The Great Outdoors Grow of 2OO8 - Gilfman's First Time

How well do you think Gilfman's grow season will turn out?

  • Awesome! BIG yields with grade-A buds!

    Votes: 42 16.0%
  • Good season .. Great for a begginner

    Votes: 102 38.9%
  • Ehh.. Average

    Votes: 54 20.6%

    Votes: 21 8.0%
  • Gets busted and has no harvest time to enjoy.. Poor Gilfman... :(

    Votes: 43 16.4%

  • Total voters
nice, thats great news man!
how are the other plants doing? any pic updates from how they look? sadly, my seedlings died because i couldn't water them on time.
well likely usual ill get my pics up on monday orange .. and im gonna take pics of my newly planted ones .. hopefully they wont be camera shy by monday..
yeah me too .. im hoping i can get about 10 more plants going.. so that way there is weight in numbers u know? because im not expecting much yield off each .. just small yields in numbers :D
ok so i visited today .. no pics but the growth on them was stunner .. i was like seriously holy shit .. grew like 2 inches a day this week
yeahh so guys .. i have a problem ... no camera .. wasnt home today ... so pics will come sooner than later ... but i have a way bigger problem .... my parents are on to my ass ... i will either have to cancel my grow this year .. or keep growing with less updates... see heres how it all went down...

so i got distracted when i got home today and left my backpack with nutes out .. BIG FucKING MISTAKE! ... so i got home and my mom was like what are u growing in the back .. i was like what are u talking about .. she was like why do u have to take those things with you when u go out .. i choked (like always) i said idk ... (worse excuse never use it) ... she was like w.e it is i want it out tomorrow ... so fuck me sideways in san fransisco ... i have the option of pulling out my almost positive 2 males and be like here are u happy now? there are my plants ..orr i could just say fine and only visit my plants about once a week ... and lastly i would have to stop all together... so lemme hear what you have to say... but in all views im fucked... its gonna make life alot harder to grow now
no she thinks they are someplace they are not .. but i could take her to the spot where i dug out my first plot .. and there are not plants there
nah dude. you will be fine.

i wouldent say anyting els besides thier gone now. act like they are done for. even if you cant keep the updates keep the grow alive. the way i do it and not get caught. is i go back whenever i have water them. ( even if at night to be sneekey ). it does rain here atleast once a week so if i wanted i wouldent have to walk back thier at all. but you seen what just happend to me. if i didnt go back thier my plant would be lost forever " KNOCK ON WOOD ".

i think you will be fine. even without nuets. im not doing too bad.

arent you ever home when your parents arent?
yeah like during the day... thats when the magic of me + my plants go down .. like i set down my backpack on my porch .. and she snooped in it .. wtf right? but i left my house for a dentist appt and when i got home my parents were.. no cleaning up the shit i made for myself when that happens
ah shit thats horrible news. such a bad feeling huh?
i really dont know what you should do based on your moms views on weed, so id just tell her u stopped and keep the visits to a minimum. i would have left the nutes and stuff over there so that it wouldnt happen
shut the FUCK UP OTIS !! go fucking die you worthless piece of shit! i respect my parents and i know it's in their best interest to keep me safe and out of trouble! so go fucking get in your fucking jalopy and run your shouldve been aborted ass over a fucking cliff ok? ... i recall asking for advice on the situation and not my future...