The Good, The Bad & The Ugly (3 unique seedlings...)


One seedling seems ok, the other one has badly drooping leaves, and the last one looks like some mutant seedling that's hasn't grown in size for a week. The healthy seedling and the mutant seedling are the same seeds (delicious candy). The one with drooping leaves is auto-purple.
Any thoughts on what's up with these would be appreciated.



The droopy one looks like overwatering...the weird twisted one might be a genetic failure (think Timmy on the little yellow bus)
Ahhh ok.. Well I didn't water it that much, only once a day with one syringe of water.. is that too much you think? I was actually assuming perhaps it was under-watered but that goes to show what I know..


Well-Known Member
Ahhh ok.. Well I didn't water it that much, only once a day with one syringe of water.. is that too much you think? I was actually assuming perhaps it was under-watered but that goes to show what I know..
Overwatering/Hovering over the plants is the #1 mistake we all made starting out...if you don't let the soil properly dry (top to bottom would be normal) it forces the roots to move down the soil searching for water...if they have constant access to water they tend to slowly develop roots....if you can get a "weight" of the watered container, then as it dries you can weigh it to get a good idea of how much/when to long as you don't let the seedlings suffer a drought you'll be ok....(you'll discover that mature plants benefit from a drought every now and again)


Overwatering/Hovering over the plants is the #1 mistake we all made starting out...if you don't let the soil properly dry (top to bottom would be normal) it forces the roots to move down the soil searching for water...if they have constant access to water they tend to slowly develop roots....if you can get a "weight" of the watered container, then as it dries you can weigh it to get a good idea of how much/when to long as you don't let the seedlings suffer a drought you'll be ok....(you'll discover that mature plants benefit from a drought every now and again)
thanks for the info I'll try and follow it. the little leaves on the drooping plant have drooped almost straight down now since i took that photo this morning, i forgot to mention before that i repotted it 2 days ago because the stem was getting too long, so i just potted it deeper down in the same pot after reading a thread about that here .. wondering if that has anything to do with it and also i don't think the soil is very good quality where the roots are, it's the same soil i used for that mutant plant.. although in the photo the soil looks good, that's just the top soil that i covered with after planting deeper down, the actual root soil isn't good i think.. do you think i should try repotting it in better quality soil or just leave it for a few days and wait to see what happens? the plant that's healthy was potted in good quality soil from the beginning


Well-Known Member
That soil is nasty stuff from the back garden and should not have been used with seeds you have bought. Carefully re pot into something decent. The retarded looking one is retarded ,where did you get them?


That soil is nasty stuff from the back garden and should not have been used with seeds you have bought. Carefully re pot into something decent. The retarded looking one is retarded ,where did you get them?
The soil was from a garden centre but it was a cheap one. The better soil I have is Canna Terra which really good quality and it's the stuff i used for the plant that's doing well.

Seeds I got from Herbies, the mutant one is a freebie delicious candy seed and the one that's doing well is also a freebie delicious candy, whereas the one that's suffering is the one i paid for auto purple.


That soil is nasty stuff from the back garden and should not have been used with seeds you have bought. Carefully re pot into something decent. The retarded looking one is retarded ,where did you get them?
By the way i'm going to repot but i fed the plant yesterday with water and today it was outside but it rained a little. You think i should repot now or wait until the soil is probably drier?


Update.. The top leaves of the drooping plant have now perked up and straightened. The bottom leaves still drooping. Haven't changed the soil yet though. Figure I'll wait a while.