• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

The God We All Truly Worship


Well-Known Member
The Almighty Dollar.
Americans spend their lives in this rat race. Working over time for minimum wage just to make ends meet. Instead of saving up we spend it all on shit we don't need. Every year its the same thing. Consumerism is a disease. Christmas is no "HOLIday." Its another reason to break your back all week long and then your bank account at the end of the year. We are all unconscious zombies doing what were told and not questioning a fucking thing.

Dance puppets...dance.

You get paid with fake money that has no value. You are paid with a promise to pay back a debt. Rappers on mtv flaunt jewelry they claim to own though they borrowed it from some jeweler just for the video. The clothes you spend so much money on is made by children for 1/1000th of price you paid for it. Of course it falls apart after its been washed but who cares your just gonna buy some more later.

So who is your God? A better question is who is your master?


Well-Known Member
im my master, i buy what the fuck i want when i want, nobody tells me too and if some little kid made my shirt for 1/1000 the price then my hats off to them for doing a good job. I dont break my back all week, i hardly work at all at my job. I get paid to sit out in the sun and fish and smoke pot so speak for yourself and stop acting like you are somebody important telling people something they dont know. Hey guess what, nobody told me to go buy myself a hoodie. I wanted it so i got it.....fucking zombies??? Man your a dumbass.


Well-Known Member
The Almighty Dollar.
Americans spend their lives in this rat race. Working over time for minimum wage just to make ends meet. Instead of saving up we spend it all on shit we don't need. Every year its the same thing. Consumerism is a disease. Christmas is no "HOLIday." Its another reason to break your back all week long and then your bank account at the end of the year. We are all unconscious zombies doing what were told and not questioning a fucking thing.

Dance puppets...dance.

You get paid with fake money that has no value. You are paid with a promise to pay back a debt. Rappers on mtv flaunt jewelry they claim to own though they borrowed it from some jeweler just for the video. The clothes you spend so much money on is made by children for 1/1000th of price you paid for it. Of course it falls apart after its been washed but who cares your just gonna buy some more later.

So who is your God? A better question is who is your master?

very intelligent, however i am afraid it will take a little more than that to convince the majority of people. good luck spreading the truth, many have died trying. a noble cause.


Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. Only those that are awake can see this anyway. Only those that feel threatened get defensive.


Well-Known Member
haha, who said i was threatened? Im simply stating that your so called facts dont apply to me. I worship life, i love life and i live it how i see fit. So by your opinion people who spend money and have a job are zombies. Easy to say such a thing but if nobody had a job then we wouldnt have the things we have, so instead wed have to break our backs to grow our own food and build or own house. Wed have to knit our on clothes and build fires. Thered be no hospitals or doctors, the average life expectancy would be around 50. So what if things are simplified and we work to get the things we want rather than working to make them ourselves, i prefer it this way. Im pretty sure you work a job or do something for income to put a roof over your heard and buy clothes and food and use a computer. So put your money where your mouth is and get rid of all your shit and build a stick hut in the woods and live without money and the help of the so called zombies.


Well-Known Member
monopoly money...its all paper
the indians had it right, they lived off the land bartering skins for corn
almost all products now are mass produced, everyone buys the same exact shit
Nobody buys something because it speaks to them or moves them in some way
people buy things for functionality not aesthetics when both could coexist


Well-Known Member
dude got any openings at your job? are you a deck hand?

i work at a park with the wildlife association, my job is to ride the trails and make sure kids arent doing drugs in the woods, pick up trash if someone has littered, and thats about it....we have 2 lakes so we fish and smoke up for the majority of the day. Im sure theres a place like this somewhere near your home.


