The fundamental problem that plagues the politics section

Please quote. I recall typing something about context mattering vastly because psychology requires a lot of data when using inductive reasoning.

Tell me Buck, how long has it been since you stopped beating your dogs? See how the framing makes answering the question difficult or even impossible? Again, you focus on your quarry and ignore my thanks.
me: don't call jews "cheap", it has led to bad things in the past

sativied: OMG YOU ARE AN EXTREMIST. also let's ban all muslims from planet earth
That’s quite the simpleton skewed version of the objective reality you have there :lol! One where I say “OMG”. :rolleyes:

Frugal, thrifty, penny pincher, is not greedy, stingy or “cheap”... that’s your black and white extremist thinking at work. Get it? I never claimed all muslims should be banned from earth, that’s again all your extremist version of banning Islam. It’s as dumb as suggesting all black slaves should have been banned from earth to ban slavery. Unlike you I have no desire to shoot opponents in the head, or throw their babies in the sea, and otherwise promote violence against opponents. As we established several times before, you are an extremist. No need to cry, own it. I’m sure there will still be people willing to play golf with you.
That’s quite the simpleton skewed version of the objective reality you have there :lol! One where I say “OMG”. :rolleyes:

Frugal, thrifty, penny pincher, is not greedy, stingy or “cheap”... that’s your black and white extremist thinking at work. Get it? I never claimed all muslims should be banned from earth, that’s again all your extremist version of banning Islam. It’s as dumb as suggesting all black slaves should have been banned from earth to ban slavery. Unlike you I have no desire to shoot opponents in the head, or throw their babies in the sea, and otherwise promote violence against opponents. As we established several times before, you are an extremist. No need to cry, own it. I’m sure there will still be people willing to play golf with you.
so you want to ban a religion from the face of the earth entirely, but i'm an extremist because i pointed out that calling jews "cheap" is a negative stereotype?
Yea, I have a job.
Growing and selling herb, and I bet I make more than you
And you have no idea what is wrong with comparing an African American woman to a character from Planet of the Apes?
Your hopeless.

If a person truely resembles a character from that movie, it isn't racist its a coincidence. Saying someone looks like a character on that movie based on skin color is actual racism.

But to a bleeder, any comparison is an excuse to hate on some white peoples.

Dont melt snowflake.
it's ok to criticize a person based on their politics, but it's not ok to criticize a person because of their can play semantics all you want, but she never should have made the planet of the apes remark. the nation of islam thing is an opinion. not a very enlightened one, but still an opinion. if she would have said if the nation of islam and Benito Mussolini had a child...then she might still be on tv...maybe. if she had ever learned how to shut the fuck up, she might have never been off
it's ok to criticize a person based on their politics, but it's not ok to criticize a person because of their can play semantics all you want, but she never should have made the planet of the apes remark. the nation of islam thing is an opinion. not a very enlightened one, but still an opinion. if she would have said if the nation of islam and Benito Mussolini had a child...then she might still be on tv...maybe. if she had ever learned how to shut the fuck up, she might have never been off
Isn't it racist to assume that every ape refers to only one racial type?

If a person truely resembles a character from that movie, it isn't racist its a coincidence. Saying someone looks like a character on that movie based on skin color is actual racism.

But to a bleeder, any comparison is an excuse to hate on some white peoples.

Dont melt snowflake.

What a dumb jerk. Roseann represents the company when in public. Her statements were completely unnecessary and insulting to enough people that they decided she was more of a liability than an asset.

It doesn't matter what you think, snowflake.
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Wow... it’s like I’m reading a Nazi who is trying to spread Judaism. :shock:

You missed the for you most important part of Pada’s message: set that ego aside. (So clearly the sole purpose of your post...). Until you can do that, stop pretending. It’s not a fake it till you make it thing. Empty your cup before you try to fill it. Pigeon. And stop stealing my lines ffs have some dignity.

Lol so philosophical. Though your first example shows you don’t actually get what you are saying. In practice not necessarily true but good luck doing that with Christians, Muslims, Neo nazis etc. How come it’s so hard in your country to agree upon an objective reality... just curious so we can perhaps project our society against such influences. :roll:

American Enlightenment failed, try again. And try to understand it is specifically the anti-dote for religious thinking in politics.

Before you all worry about having a debate with others, for fuck sakes, try to be intellectually honest, with yourself, for a change. Know thyself... actually, that would for most lead to the realization you are not really in a position to “debate” politics.

As I suggesed in the led forums years ago, try dialectics instead of merely debating.

UncleCuck? :lol:

it's not hard to agree on objective reality- we used to have no problem then Trump intro'd TrumpTruth classic lies told over and over again until his audience repeats it about brainwash.

