0/20 NGS Romulan, Stock purchased from Attitude Seedbank, when Next Generation first appeared there, maybe a year and a half, ago, supposedly Annie Fumar from Greenlife said they relayed the message to Jay Generation. I've only been waiting over a year for them, and yeah, I'm still waiting. Whatever day they dropped at the attitude, for the 1st time ever.
I haven't even bothered mention the Avalon that went 2/10. You would like to think it's possible I fucked up the germination. If that were the case, I wouldn't have breeding parents of shit that I popped at the same time. Blue Rhino, Rocklock, Afghan Kush, Purple Pineberry, Cataract Kush, Kandy Kush, all those were popped when the Romulan was soaking right next to them.
I wrote these off as a loss the day I finally gave up on them, but Greenlife shouldnt say "we'll replace them, and then not ever send them or make an attempt.
I would've posted this a long time ago, didnt know there was a thread.