Well-Known Member
haha, who said i was threatened? Im simply stating that your so called facts dont apply to me. I worship life, i love life and i live it how i see fit. So by your opinion people who spend money and have a job are zombies. Easy to say such a thing but if nobody had a job then we wouldnt have the things we have, so instead wed have to break our backs to grow our own food and build or own house. Wed have to knit our on clothes and build fires. Thered be no hospitals or doctors, the average life expectancy would be around 50. So what if things are simplified and we work to get the things we want rather than working to make them ourselves, i prefer it this way. Im pretty sure you work a job or do something for income to put a roof over your heard and buy clothes and food and use a computer. So put your money where your mouth is and get rid of all your shit and build a stick hut in the woods and live without money and the help of the so called zombies.
Read the title of this post, I never claimed to be seperate from it. I'm just aware of it. I'm sorry you're so offended by this post. Just because you don't do anything for the money you earn doesn't mean you're not a slave to the system. You are still being paid with worthless money. Old coal towns use to pay their miners in stamps that could only be redeemed at the coal's stores. This kept them from being able to save up or really buy anything at all. The dollar and digital money is basically the same thing. What I'm referring to is the fact that so many people buy things that are either worthless or junk or both and don't think twice about it. People spend hundreds of dollars a year on storage space to house the shit they never use. And referring to your comment on the fact that you bought a hoodie because you "wanted it" and not because someone told you to...have you ever questioned why you want things in the first place? If you haven't then you haven't truly examined yourself...or you are unaware/unconscious. And when I say zombie I'm referring to people that are unconscious of the reality that are a part of.

haha, who said i was threatened?
Man your a dumbass
Usually namecalling is a form a self-defense. Again I'm sorry for offending you, of course this post is not referring to everyone in America because not all people work for minimum wage. However most people do bitch about thier jobs and won't quit because they need to work to pay for all the shit they don't need. It is a vicious cycle and it is one that can be broken if said people would just wake the fuck up.


Well-Known Member
look i apologize for insulting you with the name calling but i dont share your opinion and i coulda been better in my responses. Yes i do know why i wanted the hoodie, because its cold and because i like it. I do not spend money for no apparent reason, i buy food, i buy equipment for my grow room, i buy clothes to stay warm when my old clothes are worn out. Everything i own is in my home, i dont have things in storage. The stuff i have i use on a regular basis, i dont even own a tv. Anything i feel the need to watch can be found on the internet. Ive had jobs that i didnt like and i quit, because if i dont like what im doing then i wont do it. Im not forced into anything by anybody. I do not agree with the things the government does and the laws they make because they never asked me if it was okay. Any law that is passed should be a national vote just like the presidency or else it shouldnt be allowed because these people in washington dont speak for us and they have their own agendas. I live like i want to live and nobody changes that, I know who i am and what i want and need and why.

and so if people just woke the fuck up what are they supposed to do to change something??? if youve got some kind of solution id like to hear it.


Well-Known Member
You do seem to be quiet aware of what is going on. Most people really aren't. I think the solution would work manifest itself if their were a collective awakening. The reason is that if everyone did what their hearts truly desired instead of working jobs they hated and doing things they didn't want to do (getting stressed out and getting cancer along the way) then maybe their hearts ambition would help to manifest creative solutions to the problems of this world. There is nothing wrong with breaking your back when you toil the land then reap what you sow in the fall. You get something out of it. But when you do the same thing at a 9-5 job for 40 years you get paid with a fiat currency that is literally worth nothing and 25% of what you are actually owed the entire time you work goes to the goddamned government.

The post really wasn't for people like you. I understand the situation you're in. You work because you literally do have to play the game just to survive. But if you realize it's just a game then you don't take it all so seriously. I have to play the game too. But I work at Walmart where all I see all day long is zombies. No one looks happy when they are shopping and everyone is tricked at least once into buying something that they don't need. Especially those cheap $1 dvd's, you know which ones I'm talking about. There is no life in anyone's eyes they are just consumers and wal-mart is probably one of the best companies in the world at tricking people into buying shit they don't need.

If everyone realized that they were being tricked or realized that wasting time at jobs they don't like stopped everything and did what they truly wanted to do...they would be free. Then creative solutions would arise. Creativity and spontaneity go hand in hand. Both are impossible if the planet is imprisoned and doesn't even realize it.


Well-Known Member
Okay so heres how i feel about all this, i dont like the idea of money but thats never gonna change. I believe that we should do the things that we are good at and that we like. I dont believe we should have to pay for anything, i think that if we all just did what we do and contributed it to the society as a whole then there would be peace because there would be no need to want, no need for greed, no need to stress over am i gonna be able to feed my family. We should be able to go to a market and take what we need and only what we need and not have to pay for it because we are in turn providing some sort of service as well. Maybe thats just things i come up with when im stoned but i really think its the way it should be....i know it will never happen but i still like to think its possible. I dont know if that makes sense or not but you seem smart so i think you understand what im getting at.

