The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

The pieces almost looked like manufacture excess from cutting the plastic IMO. Like shavings that were stuck from assembly. Only way to find out is to make another run and see if it produces the plastic again.
Well it is not my first run with it and i cleaned it real good prior to use it..i am gonna check inside with a microscope when i have time, do you guys see any stuff in yours ?
did you just wipe it out initially, or run an entire cycle of water through it? you may be ok next run

....i don't think that anyone has noticed such a thing before, but that's not a very common washing machine that you have.
I bought my machine from Boldtbags same as Frenchy and I never saw any plastic particle in mine but I hand washed the inside with soap and water then ran the machine like 3 times each time with a bit of iso and the last with soap and water. Then I rinsed it out real good cause chances are there are going to little shaving left behind or that fall out of small spaces. Can you send it back for a refund or exchange ?
I also did a thorough cleaning before using my machine to be on the safe side.
TGA and the Hunters of the Dank will be in San Bernardino this week-end at the Chalice event by the way.
I also did a thorough cleaning before using my machine to be on the safe side.
TGA and the Hunters of the Dank will be in San Bernardino this week-end at the Chalice event by the way.

I cleaned my machine thoroughly before using it as the guys here suggested and always clean it the same way after use. "Food grade" is the reason I bit the bullet and bought the more pricey Boldtbags model as well. I've found that the quality of Boldtbags bags are worth the extra cost, and make the job much easier.
Ok so i check my machine and there is a lot of scratch on the inside that are most likely caused
by the stems and other plant matter rubbing against this "strong abs plastic" made in china.. so imo every machines with plastic inside aren't
really safe to use. I also notice something scary ; during my inspection, i sticked my finger in the holes were the top close, to check for any shaving residue,and it was full of lubricant-Oil based one of course.
So what to do with 50 grams of contaminated thc ? it hurt to say i won't smoke it any more but i care for my health.
I though about putting all that stuff in pure grape alcohol and let it dilute then filter it with the 25 micron bags and evaporate.
Let me get this straight Kristobal, your machine was loosing pieces and was new????

My machine was new and it took me several cleaning to get rid of this nasty plastic smell. Anyway i found the machine i was talking about, bag less extraction kid of the same thing than a juicer, the resin heads are extracted with ice water and using the centrifuge force it dry the resin up to 98 pourcent ! there is several video of the machine its pricey but if i had money it will be my tool for sure ! here is a link :
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My machine was new and it took me several cleaning to get rid of this nasty plastic smell. Anyway i found the machine i was talking about, bag less extraction kid of the same thing than a juicer, the resin heads are extracted with ice water and using the centrifuge force it dry the resin up to 98 pourcent ! there is several video of the machine its pricey but if i had money it will be my tool for sure ! here is a link :
That seems like a solid piece of machinery. Did you find a price? I didn't see one listed on the page.
My machine was new and it took me several cleaning to get rid of this nasty plastic smell. Anyway i found the machine i was talking about, bag less extraction kid of the same thing than a juicer, the resin heads are extracted with ice water and using the centrifuge force it dry the resin up to 98 pourcent ! there is several video of the machine its pricey but if i had money it will be my tool for sure ! here is a link :

What did you use to clean the machine?

The plastic smell is overall due to the default exhaust pipe [made with shitty plastic, this is sure], that is why many people do the modification and replace it.
I suspect you did use some alcohol or solvent product mixed with water to clean your mini wash.
Hence the fast degradation of the plastic.

the best is the enemy of the good.
Sometimes by believing we have to do something straight, we end by overdoing it.
I used soapy water and a one time clean with 91 % iso then rinsing a lot with water.
maybe i did overclean it i don't know but the problem is IMO the friction between plastic and hard frozen plant material-plastic frozen as well.. But if nobody noticed the same thing then it must be my machine.