the generation jar


Well-Known Member
hey i had this idea this is what im guna do and ill call it the generation jar. from now on im going to save .5 nug of all the danks i come across and put them into a jar and save them, maybe a whole gram.
what do yall think? anybody down to make a generation jar and post photos?


Well-Known Member
thats why i was thinking a gram of each type that way i could get away with smoking, i mean the whole point is for some ocasions to have alot of danks to smoke and it would just be tight to have such a variety


Well-Known Member
and at the same time if i save enough at first i could never run out of weed bcuz i couls smoke from there and keep replintishing it dk how to spel that


Active Member
How long do you plan on saving before you start smoking them, I rather have them when there nice and fresh, but I have a friend who does something similiar to this, he always saves a nug from his last clinic visit, he usually has about 5 different strains at all times, he basically rotates them now.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Yeah i know a guy thats got a mason jar full of different nugs hes came across the past couple years..
The smell is unbelivable


Active Member
lol I'd buy, smoke, save, then run out of weed and money and smoke the jar..... I just don't have enough cash to do that!


Well-Known Member
but id rather keep it .. if u saved up enough at first maybe u could never runout... unless u came across a large drought or were broke for a while


Well-Known Member
man i do something like that already, when i hook up i normaly get half and oz i always save the biggest looking bud put it in a bag then add it to the rest of my saved weed in a cold and flu tablet box so when i cant hook up, i have saved weed to keep me going :)


Well-Known Member
hah! gues what i found a generation jar that i had already started! i must been fucked up or something cuz i had no idea i already had one.. theres was only about 3 or 4 diff nuggs in there.. now im on my way to adding more. finding weed is the greatest feeling


Well-Known Member
I have done this and have broke into that jar as so0n as i had no herb they need to make a bank for this.,.,lol.,.,.,i was thinking of doing that but.,.,i smoke to much,close to a 8th a day