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
Okay so heres how i feel about all this, i dont like the idea of money but thats never gonna change. I believe that we should do the things that we are good at and that we like. I dont believe we should have to pay for anything, i think that if we all just did what we do and contributed it to the society as a whole then there would be peace because there would be no need to want, no need for greed, no need to stress over am i gonna be able to feed my family. We should be able to go to a market and take what we need and only what we need and not have to pay for it because we are in turn providing some sort of service as well. Maybe thats just things i come up with when im stoned but i really think its the way it should be....i know it will never happen but i still like to think its possible. I dont know if that makes sense or not but you seem smart so i think you understand what im getting at.
in case you missed it

this has been done before


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it has been tried before. Marx anyone. Yes, I know communist, but are you aware of his original idea. It was to eventually not need a government because of a Utopian society where everyone pitched in a little. In theory, it was beautiful, however, in reality it will never happen on a large scale because of greed. Look at where the people that took Marxs ideas ended up...

And as far as this whole conversation. Yes, there are many Americans who go through everyday striving for the almighty dollar. The American Dream right? Screw the American dream. We are told from a very young age that we have to have money to be happy. Not literally, but thats what it amounts to. Do you remember when your parents told you that you should go to college so you don't have to work 40 hours a week? I wish people could see that money doesn't buy happiness. Look at all the doctors who are making hundreds of thousands a year, but are still depressed, still cheat on their wives, and kill themselves.

Long story short. Love life. Don't just get caught in the endless cycle of work all day and be miserable. Find something you enjoy doing like ststepen420 up there and live. Peace.


Well-Known Member
This was written by a current String Theory Revolutionist in Africa.

Figured it out: We need a world language that can spread quickly. Sign language can even be learned by monkeys. We have four years to learn sign language. We will have a world wide sign language election which will be supplied by cell phones being distributed to everyone in four years. We have four years to find the most articulate, optimistic, intelligent, inspirational, and peaceful people on earth. Some may be politicians, but I was thinking more along the lines of a younger crowd. Then in four years we will choose from all of these candidates who we want to go where and lead what and why. We will all have a hand in this 'literally' if we can all learn sign language. After the election and we have new leaders. We will need to get rid of money and start over. We will need to get rid of nukes and start over. We will need to get rid of cars and start over. Everything Earth concious. We do this by recycling everything metal on the planet. Everyone will lose everything at a constant pace, as it is being replaced by higher and cleaner technology. This will undoubtedly involve the ocean and the wind and the earth itself. We can then start over using ancient methods including egyptian, mayan, qing, anything really, as long as everyone in the world votes that it will be beneficial. Ever seen that commercial with all the firefighters and the walkie talkie cellphones take over and say "we need clean water guys?" then they all say "yes" or something along those lines, this would be similar, and would take four years. Then with all the nukes, guns, cars, computers, houses, everything currently considered a 'technological advancement' would be slowly replaced with better and more earth friendly resources. They can make entire apartment complexes green now. This is the start of the Emotional Revolution. We will now have a foundation based on love, intellectual fostering and creative fostering, agriculture, science, astronomy, philosophy, art. This is the next great thing. Let us all try and take part.


Well-Known Member
Sounds interesting. But you have to remember that there are a lot of people with a lot of power that would not go for anything like this. As I mentioned earlier, I think greed is going to keep anything like this from happening. Not to mention laziness. How many people would believe anything like this could happen and learn sign language.


Well-Known Member
Sounds interesting. But you have to remember that there are a lot of people with a lot of power that would not go for anything like this. As I mentioned earlier, I think greed is going to keep anything like this from happening. Not to mention laziness. How many people would believe anything like this could happen and learn sign language.
Thanks. Doesn't help at all. Keep that pessimism to yourself. This is a time for the youth to rise up and change things just like ever revolt, uprise, revolution, enlightenment, civil rights act, etc. Don't ever mention laziness to me ever again. There have been more people giving up their lives for freedom than any other cause ever. So..... does anyone have anything fucking constructive to add?


Well-Known Member
Thanks. Doesn't help at all. Keep that pessimism to yourself. This is a time for the youth to rise up and change things just like ever revolt, uprise, revolution, enlightenment, civil rights act, etc. Don't ever mention laziness to me ever again. There have been more people giving up their lives for freedom than any other cause ever. So..... does anyone have anything fucking constructive to add?
Ummmmm. I'm definitely not pessimistic. Look at the Rant thread I just put up THOSE guys are pessimistic. I'm just saying for every person who is all about change there are probably several who wouldn't get off their ass to change the channel.