‘The gates are open’: Illinois ending cash bail system


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‘The gates are open’: Illinois ending cash bail system

VIENNA, Ill. (KFVS/Gray News) - Illinois is getting ready for some changes in 2023 that include eliminating its cash bail system.

I for one, know how much it sucks butt to have to stay locked up because I didn't have enough cash on me at the time of my arrest nor did i have enough on my Debit Card when I was arrested. Mind you I had enough bail money between the two but they don't split the payments between cash on hand and debit card.
So there I sat for six days because I had to wait for the $30 a day credit to my books for each day I was held to add up to $300 including the cash I had on me when I was arrested.
What was the difference for me to be let out after I sat there six days? Not a damn thing except my animals went hungry. Guinea Pigs have to eat and they have to have water. Thankfully they ate their cardboard boxes "houses." They need to hide so those boxes are a comfort to them.

So why is this article important?
Well Illinois is the first State in the Union to drop the cash bail system and simply let folks go. I am not sure if other States still have bail bonds but Illinois doesn't anymore.

I totally agree that the difference here is who has money and who doesn't when it comes to equal treatment.
For example, a Man who was well known on my row and who apparently provided goods and services of shall we say not so legal qualities, which i understood by the tone and content of the conversations through the food slots had no problem with the large bail amount and was out one hour after we all did the perp hop to court from jail while I sat for six days generating $30 every midnight towards my bail.

So Bravo Illinois! The end of Cash Bail is near! January I understand. I can stop carrying hundreds extra in my wallet soon.
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‘The gates are open’: Illinois ending cash bail system

I for one, know how much it sucks butt to have to stay locked up because I didn't have enough cash on me at the time of my arrest nor did i have enough on my Debit Card when I was arrested. Mind you I had enough bail money between the two but they don't split the payments between cash on hand and debit card.
So there I sat for six days because I had to wait for the $30 a day credit to my books for each day I was held to add up to $300 including the cash I had on me when I was arrested.
What was the difference for me to be let out after I sat there six days? Not a damn thing except my animals went hungry. Guinea Pigs have to eat and they have to have water. Thankfully they ate their cardboard boxes "houses." They need to hide so those boxes are a comfort to them.

So why is this article important?
Well Illinois is the first State in the Union to drop the cash bail system and simply let folks go. I am not sure if other States still have bail bonds but Illinois doesn't anymore.

I totally agree that the difference here is who has money and who doesn't when it comes to equal treatment.
For example, a Man who was well known on my row and who apparently provided goods and services of shall we say not so legal qualities, which i understood by the tone and content of the conversations through the food slots had no problem with the large bail amount and was out one hour after we all did the perp hop to court from jail while I sat for six days generating $30 every midnight towards my bail.

So Bravo Illinois! The end of Cash Bail is near! January I understand. I can stop carrying hundreds extra in my wallet soon.
So why did the person have to pay $300 for?
Who gets that $300

I know they often take passports here if a flight risk.
Back in the day a NYST took me to the instabank (I was in handcuffs) for cash to pay the fine he knew would levied at the judges house at 11:00 at night :o! Such nice fellas 35 years ago ;). It’s a great thing re no bond for most crimes but there are a few that still need some type of deterrent to run IMO. It’s sure gonna create some controversy lol.
So why did the person have to pay $300 for?
Who gets that $300

I know they often take passports here if a flight risk.

In Illinois they require 10% of your Bond amount before you can leave. That is if you can leave until your next Court appearance.

So I ask what is the difference between someone who has all the cash they need and those that don't?
I mean if it isn't super serious an inmate gets $30 a day credit towards making their bail so they have a chance to get out before they fast track you into the Justice System Machine. Otherwise if you have the cash you can get out as soon as the inmate hands over some cash.

But seriously, why make someone sit like six days to get that $30 a day towards bail?
It really did not make sense and now Illinois agrees and that Cash Bail system will be no more come January 2023.

I had to sit there six days and wait and for nothing. Just wait for the $30 a day to add up. Really dumb in my opinion.

