The "GO BOX" By General Organics

General organics go box contains

Contains bottles of:
BioThrive Grow (16oz)
BioThrive Bloom (16oz)
CaMg+ (8oz)
Bio Root (8oz)
Bio Weed (8oz)
Bio Bud (8oz)
Bio Marine (8oz)
Diamond Black (8oz)

Ok so the question is when you follow general organics feed guide do you add every week without changing the water??? It's to plain of a guide to be understood correctly. So I under stand that the guide is in ml/gal.
The recipe for most manufacturers is in ml per gallon of water and is designed to be completeley refreshed on a timeline. This means u start with fresh water. NEVER, EVER start any nute line at full recipe. Start at half or even 1/4 and work ur way up.
Ihave that box they gave one to me, ive been usinging it as additives as i feel its lacking in some necessary metals. Yet to try it solo.
Make a fresh batch of nutes every week or after you have added back the equivalent to a whole reservoir, which ever comes first. Your add back should just be your base nutes w/o additives, at least this is how I do it.
The plants use different amounts of different elements at different times. This leaves a build up of the stuff they dont need, esp when u add back nutes, which willl give bad ppm readings and phantom plant issues that most would assume to be a def of some sort and add more of something further perpetuating the problem. Nutes are not that expensive and its not like it takes a long time to change a res, i can empty, rinse, fill and add all nutes to a 50gal res in 10-12 mins.
And your method is DWC? If so you should probably ask your questions here, this is the DWC forum and the best place to get all the answers to the questions you might have.
You may want to re think the size of your res considering the size of your grow, 25 gallons of nutes is going to be seriously expensive, my res for 1 plant is 2.5 gallons.
I use the G.O. BOX and it says use nutes within an hr of mixing or aerate, and believe me its slimmmmeeey. You shouldn't need to change your batch for the weeks that it doesn't need a change. (If eres no organic build up) I'm pretty sure that line uses the same run for the full veg. Minus the diamond black for the early stages and then the same in bloom. Is pretty cut and dry simple. I think you probably with have to change often because there's a pretty big sludge build up ive noticed so be careful. GH does a have nutrient calculator instead of feeding schedules, just search it! You can customize your whole schedule by week water and res size!

I traditionally can keep topping of the res and adding solution to that until you've refilled half the amount of what you started with, then let them drink the res til it can't pump and refill.

you can, in essence keep the same nutes if the girls are happy and your res doesn't look like a swamp lol
He's growing 2 plants in a 3 foot wide by 5 foot tall cab.

The box should be perfect then, and GH/ GO is good for the money. They work really well even with their recommended feeding on the box. And it won't burn a hole in your pocket compared to the price you woulda paid on those quality meds! Happy growing!