblehash in North America.

The only thing I ever had against the guy was the price of the original 8 bag kit, which he has addressed with the "Lite" bags. Having said this, I personally have Boldtbags, lol.