The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

Ok for the washing machine I found a cheap 3.5Kg one (80 €...100 $!maybe less)
Now I would like to know something about the bags...I saw some with a "screen" at the bottom and some all mesh (is that correct? All the bag is a screen!)
Which one is the best and what size should I buy? Is 3 bags enough?
Have a great day ★
You want the 190 as a catch bag, the 160 and the 45 to collect and you would be good
As you can see, the bags you choose are a personal decision and you can use many different combinations depending on what size resin your plant produces and what size you prefer to medicate with.

I have a set of HVY bags I got for a very reasonable price. They only have mesh in the bottom. The sides are very thick rubber/canvas material and it makes them hard to place on and remove from the buckets. This isn't a problem now that I use a bucket with the bottom removed for each bag and stack them like Frenchy. However, for my 73 micron bag I got an all mesh Frenchy model from Boldtbags - the same place from where I purchased my washing machine. When I can afford it, I will replace all of my bags with the Frenchy models.

ok so question frenchy!! was reading way back in the thread and someone had mentioned using a wine bottle filled with hot oil heated to around 250 to keep the temp buffered around 220-240......and remember you mentioning you could try it in a boilable foodsafe cookable bag......i was curious if you had ever tried that method with possibly better results that doing it with the boiling hot water? or is the lower temp from the hot water a better way to go and jjust do a longer pressing with it? say i was using the boiling hot water bottle and pressed it out for like 15 minutes i imagine the temp would probably drastically drop by that time so would i just be refilling the wine bottle to keep the temp up and continue to press for 30-60 minutes?
@Frenchy Cannoli i was wondering if you have ever used a wash bag, with just trim in it, no ice. Then put that in the ice water to wash. It works very well for me and has improved my yield and I get a lot more in my 160 bag. I still do short washes but ran my last wash for 12 minutes and it didn't lower the quality. My 6 washes went 3, 5, 7, 9, 9 and 12 minutes. Here's a pic of the last wash image.jpeg
ok so question frenchy!! was reading way back in the thread and someone had mentioned using a wine bottle filled with hot oil heated to around 250 to keep the temp buffered around 220-240......and remember you mentioning you could try it in a boilable foodsafe cookable bag......i was curious if you had ever tried that method with possibly better results that doing it with the boiling hot water? or is the lower temp from the hot water a better way to go and jjust do a longer pressing with it? say i was using the boiling hot water bottle and pressed it out for like 15 minutes i imagine the temp would probably drastically drop by that time so would i just be refilling the wine bottle to keep the temp up and continue to press for 30-60 minutes?
I still prefer to use boiled water, the lower temp are better in my eyes, decarboxylation is a delicate operation. I refill my bottle after every press or 10-15 minutes
@Frenchy Cannoli i was wondering if you have ever used a wash bag, with just trim in it, no ice. Then put that in the ice water to wash. It works very well for me and has improved my yield and I get a lot more in my 160 bag. I still do short washes but ran my last wash for 12 minutes and it didn't lower the quality. My 6 washes went 3, 5, 7, 9, 9 and 12 minutes. Here's a pic of the last wash View attachment 3546988
I do not use bag at all in my machine, the trims float freely in the water which give me a more thorough agitation of the material.
I recognize is mohican ash...and avatar...what did you do to him!??? LOL!
Nice jars...well...the inside!
Now I can see why I need more than a bag...I only have one and mix everything together...
I smoked too much ash when I was younger, when I started grow weed, I stopped ash, then I made mine just to not waste manicure...but now that I only smoke weed for years I go back to my "first love!" it is cool to have this good thread here!
@Frenchy Cannoli salut! Have you ever made a tuto in French??
Cause you're famous but some (many!!) French don't speak Shakespeare language and they would be happy to have your advices! (Even if it easier to understand you than a US guy!)Or maybe next time I will come in California I will pay you a! (But if you are not far from Sacramento...!!!)
Thanks for your work!
Have a great day ★
I recognize is mohican ash...and avatar...what did you do to him!??? LOL!
Nice jars...well...the inside!
Now I can see why I need more than a bag...I only have one and mix everything together...
I smoked too much ash when I was younger, when I started grow weed, I stopped ash, then I made mine just to not waste manicure...but now that I only smoke weed for years I go back to my "first love!" it is cool to have this good thread here!
@Frenchy Cannoli salut! Have you ever made a tuto in French??
Cause you're famous but some (many!!) French don't speak Shakespeare language and they would be happy to have your advices! (Even if it easier to understand you than a US guy!)Or maybe next time I will come in California I will pay you a! (But if you are not far from Sacramento...!!!)
Thanks for your work!
Have a great day ★
Le Bonjour, j'ai sérieusement perdu mon Francais mais j'aimerais bien avoir plus de contact avec la France, peut être avec sub-title?
French Canada isn't too far away from norcal. My uncle and aunt live in Canada a couple hours from bc and whistler . They speak French fluently and it's their second language.
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