The government spent $18 million destroying marijuana plants last year

Your forum sucks. Why do you need a corporate sponsored television show to tell you what's masculine? Cuz your sheep?

*you're - as in "you are sheep?"

If you plan on insulting someone try not looking like a fucking retard in the process.


Thanks but since I never seen you post anywhere in politics section before, and you give me kudos I'm going to accuse you of being an unclebuck sock puppet.

You write like you speak. And you speak like a dumbass.

Because there administration here allows trolling to exist which goes against the counter culture of cannabis, and it's my civic duty I show up from time to time reminding them of how shitty of a service they provide to the public, which is clearly half baked operation full of incompetence.

Isn't it ironic? A little too ironic. Yea I really do think.

*you're - as in "you are sheep?"

If you plan on insulting someone try not looking like a fucking retard in the process.


You write like you speak. And you speak like a dumbass.

Isn't it ironic? A little too ironic. Yea I really do think.

Correcting grammar has been deemed racist by your fellow libtards. Will you continue your racist way???

Correcting grammar has been deemed racist by your fellow libtards. Will you continue your racist way???

Does it upset you that your penis is so very tiny???

I'm sorry you aren't bright enough to know the difference between "your" and "you're". I could care less if you used "less" instead of "fewer", but it's the simple words and complete butchering of the English language that is laughable.
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And what's even funnier is that you actually spent the time to go look for a video showing how much of a jerk I am for pointing out how much of a dumbass you are.

I'm not asking you to speak and write like a literary genius, I'm asking you to interact with us at least at a 3rd grade level. And it seems YOU'RE having a tough time doing even that.
I would take that 18 mil figure with a grain of salt. I bet they spent at least 10 times that flying helo's an planes in 48 states,think about it:bigjoint:
I agree with you on that and they don't count how much it cost for jail,and prison,,for pot