Damn dude, you are a fuckin' MACHINE! I hope to be at that level in 5 months!Went on a 24 mile ride today, burned about 1000 calories in a little less than 2 hours.
Tomorrow is a 5 mile run and a 15 mile ride to wind down.
lol how did I miss this post?!Im 51 and in the best shape of my life, here is the trick, have a heart attack and get last rights in Intensive Care unit. After you kick the Priest out and tell him you dont want to die stick to your statement and get to the gym as soon as the doctor says it is ok. lol No shit it works. Oh, stay there for a few years and when you get naked you will be impressed. Cardiac Intesive Care Unit is a very quiet place, just saying.
Motivation comes from within', it's tough to swallow, but you have to want to change your situation or else it won't happen. I've reached the point where enough is enough, it's long past time to get and stay healthy.. When you start to get in shape, a lot of other things seem to fall into place, in regards to your level of happiness and well being. Start slow, don't overdo it, the main goal should be to stay focused. Don't concentrate so much on how much you do each day, instead concentrate on going every day. Consistency is key! I can't emphasize that enough! Go two days then rest a day, go two more, rest a day. Weekends are free day's, but keep your diet in mind.I have 0 motivation and stamina atm. I know I really need to change my life and get fit and bigger but it's tough, especially as its like a struggle to even wanna get outta bed these days. Well it's been like that for a while. I know lack of exercise contributes to depression and I'm not helping myself, just hard to know where to start. I think I'd rather find a gym then wander the streets though. Nowhere to really run here
You body needs to be in calorie buring mode for the day or at least become accustomed to burning a high rate of calories at a time. I eat a protein rich meal with a proportionately larger salad the night before -very important. Wake up really early, DON"T EAT ANYTHING, DON"T SMOKE BUD and drink a little water. I usually hit the treadmill first for 30-60min at highest incline, between 2.8-3.4 mph, yoga etc afterwards. AVOID WEIGHT LIFTING or muscle gaining activities until you can get comfortably locked into this routine. I did this for 4-5 day per week for the past 4 mos. I am 5'10" and had a 33-34" waist line before this and now ripped with a 30" waistlineugh i gotta get in shape, i have no one to kick my ass for me....ive been trying for solong but i seeno results so i just say fuck it...its so hard for women to loose weight i have no idea why i eat super fucking healthy i am at a job where i never sit down for 9 hours at the day i work out..idk wtf
uhm....id be like 90 lbs then....You could probably stand to lose like 40-50 lbs
You are too funny.uhm....id be like 90 lbs then....
Yeah but james rustler told you too.. so you betteruhm....id be like 90 lbs then....
I tried that again this morning with the banana, ended up eating one piece and half of the banana, I was full as fuck and couldn't eat the other piece. Still undetermined, I'll have to collect more data with that one. I also drank a little bit again last night and felt a little off.so was it the peanut butter sandwich that increased your stamina? or still undecided?
I used to wear boxer briefs actually, though I experienced the same problem with those. Definitely better than nothing at all! At least it's confirmed now that it's the skin/skin contact that causes it! I wasn't sure if it was the wet cloth rubbing against my skin at first. Thanks for the tipyo patawan, bro to bro advise... (and this may not werk for ya) to minimize thigh rubbing/sweat burn try: Boxer-Briefs. then you have the thigh coverage to min chafing. under armour makes the stretchy athletic type. alright now forget I'm the one that brought that up! / BTW- epic run with the mountains and open hwy / damn anyone notice how cute Sunni's pic #3 is?
I agree with the cardio, especially if you're trying to lose weight. I've known people who said they were trying to lose weight but only lifted weights... what? Made no sense..A good natural muscle relaxer can be found in mustard,known as tumeric.It helps alot for the aching muscles.Before sleep or shortly after workout is the best time for it to work.
My routine in a week involves elliptical resistance training and Bowflex.I usualy do it for 5-6 days a week,just took a 4 day break(celebrated the birthday tuesday) going back to my regiment tommorrow.Cardio is an everyday must in my opinion.1hr cardio without weight training for cardio days,30 mins of cardio and 1hr of bowflex resistance training on my weight training days.6'2H 195W,The hardest part is diet ...dam those munchies sometimes.