The good things about using skeptical reasoning


Well-Known Member
You don't buy into bullshit like homeopathy, alternative medicines, rituals, seance's, ouija boards, power balance wrist bands, organized religion, souls, ghosts, goblins, fairies, Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, demons, gods, or unicorns, and get conned out of your hard earned money because of it.

You are always willing to engage in conversation defending what you believe and you always come armed with supporting evidence. One thing that is constant from people who don't use skepticism to form their beliefs is that they're never willing to defend them. They'll tell you things like "I don't have to prove anything to you" or "believe it or not, it doesn't matter to me because I know it's true" or "you're arrogant", "you're close minded", "you wouldn't know because you haven't experienced it yourself"... We've seen it on this subforum plenty of times.. When the reality is, they don't make attempts to defend what they believe because they can't, they know they can't. I'm not sure who they think they're fooling with such excuses, but it definitely isn't me.

You believe things based on evidence, not based on what you want the evidence to point towards.

What do you find to be a good thing about being a skeptical person?
I find that being skeptical person makes me more tolerant of things. But I'm not sure - or course.
I find that being skeptical person makes me more tolerant of things. But I'm not sure - or course.

I agree. There's really no good reason to be racist, so being skeptical about peoples reasons make you think they're biased, ignorant, hateful and just plain stupid.

Same with sexual orientation and gay people.
Skepticism makes me more able to control the way i think, what i think, and how i think. I think, it helps keep me, as well as my emotions under control.
I think it allows the unbias point of view to come forward when utilizing a skeptical thought process.Its more important than most will realize,to not let initial opinion, form a prebased assumption about something you do not know, as truth.
The greatest thing about skepticism and critical thinking is that I make far more effective decisions, thus much greater progress in my life. In the past, I've allowed my feelings to direct my actions with mediocre results. I was often surprised when things didn't work out. Critical thinking, being skeptical and being honest with oneself requires effort, and if you are not aware of the effort you're either very skilled at these things, or not applying them fully. I'd say I have a 90%+ success rate in directing my life and accurate judgment of people and situations now, these are powerful and useful skills...
The angry hard-atheist comes out yet again lol. It seems like only so much spiritual talk can be tolerated before one of you guys are like 'Fuck it! Im gunna make a thread! that'll show'em!".
I've read through all the replies and I'd have to say that I'm doubtful about the conclusions reached and borderline distrustful of the answers.
You misunderstood, defending our beliefs from valid criticism, of which you've... come to think of it, never really provided.

As I said, you simply cry persecution or make personal attacks, and you're dealt with accordingly. NWR
I've read through all the replies and I'd have to say that I'm doubtful about the conclusions reached and borderline distrustful of the answers.

Your post would be more interesting if you either:
a. were specific about your criticisms or
b. contributed anything to the thread yourself

Reminds me of a Simpson's episode where Homer was heckling a baseball team; Marge corrected him saying, "you know Homer, it's really easy to criticize people". Homer replied, 'and fun, too'...
You don't buy into bullshit like homeopathy, alternative medicines, rituals, seance's, ouija boards, power balance wrist bands, organized religion, souls, ghosts, goblins, fairies, Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, demons, gods, or unicorns, and get conned out of your hard earned money because of it.

You are always willing to engage in conversation defending what you believe and you always come armed with supporting evidence. One thing that is constant from people who don't use skepticism to form their beliefs is that they're never willing to defend them. They'll tell you things like "I don't have to prove anything to you" or "believe it or not, it doesn't matter to me because I know it's true" or "you're arrogant", "you're close minded", "you wouldn't know because you haven't experienced it yourself"... We've seen it on this subforum plenty of times.. When the reality is, they don't make attempts to defend what they believe because they can't, they know they can't. I'm not sure who they think they're fooling with such excuses, but it definitely isn't me.

You believe things based on evidence, not based on what you want the evidence to point towards.

What do you find to be a good thing about being a skeptical person?

To the bold italic underlined. This actually does overcome skepticism imo. Aside from this I do agree. When I experience something, I have all the proof I need, and if I still can not prove it, then I'm crazy and that is alright.
To the bold italic underlined. This actually does overcome skepticism imo. Aside from this I do agree. When I experience something, I have all the proof I need, and if I still can not prove it, then I'm crazy and that is alright.

The major problem with reliance on personal experience is that we know that our experiences are not a true reflection of reality. Our brains are extremely prone to being fooled. If experiences were proof, then magicians would be considered gods. A good skeptic understands this and must therefore dismiss personal experience unless it can be backed up by other means.
To the bold italic underlined. This actually does overcome skepticism imo. Aside from this I do agree. When I experience something, I have all the proof I need, and if I still can not prove it, then I'm crazy and that is alright.

I have had experiences that bear every subjective stamp of reality, but cannot be made reasonably consistent with what I think I do know about "stuff". Those I don't trust, even while they fascinate me. cn