The future is at hand........

So where do the profits come from? It all has to be sold within Canada so it's Canadians' own money being redistributed from, say, wheat farmers to Canopy Growth Corp. Unless you export it, it's not really helping Canada at all. Supposedly Canopy plans to export also but how big could that market be? Any nation that would use Cannabis would produce it themselves. Canada's climate is no better than most European nations for for. Why would any nation give their money away to Canada for something so easy to produce themselves? I don't see Uruguay getting rich right now. Pharmacists there are afraid to sell it and people who grow for personal don't want to register with the gov't. Would YOU? Who the hell trusts the Gov't, either Uruguay's or Canada's? What if a later Gov't decides to make it illegal again? They have your name and address right there.
Im way ahead of myself...just stating where it will go...
its endless what can be made with this shit...

Ill give it say..ten years and watch how many ways this stuff goes!!! :cool:
Four plants at a time? Pretty stupid regulation, considering how much the size of one plant can vary. I could probably get a kilo a month that way growing in trash cans with a bunch of lights surrounding it. Just shows how naive they are. Oddly, the same regs only allow you to possess up to 30 g dried bud. So you'll have multi-kilos on the plants but somehow you're only supposed to get 30 g off it. It's just incredibly stupid regulation design.

Guess people will just have to be very sneaky with the drying. The regs just mean that the growing part need not be secret, unless you don't like getting robbed and shit, but the drying and selling part will become the high security part. Anybody sees a cop car pull up, in the toilet it goes. What, officer? It's just 4 giant weed plants, perfectly legal, hahaha, dumb bastards. What? Get on the ground dirtbag? Uh, yeah sure thing.
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Very few, because they're better positioned to take advantage of economies of scale.

The best way to get them is to catch them in a cost squeeze before they've had the chance to recoup their initial investment.
But i think this is exactly what will happen to several of the existing LPs. They set up based on a certain price... had troubles getting production ironed out and lost some money... delays in legislation costing them more and now a price drop? Many of the LPs set up on shoestring budgets gambling that first mover advantage would carry them through...not realizing or planning for government procrastination and price fluctuations....

In another thread in his exact forum i predicted this would happen a couple years ago. It is just the natural course of a new market, legal or not.

A new market opens up. People scramble in droves to service it. Supply exceeds demand. Prices drop. And only the well prepared and smart survive.

Business 101.
legalization may hurt some growers but it will help MMJ patients and recreational an mmj patient I can grow up to 12 plants for personal use and under question 2 which just went into effect anyone can.I guess illegal growers will just have to get regular jobs like the rest of us
Thats fine if you require a low plant count, some of us need more. 12 wont cut it as a patient for me when taking into account mothers and clones. So i cant see legalization helping patients with larger scripts
Here's how to exploit the 4 plant rule. You grow a plant so that its stem is trained horizontally like a grape vine, removing all branches except the ones pointing up. You keep growing it and wrapping it around in a spiral until it's a good area, like 4' diameter, then you flower it. You also keep cutting back the older branches as the plant grows, so they'll be fairly equal when you switch to flower. Once the plant is grown like that, you can just keep reveging it so you don't have to grow whole new plants all the time, which would take months. If you keep cutting back the roots and repotting, you should be able to keep it going for a few years at least. Actually you could probably make it even bigger than 4' diameter. Need more than that really. More like a nice 10' diameter weed vine trellis.
Dont worry... when the law is written the definition of what is/isnt a plant will be spelled out. I suspect they will use total weight of the plant and there will be size reatrictions.
Dont worry... when the law is written the definition of what is/isnt a plant will be spelled out. I suspect they will use total weight of the plant and there will be size reatrictions.
theres no restricting good meds!! or a good product need to reach its maturity..
size limit shmimit

check out Mojos meds...
Keep on Boycotting's totally working..slowly but it is.
We don't buy..they don't sell....see ya LP's
Simple but effective...just don't buy any.
Thats prolly why the price is dropping... LP schwag stillnsittin on the shelf and another round of it ready to chop

Too much supply...

well some of them have been selling to dispensaries,.no doubt about that really and a reason why some test badly as well

something for nothing is better than nothing at all and its garbage after all eh ;)
Keep on Boycotting's totally working..slowly but it is.
We don't buy..they don't sell....see ya LP's
Simple but effective...just don't buy any.
Exactly, you're free to choose who you want to support with your Cannabis dollar. You can support your local craft growers. Why buy stuff grown in a greenhouse in Ontario if you live in Moncton? They don't care about the community like local growers do, at least the good ones. They in turn support local businesses, buying Tim Horton's coffee on the way to the hydro store. Shun the greenhouse weed of the outworlders. Who else wants those kind of prices for greenhouse?
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Exactly, you're free to choose who you want to support with your Cannabis dollar. I say support your local craft growers. Why buy stuff grown in a greenhouse in Ontario if you live in Moncton? They don't care about the community like local growers do, at least the good ones. They in turn support local businesses, buying Tim Horton's coffee on the way to the hydro store. Shun the greenhouse weed of the outworlders.
That so true Bob....local spending in local grow stores and local pay for workers. Fuck the Lp's
We are the culture and they will NOT win this...the Gov tried for the last 50 years to put us down....I like to see some revenge quit frankly. I'm angry over our zero apology before they're greed was shown for what it is.
Jail for those who would jail us.
Dont worry... when the law is written the definition of what is/isnt a plant will be spelled out. I suspect they will use total weight of the plant and there will be size reatrictions.
Not all of the plant contains THC, CBD, and the other cannabinoids essential for medical use.
I don't necessarily want LPs to go out of business, just to have to stay fairly small or export their stuff. I have no problem with them bringing money to Canada from other countries. I'd also rather they were only able to sell for medical purposes within Canada.
I'd also rather they were only able to sell for medical purposes within Canada.
dude..with attitudes like that ...We're all dead!
The sick do not need the shwag poison AS HAS BEEN PROVEN OVER AND OVER AGAIN SO FAR

edit...maybe you meant that in a good in "limiting" sales :) ,
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Thats fine if you require a low plant count, some of us need more. 12 wont cut it as a patient for me when taking into account mothers and clones. So i cant see legalization helping patients with larger scripts
guess that would depend on how long you veg and how large you grow your plant.