The Future Holds Bright Light!

I hope it’s the real deal. Spread it plz. I had RKS in 99 and early 2000s in the VA mountains. It was called dimension dust and Stunk like dead skunk. I’m pretty sure it was an Afghan as I don’t think it yielded much. Strongest stuff I’ve ever had. Would make you completely stupid and couch lock you. Super trippy head high, but not racy. We pulled out a gram at a phish show and they guy in front of us gave us an 1/8 of boomers just to smoke the bowl with him. Also, I once tried to take a online test for college and had the TV on while smoking a half bowl. I was zoned into the TV and “woke” up 2 hours later...I forgot I was taking the test. I don’t know much about strain..the breeder was from richmond, va then moved to Boone, Nc then NH. The only time I ever had it, it was grown on a farm in Roanoke, va. I’m not sure if the breeder ever grew it at his house bc of the smell? He lived near down town Boone so was prob only grown on his buddy’s farm. The last I heard from my buddy was it got lost or they ditched it bc of the smell. The last time I got it was 2004 I think?

so I agree there’s def skunk in those mountains, I bet there’s more, just super DL as no one talks about growing out there. Also agree RKS is a terp as so many people had it back in the day. If it’s like my old shit, not sure if my wife will let me grow it, lol

Classic story!!
Crazy you tell a story like that, as I personally remember some amazing skunk coming out of Virginia! That was some amazing green. And I also got some from North Carolina, just as good. Then later we got a batch from Kentucky, like @psychadelibud described!! But the one from Kentuckyi was told at the time was from a 2000 lb summer run!
Could you imagine the stink and the security they must of had in those Blue mountains!!!!???!!!
Classic story!!
Crazy you tell a story like that, as I personally remember some amazing skunk coming out of Virginia! That was some amazing green. And I also got some from North Carolina, just as good. Then later we got a batch from Kentucky, like @psychadelibud described!! But the one from Kentuckyi was told at the time was from a 2000 lb summer run!
Could you imagine the stink and the security they must of had in those Blue mountains!!!!???!!!

Betcha it come from this area too... :joint:
Betcha it come from this area too... :joint:

That big run, or all of it?
I do remember getting some seeded buds as well. My brother used to keep them in a film container. Pretty sure there were some local grows. From those seeds. I have seen some long big spear shaped tops that were dense but spongy, sticky super ultra chronic!!!
Maybe some tried her indoors? But most likely due to the smell, or other reasons, stopped running it.
It was the first bud to be called "kind bud" if I think about it.
Agree, It’s possible all the Appalachia RKS are all related as some people kept the line pure, some made outcrosses and kept the RKS pheno. prob why people had diff versions back in the day.

Duke diamond (also from VA) said his RKS back in the day was SSSC skunk #1 x (Afghani x Afghani) - he said the 2 Afghans brought the RKS and not the skunk #1

Wonder where the Afghans came from?
thought i would copy your post from the other skunk thread. brings in more background info.

For everyone looking for the true, old school, one and only Road Kill Skunk, please check out my thread.

It has been here hiding in the hills of the Appalachias now for ages, deep in the rural Eastern Ky hills and hollers... In my particular region.

There is an old man whom lives around here, him and his family and circle of growers closely affiliated with the Cornbread Mafia had brought it into Kentucky in the mid to late 70s, from where it made its way in across the US/Mexico border.

I wasn't in the game in the 70s, but I know for a fact it has been here since the late 80s, I can confirm that.

In the early 90s, Afghan flooded into the bluegrass hard and heavy. It was faster than skunk which meant farmers could get their crops in sooner which meant an earlier yearly salary, expressed so many phenotypes ranging from almost a dead on road kill smell (but not hardly) to sweet fruity musk, had amazing yields, grew short and bushy and you never found an Afghan phenotype that didn't have good knock out potency, back then anyway...

So here is what happened. This is where the true Road Kill which honestly has zero Afghan relations, got burried so deeply and forgotten.

The real deal, true roadkill skunk is a rotten, nasty, stomach turning, stinky little dirty whore. That's just that and there will never be a sweet note to be found in any of the small variety of phenotypes. The Kentucky skunk had got so many people busted, so many crops got reaped, so many people could not take her out in public due to the extreme pungent odors she put out. You could/can smell this shit from a hundreds of feet away and it was virtually impossible to get away with it once LEO stepped up their game.

That is why it lost, not because it was weak or because it lacked yeilds or anything along those lines, but because in an outlaw state, which at the time all states was outlaw states, you just can't grow the shit and get away with it.

