i think number 10 is going to die .. i made a second trip up there today and it wasnt looking too good .. really wilted and dark dark green .. number 6 i believe will make it .. it still had some firmness to it ... i put a trail cam up there but the batteries were dead soo im gonna have to put some new ones in tomorrow .. damn it .. i think it might have been a skunk they like roots and digging .. or do u think a squirrel would dig a hole that big? .. i added some thorn branches to the bases of the plants hoping it'll deter the digging .. well anyway .. there's my growyedi, be careful. looks like you got them in time to save them. if they don't get dug up again they will make it.
well i think it might have been getting at the roots or something .. but the one that dug beside my plant put a rock in there?? yeah idk either.. and any help on plant 4???
thank you kind sir ... i think i'll be giving you your firs repget liquid fence from the hardware store, works like magic on small critters and deer. Ive been following you the whole time since youve started just only as a guest but i finally signed up and im actually at day 11 of my grow so i wish you luck as long as you wish some back! Nirvana early misty mmmmm
Its shitty that something dug your shit up, i have 2 separate plots and at each of the plots there was 1 deer hoof print and 1 plant dug up, the liquid fence has prevented further occurrences though (so far).
yeah i think they only did cause u said they would .. cause your the god of cannabis lol ...wooo hoo. i knew they'd make it.
thank you kind sirlooking good
yeah it's really close .. only like a 500 or so foot hike and a 1/4m drive .. i need to condition my soil some how .. my mix doesnt retain much water at all .. any suggestions? i also think i'm gonna go pick up some bat guano and add a little more blood meal to the mixNice man. it seems like it's fairly quick for you to get to your stuff? are you close to it? We've got a bit of a drive to ours then a lot of a hike. I've got some worm casting on the way and some organic ferts as well. gonna brew up some compost tea.
might have to try something you suggested . but i might steal some mulch or find a rotting tree and get some of that to place around my plant .. i'll find something ..Not really sure what you would do for that? One thing we did was put down wood chips/broken up bark down around the base. It's supposed to help retain water and slugs don't like crawling over all the edges. I wonder if you could add a little vermiculite into the top layer without going to deep as to damage any roots?