I was arrested for taking Classified Documents out of the White House...
NAH! Just Kidding when you do that you don't get arrested.
Back in the day a NYST took me to the instabank (I was in handcuffs) for cash to pay the fine he knew would levied at the judges house at 11:00 at night :o! Such nice fellas 35 years ago ;). It’s a great thing re no bond for most crimes but there are a few that still need some type of deterrent to run IMO. It’s sure gonna create some controversy lol.

They love their money don't they.

Well the first in the USA is the first in the USA.
It's a sham anyway, the bail industry that is.
Most folks are not rich enough to go to Disneyland let alone disappear into a new life with a new identity over some small crime.

I'm happy with Illinois. First we got mail in voting and now they are abolishing the cash bail system.
In Illinois they require 10% of your Bond amount before you can leave. That is if you can leave until your next Court appearance.

So I ask what is the difference between someone who has all the cash they need and those that don't?
I mean if it isn't super serious an inmate gets $30 a day credit towards making their bail so they have a chance to get out before they fast track you into the Justice System Machine. Otherwise if you have the cash you can get out as soon as the inmate hands over some cash.

But seriously, why make someone sit like six days to get that $30 a day towards bail?
It really did not make sense and now Illinois agrees and that Cash Bail system will be no more come January 2023.

I had to sit there six days and wait and for nothing. Just wait for the $30 a day to add up. Really dumb in my opinion.

I was arrested for taking Classified Documents out of the White House...
NAH! Just Kidding when you do that you don't get arrested.
Strange system. So you have to pay money even though you are innocent until proven guilty? Do you at least get it all back? Do you get more back if your found innocent?
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Strange system. So you have to pay money even though you are innocent until proven guilty? Do you at least get it all back? Do you get more back if your found innocent?

Well, if you win one way or the other, I assume they give the bail back.
The point of Illinois ending cash bail system is that it is unfair to those that do not have the bail money because they are poor.
The equality between one person or another, where they both are deemed okay to be let out until their next court appearance, is that the Court deems them okay to release except where their poverty gets in the way.
Mostly it effects people of color.
Oh I had the total bail amount myself but, basically half in cash and half on my debit card. Could I split the payment between cash and card? Hell no. Fookers!
Well, if you win one way or the other, I assume they give the bail back.
The point of Illinois ending cash bail system is that it is unfair to those that do not have the bail money because they are poor.
The equality between one person or another, where they both are deemed okay to be let out until their next court appearance, is that the Court deems them okay to release except where their poverty gets in the way.
Mostly it effects people of color.
Oh I had the total bail amount myself but, basically half in cash and half on my debit card. Could I split the payment between cash and card? Hell no. Fookers!
I agree with you 100% but i just don't see the point of a $ bail system for anything other than major crime a bit silly. If even then.
Your Innocent until proven guilty.
I agree with you 100% but i just don't see the point of a $ bail system for anything other than major crime a bit silly. If even then.
Your Innocent until proven guilty.
Correct, but you're only innocent, when proven in a court of law. Until then, you sit in jail, or you need to bail. Bail is so you don't have to sit in jail until your court date, which here in Illinois, can be months.
I agree with you 100% but i just don't see the point of a $ bail system for anything other than major crime a bit silly. If even then.
Your Innocent until proven guilty.

I have a different take on the Innocent until proven Guilty here in Illinois with the Police and the arrest and incarcerate side of the Justice system machine.
Naturally I had time to stare at the ceiling and imagine things but also I realized when it comes to the Police side of the Justice System Machine ( which it really is ) they don't have any responsibility to concern themselves with if you are innocent or guilty. They only work on probable cause. meaning they don't want things to go sideways on them and then THEY are guilty of something. There are plenty of stories about police doing all kinds of shitty things to save their own azz.
You can say they Dig a Hole for someone and put them in then say "Good Luck Getting out of that hole before they bury you with a conviction."
Yeah it is rather pointless to argue with police about guilt or innocence especially when they got a search or arrest warrant on yer azz. They simply don't care. They are there to collect a paycheck.