When Afghan made drop in the 90s, everyone replaced the skunk for that very reason, mainly security and stealth purposes. The Afghan on a normal landrace run, would be ready to harvest between mid September to early/mid Octoberish. The Roadkill on the other hand, would run people past the first frosts of the year, into mid October to mid November.

Now here is where people think true road kill has "Afghan Origins"... We had found that in the Afghan Landrace seeds you would find many different phenos... Some really did reek almost as bad as the roadkill... Smelled like a little burnt rubber mixed with skunk spray and sweet chicken shit spread out about the corn and soybean fields. Some phenos smelled like musty soured gym socks and almost all the Afghan always has a sweet back ground note to it, even if it is very sickening sweet. The true road kill, does not, NEVER. It was brought into the states smuggled over the us/Mexico border back in the early 70s possibly even 1969... But didn't really start spreading until the mid 70s. This is why people that have actually had true experience with the real road kill will tell you it is NOT afghan, contrary to belief of a lot of folks. It is likely a Mexican, Colombian, or even south American strain.

When I see people claim they have a road kill with big broad indica leaves, I laugh to myself because I know that's not true. It has skinny narrow leaves most usually with double serrations and long fingers. The plant is very lime green in color and in the sun can flash a bluish green color, as you walk by it. The plant grows medium to tall and has great yeilds, although some phenos can be a little lower yielding. You will always get a straight punch to the face of fresh rotten skunk spray, that will never fail to make you gag. I have never smelled here once in her wet or dry form that she did not make my eyes water and even though I love the smell of skunks driving down the road, it still turns my stomach. Never once have I ever or heard from those who have tried it, claimed anything sweet from it. Its like this... If you put a man in a room, blindfold him. Take a bag with a freshly killed dead skunk and the opposite bag with a fresh or even dry couple of ounces of this stuff and tell him to tell you which is which, he cannot and will not be able to do this. I promise.

I have finally got access to a small pill bottle of seeds from the old man. He had been sick the last couple of years and had been out of the game. His newest batch of seeds, he threw me the bottle and was happy to just be alive. I have never been so blessed to have them and it might be a good thing I did because I have big plans.

I plan to save the true road kill that in most places is already extinct. That is what sparked my interest in this whole thing to begin with, reading a long the forums seeing all of these people spend all of this money and try so hard to obtain the real thing. I have even seen people say that it is non existent now and truly long gone. That's when I had enough, and decided to in some way, some how, bring it back.

So my plans are, to take a quarter of those seeds from the bottle, plant them and let them open pollinate each other to get the numbers and somehow get them out to the public.

I hope to do this in the spring or by next fall at the latest.

I will document it on here, show the few phenos that exist and go from there. So basically, I am just getting started on the whole thing.

Also... As rare as this Kentucky Roadkill is, in my opinion obviously the rarest strain left in existence, I plan to do some cross breeding as well with selected phenos.

I have the Skva chem 91, the confirmed cut by Chemdog, which is also quiet rare. I think it would be nice to cross it over to the road kill. I think that would be an amazing, rare hit.

But for further info on this Kentucky Roadkill, please check out the link I posted in the beginning of this post.

Some will read this, and frown in disbelief, or this may interest some. Honestly, with the frustration that comes along with the never ending loss while searching the road kill, I wouldn't believe it either. From the looks a of it, people are bending over backwards trying to find it.

But I can guarantee, once the time comes and the moment is right, when these finally make it out there, you guys will thank me for it... I'm not here to raise hopes and slam them down I'm here to save the true Road Kill Skunk... I am not a breeder by any means, breeding is new to me and I am in the process of learning. There are tons of people on here that could school me and I will admit that. But what I do know is fact, is we do have the roadkill here in Ky, that I know for a fact people are looking for, and I have the key to open a whole new door in the search for it. Just keep an eye out, she will be abundant in the near future.
Our skunk is very sativa dominant. It also has double serrated leaves and looks nothing at all like an Afghani. I remember when Afghan was brought into my county and the man who brought it. He is long gone, a local legend here. Although the Afghan held some heavy skunk notes in its heritage, it didn't have this same type of smell. Like I said I believe the closest you can possibly get to the pure old school road kill, other than the Ky skunk is Afghan in smell, not in the high, the effects are wayyy different and not the same odor department either (think of the afghan road kill odor as a teaser to the true road kill) its like it is ALMOST there but not hardly. Afghan no matter how intensely skunked out it is, still has that sweetness present in the background even if it is "sickingly sweet". Our road kill is "sickingly disgusting" and only appreciated by those who love the smell of running over a dead skunk.