Trump turns lies into truth once he says it enough times that's how cults work; he uses fear of the brown man and causes chaos confusion and divisiveness which is the hallmark of any good cult leader.
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it's not hard to agree on objective reality - we used to have no problem then Trump intro'd
You just falsified the first part with the second. Trump is a symptom of the major problems you already had and have. Not the cause of those problems, but a manifestation. You are suggesting a country with no problem can be helped to shit in such a short time by someone like Trump, which in a country with no problem can be become president? That’s giving him way too much credit and failing to address the real issues. Which ironically is exactly what got Trump elected. Trump didn’t create #MAGAts, they created him. Try to understand why and you will find the roots of the problems.
As I said, apparent anti-semites. Need more data to support this conclusion, it could have been an off colour joke. Fuck if I know, but I do know that they allegedly called Semitic people "lying rats," and "penny pinchers." That's pretty fucking edgy in a vacuum. More data points are necessary for a conclusive statement about them.

Are they happy to talk about David Duke's presence at the Unite The Right Rally? Did they March in the rally? Have any of them been convicted of violence against non-Huwhites? Do they render the Roman salute at National Policy Institute meetings? Do they subscribe to the AmRen YouTube channel? (I am, you probably are) Is Jared Tailor their hero? Do they think that Charles Murray's Bell Curve is only chapter 14? (you should read the other chapters Buck, Murray has great points about society pulling itself apart via a resource and IQ gap)

I remember when you informed me about Stormfront existing, it was something like four or five years ago. I was fascinated by the amount of pure vitriol and hatred their forums had for a vast population of peoples. I have been studying and researching far-Right ideologies since.

I have now contributed to three scholarly papers and conduct research from acedeme. One paper is published, the other two in progress, about behaviors surrounding this subset. (Alt-Right, AKA Huwhite Nationalists) We can drill down and figure this out Buck, I just need more data.

+rep :clap:
You just falsified the first part with the second. Trump is a symptom of the major problems you already had and have. Not the cause of those problems, but a manifestation. You are suggesting a country with no problem can be helped to shit in such a short time by someone like Trump, which in a country with no problem can be become president? That’s giving him way too much credit and failing to address the real issues. Which ironically is exactly what got Trump elected. Trump didn’t create #MAGAts, they created him. Try to understand why and you will find the roots of the problems.

Thank you for your point of view.

Let's take out the word 'objective' and just focus on 'reality'.

Trump has always been a liar.

Throwing out MAGA hats at the rallies with option to purchase? Trump is the seed planted in their brains..he saw what Sanders' appeal was and the very moment Clinton Crew had success with bumping him, Trump took the baton and ran with. He even attributed a 'we the people' platform several times when it happened and welcomed Sanders supporters to his team.

Trump is actually the making of Hillary Clinton and DNC imo. the vacuum that was created by Sanders did not translate into Clinton votes.

'I'm with her' backfired.

where did all these Sanders supporters go? the Sanders supporters who didn't attend these rallies..where did those votes go?

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Thank you for your point of view.

Let's take out the word objective and just focus on 'reality'.

Trump has always been a liar.

Throwing out MAGA hats at the rallies with option to purchase? Trump is the seed planted in their brains..he saw what Sanders' appeal was and the very moment Clinton Crew had success with bumping him, Trump took the baton and ran with. He even attributed a 'we the people' platform several times when it happened and welcomed Sanders supporters to his team.

Trump is actually the making of Hillary Clinton and DNC imo. the vacuum that was created by Sanders did not translate into Clinton votes.

where did all these supporters go?

View attachment 4145031
They are at home sulking, making sure these supporters get their way...
To: The Democratic National Committee
Re: 2016 GOP presidential candidates
Date: April 7, 2015

This memo is intended to outline the strategy and goals a potential Hillary Clinton presidential campaign would have regarding the 2016 Republican presidential field. Clearly most of what is contained in this memo is work the DNC is already doing. This exercise is intended to put those ideas to paper.

Our Goals & Strategy

Our hope is that the goal of a potential HRC campaign and the DNC would be one-in-the-same: to make whomever the Republicans nominate unpalatable to a majority of the electorate. We have outlined three strategies to obtain our goal:

1) Force all Republican candidates to lock themselves into extreme conservative positions that will hurt them in a general election; 2) Undermine any credibility/trust Republican presidential candidates have to make inroads to our coalition or independents;
3) Muddy the waters on any potential attack lodged against HRC.

Operationalizing the Strategy

Pied Piper Candidates There are two ways to approach the strategies mentioned above. The first is to use the field as a whole to inflict damage on itself similar to what happened to Mitt Romney in 2012. The variety of candidates is a positive here, and many of the lesser known can serve as a cudgel to move the more established candidates further to the right. In this scenario, we don’t want to marginalize the more extreme candidates, but make them more “Pied Piper” candidates who actually represent the mainstream of the Republican Party. Pied Piper candidates include, but aren’t limited to:

• Ted Cruz
• Donald Trump
• Ben Carson

We need to be elevating the Pied Piper candidates so that they are leaders of the pack and tell the press to them seriously.

So that worked out great. Smart people, those HRC team strategists..