
Well-Known Member
i wanna see some time line pictures like promised. i dont want to see the pictures of a finished flowering plant that is stated was grown totally with led's. thats what all the led advertisement workers do on these websites. no proof. i dont act upon false claims and run out and burn thousands of dollars. if claims are proven and satisfy my desires then i may act upon it.


Well-Known Member
I dont care if they are more efficient for the plant! I want fast growing, healthy, large buds. HIDs may be less efficient for the plants, but they are 1000 times more efficient for turning that plant into some monster bud.

thank you, maybe a majority of these people on this thread smoked themselves stupid
No need to get harsh. Blind them with science!

Let the fools reveal themselves. You shouldn't have to become one in the process. :peace:

To those of you HID-pushers: not everyone wants to be a drug dealer and sacrifice efficiency aka spend more money for 'ease' of operation. The solution for the small-time self-reliant grower is all about efficacy, and yield per $ invested. HID doesn't offer that, it offers big yields for big investment. Most don't have huge grow rooms, thousands of kWh to pay for, light movers, etc.

Who knows, maybe with LEDs the mythical 2 gram/W yield. ;-)


Well-Known Member
LOL Stoney, you should crosspost this in your money saving thread.

An excerpt from said article....Depending on your plant variety, two to three of our 250 Watt LED units will cover a 4x8 ft growing area, producing a rapid 'rain forest’ like growth cycle with quality fruits and or flowers. This is the LED effect but only if the LED unit has enough raw LED power and the circuitry to handle the electrical current to achieve peak performance. Be advised you may have to use more LED's than you have been lead to believe in order to the raise certain varieties of plants that really appreciate lots of extra sun light.

Now, a sampling of the Q and A beneath this article....
Q: Why is the unit so much more expensive that conventional lighting? How can I justify to my wife or customer or myself for that matter that spending the extra money on the LED light system is worth the investment?

A: First, the cost of our system is comparable to other LED lighting solutions. Due to the quality of design we feel our product is dollar for dollar, watt for watt is one of the best products available on the market. Our cost reflects the current cost of the technology. Also our system is made in the United States and we do out source for cheap parts or labor. When compared to the cost of a sodium or halide lighting systems, the money that is saved in electricity costs in one year will have paid for the increased cost of the light.* Also the light system is rated at 50,000 hours of longevity. No more replacement light bulb expense will also add to your savings.

Since they say they are comparable to other L.E.D. systems without actually stating their prices anywhere, I'm forced to go to another vendor for an idea of what these lights cost.

I searched and found a bunch of 45 watt panels, but I wanted something comparable.So, I found this. It IS 20 watts more than the one you described..sooo I'll knock off 100 dollars.That brings it to 849.95.Yes.Not a typo.For ONE light.The article says you need three to cover a 4 by 8 growing area. Which would be around 2600 dollars.AND!250 plus 250 plus 250 is..anyone?750 watts. So, let's compare this...with a 600 watt HID.A nice one, with a digital ballast,mh conversion bulb...complete system.
with comes to 272.64.So, not only are you saving 150 watts in electricity..because watts are watts, no matter what they come from, we all're saving around 2300 dollars.That's if I knock a hundred off of each L.E.D.

So..uh...those L.E.D's better clean my house, grow me some fat nugs, and make sweet love to me for THAT much.



Active Member
Just because NASA proved LEDs work and Bruce Wayne could grow great weed with them doesn't mean this guy isn't full of shit.

He's probably so worried about getting caught because he's connected to the website he's plugging.

Let's not get the two issues mixed.

Anyone seen the old show The Prisoner? I got one of those bastard balloons to guard my stealth grow...Order now!

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
I refuse to sit here and listen to the few on here. Y'all just got here and have NO experience as far as I can see. No pics, journals, nothing. Sit back, learn, and STOP TRYING TO TEACH!!!!

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member

No need to get harsh. Blind them with science!

Let the fools reveal themselves. You shouldn't have to become one in the process. :peace:

To those of you HID-pushers: not everyone wants to be a drug dealer and sacrifice efficiency aka spend more money for 'ease' of operation. The solution for the small-time self-reliant grower is all about efficacy, and yield per $ invested. HID doesn't offer that, it offers big yields for big investment. Most don't have huge grow rooms, thousands of kWh to pay for, light movers, etc.

Who knows, maybe with LEDs the mythical 2 gram/W yield. ;-)
Read more than yer 93 posts b4 ya try and speak again!


Well-Known Member
lol tree..... my hps is alot cheaper than a setup of led's for sure no doubt about it....

an if anything you would need more space for a led setup

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
shut up sign up and post some pics people could talk all day if you got this shit down with leds then let the plants and PICS speak for themselves
I'ld love to see this myself. Please convince me that LED's are better.
I've been researching and have yet to see any substantial proof.

LED's cost way more money up front to even compare to 1000w Super Blues by Hortilux.
The best bulb I know of HORTILUX SUPaEalso the most expensive BLUE™

fat sam

Well-Known Member
led's will no doubt be the future of growing, i was reading of this research company in china that came out with a 200 watt led that puts down 200,000 lumens, of course it burns out in 5 mins or something but in a few years when it comes to market that will be the shit

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
led's will no doubt be the future of growing, i was reading of this research company in china that came out with a 200 watt led that puts down 200,000 lumens, of course it burns out in 5 mins or something but in a few years when it comes to market that will be the shit
:lol::lol::lol: TY, yes, if somethin like that is designed to last longer than 5 minutes, it MIGHT be worth it!


Active Member

I'm reluctant to make my first post in a debate thread, but I think the key word in OP's post that has been lost is "FUTURE."

LEDs turn energy into precisely-controlled light more efficiently (i.e., less electricity lost to heat, etc.) than other systems so far. This is why NASA is using them. But this is cutting-edge technology where efficiency is not yet measured in regards to cost.

LED growlight technology is still in its research infancy and is therefore nowhere close to being cost-effective or reliable. It is "affordable" only by enthusiasts with lots of money to spend on the newest gadgets.

I agree that LED is the future, but it will be several years (maybe more than several) until it's a realistic, cost-competitive, market-tested option. Tesla invented the fluorescent bulb 100 years ago, and it's just now starting to take over! l:lol:


Well-Known Member
lol man what a terrible guess !!!

how the hell did you work out that crappy led panel is equivelent to 800w hps LOL @ THAT COMMENT