The Guilty until proven Innocent side is the actual Judicial side of things and there you can still go to prison and actually be innocent.
Correct, but you're only innocent, when proven in a court of law. Until then, you sit in jail, or you need to bail. Bail is so you don't have to sit in jail until your court date, which here in Illinois, can be months.

Yes it can be. If you are lucky ( read White ) and you cannot make bail you will get a next appearance date that is sooner rather than later and maybe your bail will be reduced or waved. No guarantee but I understand it is possible.
Most likely, from what I understand, your trial date will be moved up if that is possible. If not yepperz Months and Months.
So the difference is do you have some cash the Court can get their hands on and if not you rot.
Yes it can be. If you are lucky ( read White ) and you cannot make bail you will get a next appearance date that is sooner rather than later and maybe your bail will be reduced or waved. No guarantee but I understand it is possible.
Most likely, from what I understand, your trial date will be moved up if that is possible. If not yepperz Months and Months.
So the difference is do you have some cash the Court can get their hands on and if not you rot.
They do have personal recognizance bonds, but I believe those are for misdemeanors.
They do have personal recognizance bonds, but I believe those are for misdemeanors.

Funny Fact here.

I have disability and I do stay on my property, at home honestly 95% of the time.
That is how I live my life.
The most socialization I have had since moving to Illinois a bit over a year ago has been getting arrested and being stuck in jail because of cash bail system.

I think the Judge still has the right to hold people under the new no cash bail system. That is as it should be for sure for some people. There are those that are truly horrible people who have actually done horrible things. There are also people that will get held that have not done what they are charged with. I get that but if what a person is charged with is non-violent and they are deemed to not be a danger if let out (given cash bail) then they should be processed out as soon as they are officially charged in Court so I 100% approve of Illinois being the first State to abolish the cash bail system.
They had me in Isolation Cell. I had my own shower but was not allowed out of my cell except for one hour a week.
El Chappo and the Uni-bomber have more out of Cell time than I did. Go figure.
It's tough to be caught for trafficking in Guinea Pigs.
Funny Fact here.

I have disability and I do stay on my property, at home honestly 95% of the time.
That is how I live my life.
The most socialization I have had since moving to Illinois a bit over a year ago has been getting arrested and being stuck in jail because of cash bail system.

I think the Judge still has the right to hold people under the new no cash bail system. That is as it should be for sure for some people. There are those that are truly horrible people who have actually done horrible things. There are also people that will get held that have not done what they are charged with. I get that but if what a person is charged with is non-violent and they are deemed to not be a danger if let out (given cash bail) then they should be processed out as soon as they are officially charged in Court so I 100% approve of Illinois being the first State to abolish the cash bail system.
They had me in Isolation Cell. I had my own shower but was not allowed out of my cell except for one hour a week.
El Chappo and the Uni-bomber have more out of Cell time than I did. Go figure.
It's tough to be caught for trafficking in Guinea Pigs.
I hope you learned your lesson, young man.

The real money is not in guinea pigs. Behold.

When I was a teenager another kid I knew skipped out on bail and they sent bounty hunters after him, kinda fucked up. They tackled his ass and took him back.

Seems like a good idea, that cash requirement really only punishes poor people. It isnt normally a large enough amount of money to make it prohibitive to run once out. Just keeps those without resources in.

Could see a negative impact of judges deciding to not grant bail more often.
When I was a teenager another kid I knew skipped out on bail and they sent bounty hunters after him, kinda fucked up. They tackled his ass and took him back.

Seems like a good idea, that cash requirement really only punishes poor people. It isnt normally a large enough amount of money to make it prohibitive to run once out. Just keeps those without resources in.

Could see a negative impact of judges deciding to not grant bail more often.

Well they might be less likely to let some people out once they are officially charged.
I can see it if there are good reasons but as you say, it can punish the poor and for no good reason but that they are poor.In that I am good.
I sure don't want someone getting out who is just waiting to get out so they can kill their so called "snitch."
I hope they can stop that sort of thing.