well it is the most important meal to start the day if rightDamn, that looks like corn flakes and a grape fruit roll up...the breakfast of champions! Le petit dejeuner des champions!
Your 75 bag should always be best but if more leaves debris are left in it than in the 45 as happens normally then I guess the 45 would be of a higher quality. To avoid that and have a better quality in both bags do a thorough power wash.Wow the information here is increadible. Thankyou so much Frenchy for sharing your vast knowledge and everyone for the great contributions.
I recently ran an oz. of bottom of the bag herb. I can't grow where I live but I love hash and can't buy any here so have to due with what I can get.
I followed all the steps that Frenchy has listed and things turned out better then I expected considering the material I used. I don't have a washer so each run was mixed gently with a wooden spoon. I was able to make cannoli with the contents of the 43 bag, but my 75 bag will not bind together. Not sure what I am doing wrong but I have a feeling it is due to the material used. I read before in this topic that someone had the same problem but I can't find the info again. Any suggestions?
I also let it dry for 4 days before pressing.
i have a flag with your avitar covering my vegI signed up here just to say thanks for all the information found on this thread and in your videos! I've been reading for days and am only half way through this thread so far.
The amount of time necessary to dry before pressing can vary vastly, it all depends on the drying room temperature and humidity, the characteristics of the resin, it can go from 2 days to 2 weeks. If you have never pressed before you should hand press small quantity a few times to get the feel and smell of the transformation happening. You can try then my hot water bottle technique as shown in my videos on YouTube. The curing after the press is not a real curing, I just doi not have a better word for it but yes it is mandatory to avoid mold and give the time to the resin to do get out of its activated cycle (after pressing)awesome interview.
can someone tell me roughly how long after making hash do you wait to press?
also what would be the easiest pressing method?
If the trim is 2 months cured do I need to cure the hash (and is it cured in crumble sm pieces or after pressing?)
Ill start goin through the 175+pages, im sure the info is in there, but if someone could send me to a certain page or help me out that would be cool.
I'm currently reading this thread for the 3rd time, it's still great, picking up tidbits that I missed...
So much respect for the people that contribute here...
Cheers Hashishins!
Just a bunch of random runs I've been doing lately, believe it or not...
Solvent extractions still have their place in my stash box, mainly right before I go to sleep.
I steady have the hash pipe in hand at all times now.
Ever since the influence of ”The Frenchy Revolution”..
I've been chasing the bubble....
Watching the hash bubble is damn near as intoxicating as actually smoking it.
Respect the Resin