I would love to try that cannaventure road kill afghan though, I have grown out an afghan that looked identical to that one but it was grown with landrace afghan seeds, I have seen a few phenos resembling that photo many of times. I always explained the smell as dirty gym socks and driving by the local chicken houses... Straight dirty sock chicken shit smell, same smell when we fertilize our corn and soybean fields. We have small crops here but you can smell that chicken shit a mile away. The high on that Afghani is top notch as well but in a whole different ball park that true road kill.

If it is the same Afghan I am thinking of the leaves used to yellow very fast by mid flower and it was very short and squat with thin sativa like leaves. Finished super fast outdoors by September 15th and had a great yield.

Yeah, i'd trade a pack of my road kill to those as well.
I am a fir belever in the true roadkil being deep in the mtns. I hav seen this!!21267381_1983089441959308_601819107_o.jpg dacstud.jpg 21277875_1983089501959302_1109657792_o.jpg dcfem2.jpg
hell yeah its DC who else you know surfing the forums. and know its not appalachian i just refer to the skunk ass appy skunk

I've been out watering and feeding my gals all night. Been trimming some lower scruff and tuning in those fat uppers. Spent about 3 hours talking to my girls and just looking them over.. Just now got around to the forums lol.

And for everyone else that's interested, I am officially popping some Kentucky Road Kill Skunk seeds this afternoon. I will also be popping some Nature Farms 1969 Skunk #18 along with them, just to see if any relation, as the Ky roadkill that we have here---> word is it is also part of the "Uncle Fester" legend.

The old man that has been breeding and bringing this Ky Roadkill strain alive every year for the past 30 plus years claims it to have been brought in from some Hippies that was smuggling bud in back in the 70s and they were from California and had ties with "bikers".

This shall be interesting. I never knew a thing about Uncle Fester until within this last year or so. Some people mark this as a myth and claim it to be ubtrue, but I believe it is beginning to add up just right!
i bet the unknown KY gems outshine anything you can buy

I can agree with that. And not just because I'm from Kentucky.

I have met so many people that has come down on vacation in the mountains from Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, New York, etc.. Every time they have smoked the weed here they literally fall in love. Hell Michigan is even medical...

I also loved in Cali back in the day for 3 years and although there was some wonderful bud out there, I still yet have found it to be as good as the good ole local Kentucky bud myself.

Idk if it is just the environemnt is blessed here or the ancient spirit of the Appalachian Mountain's, but something is to blame for the goodness that comes out of these hills and hollars...

I have grown tons of bagseed from around here, especially when I first started out growing back in the day. Shit was fire every time with tons of pheno variations in every hand full of seeds. Not knowing the genetics or lineage but always coming out on top. I just call it "Kentucky Bud" lol and honestly I would trade la most half of every pack of seeds I have valued at over $3000 (just half of them) for pill bottle full of that "Old Kentucky Bagseed" I used to get back in the day. Some of the best, most potent, biggest producing, mold resistant plants came from that mix... I would give a nut and finger to have some of those phenos back I had grown. It would be a staple in today's market, swear to God it would be.

The "local ky bagseed" ain't as good as it once was. I think it's because of the progression of time and more hybrids being brought in over the years, specifically indoor hybrids, that its died out a bit. Don't get me wrong the bag seed around here is still fire, and you still run across almost all keepers but its just not as consistent as it used to be...
I've been out watering and feeding my gals all night. Been trimming some lower scruff and tuning in those fat uppers. Spent about 3 hours talking to my girls and just looking them over.. Just now got around to the forums lol.

And for everyone else that's interested, I am officially popping some Kentucky Road Kill Skunk seeds this afternoon. I will also be popping some Nature Farms 1969 Skunk #18 along with them, just to see if any relation, as the Ky roadkill that we have here---> word is it is also part of the "Uncle Fester" legend.

The old man that has been breeding and bringing this Ky Roadkill strain alive every year for the past 30 plus years claims it to have been brought in from some Hippies that was smuggling bud in back in the 70s and they were from California and had ties with "bikers".

This shall be interesting. I never knew a thing about Uncle Fester until within this last year or so. Some people mark this as a myth and claim it to be ubtrue, but I believe it is beginning to add up just right!

Oh hell yea !!!!