The great RIU Conquistador grow '08!


Well-Known Member
I forgot one question....the cloner you wanna do...yeah it's a fine idea. I got myself a new cloner built...check it's a 1 dollar plastic shoebox with small pieces of wire sticking up to help hold the clones up....ghetto but it works just fine for me...the spray bottle is in there so you can see how big the thing really is....not too big....looking at the pics it looks like it came from fuckin whoville...I swear it looks better in person...ha ha ha :mrgreen: and look how packed together my current 16 little clones are....fuck works fine:blsmoke:start pokin



Well-Known Member
Do you put water in the shoebox or what? How exactly does that work? What I think I need to do is to figure out a way to take cuttings as soon as the outdoor ones show sex, veg 'em outdoors, and then move them into the cab. What would be the best way to do that? The other thing I've been thinking about is getting an aerogarden for the purpose, or just building some kind of little setup myself in my closet. Just trying to figure out the cheapest and easiest way.

I was just looking at pics on here from a month ago and I can't believe how much my plants have grown!! The ones that were totally chomped down by squirrels are doing fine now. I did trash one of them the other day because it just wasn't doing so well, but I moved one of the Afghani/MKs into the container.

One thing I'm noticing about my outdoor plants is that the ones grown all-organic with the worm castings and the ones in plain old MG look about the same. It will be interesting to see how they taste. I've also been misting all the plants in my garden with Superthrive water a few times a day, and I gotta say, that stuff is INSANE. It definitely makes your plants grow, that's for damn sure. I have a couple of herbs and veggies out there that I've grown before, plus a rosebush I've had for several years, and they're all literally twice as big as they were last year. I gave the rosebush some of the Rainbow Mix Bloom to see what happened and it's busting out the flowers. Interesting!!

Oh, and I emailed the guy about the cab and didn't hear back, so I guess he already sold it. Oh well!
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Well-Known Member
all you need for cloning is a rubbermaid container of some sort. poke holes in the top and add some water...then just stick em in there and make sure they are standing up straight. now...I also cover my clones with a laundry basket that I covered in painters plastic to keep the humidity up...spray the leaves a few times a day and wala..once you get roots stick em in soil and once they show new growth you can put them under real lighting again...till new growth shows I keep mine under the fluoro tubes:mrgreen: everyone says you need some aero cloner...i say horse an opaque cup will work just fine too...just make sure you dont have light getting to the new roots:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I am transplanting the connies into a couple of my three gallon pots today....hopefully it gives em a nice growth spurt in the next week or two:mrgreen:
I will throw up some pics when I am done


Well-Known Member
here are the pics...connies are in the three gallon pots....I transplanted them into a super soilx sand mix at about 50/50. should leave for lots of drainage in the pots. the roots were ready for the bigger pots for sure so I am glad I did it today instead of waiting another week or two. I think these babies are gonna take off like little plant rockets. keep your eyes on em...they have already overgrown plants I started three weeks before them.:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Captu4ik said:
Fool proof cloning !I have had 100 % success using this method, whereas with the aero-cloner I got root rot, with rockwool I got nothing, etc. This is not my design, although this method has been popular with non-MJ growers for many years. It will yeild clones in less than 14 days, ready to be transplanted to any medium I know of.

To start, let's get to the materials.

We've got 2 identical Tupperware dishes, one I've already painted black. The containers must nest, 1 inside the other, with at least 1 1/2" between the 2 containers. This gap can be made by inserting a spacer between the 2 containers, but it is just as easy to find the proper shaped containers. Tupperware should be 4 -6" deep, also. Other dimensions depend on how many cuts you'll be rooting. If you buy clear containers like I did, one needs to be painted black. This container will go on the outside.
We've got 3 Tiki Torch Wicks. There's a million different brands, all suitable, and can be obtained at any Home DePot or Walmart. In fact, all these materials are easily obtained at either place.
We need a sack of Perlite, preferably coarse.
That's the materials. As for tools, a pair of scissors and a razor knife.

Assemble as follows :

Punch 6 holes in the bottom of a container, approximately the diameter of the wicks.

Cut 3 wicks in half so you have one for each hole.

Place wicks through holes about 1/2 way.

Now fill the bottom container with tapwater, 1 1/2" deep, and place the container with the wicks inside. If the wicks keep the containers from nesting properly, don't be alarmed, wicks will quickly soften and they will nest. It is important to use only tapwater. The Chlorine in the water will keep nasty stuff from growing.

The next step is to fill the top container with perlite. Fill the container 4 - 6".

Now to find a donor ! I'm taking 1 cut from a NL (fem), just to have a mother, and several cuts from a re-vegged White Widow. These clones will be grown for more clones for my next big grow.

Cuts can be taken from the mother with scissors.

Here's the rough cuts. The WW cuts look really strange because they haven't fully re-vegged. They will still work.

Here's the NL cut. I've taken off the bottom leaves, and scraped the stem with my razor knife, from the end up about one inch. I tried to cut the end at a 45 degree angle, but screwed it up. You know what ? It doesn't really matter. If you scrape the stem, the roots will grow.

Now take your razor knife and poke a hole in the perlite, at least 4" deep.

Bury the cut in the hole, covering all the bare stem. Do not use rooting gel or powder ! These are not necessary, and will cause bad things to grow !

After filling the container with cuts, check the bottom container. Water will have to be added again. Usually, if you re-fill at this point, water level will have to be checked about every three days. Always re-fill with tapwater. I have placed my cloner in the shade of a larger plant. You can also use 1 42w CFL.

Leave cuts alone for 10 to 12 days. At the end of this period, dig each rooted clone out of the perlite, being very careful. I use a wooden coffee stirrer.

How this works : Perlite wicks moisture while holding air. The torch wicks pull water up from the bottom container (reservoir), into the Perlite, and the perlite wicks enough moisture for the clones to root, while leaving enough oxygen for the process also.

Do not use anything but tapwater. Do not use any nutes, rooting gels, Superthrive, or anything else besides tapwater ! This is essential. Do not check the cuts for roots before day 10, I wait until day 12.

I have used this method for the last year and also get 100% success. Thought you might want to give it a try, littlebat :peace:


Well-Known Member
Help! One of the plants in my cab is drooping over at the top. This is the one that was turning purple last week. It's the same size as the other one, but their roots look totally different. The leaning over/purple one has big long ones that hang in the water and the other has short bushy ones that just brush the surface of the water. (there's a pump spinning between them and misting them.) I can't figure out what the hell is going on! I just cleaned & changed the res again, seems to need it about once a week. Gave it 1.5 tsp of GroAqua and a drop of Superthrive.

Also, the one that's bending has a thinner stalk than the other. Does anyone have any ideas? The leaves look fine on both plants, no discoloration or anything.


Well-Known Member
My lttle alchoholic douchebag bro has got himself in some shit.So the fucking cops show up today,Wanted to come in.I said my little brother doesnt live here and kept my gate closed.I gave them some bullshit directions and started moving shit out.So the superskunks and the connies went to the woods.They went from 75f to 100f in about three minutes i think there fucked...My brother is a drunk and a thief now he cost me big time.He stole 2 lawnmowers from me this year alone.Now the plants i had in the house.I heard they caught him..but i couldnt take the chance of them seizing my place.What was wierd is they were in a squad car but they had civillian clothes on.Ill take pics in the mornin...:twisted:


Well-Known Member
God damn, hydro..! :( I hope they don't stress too hard. Putting white paper around my pots has REALLY helped them deal with high temps much better.


Well-Known Member
i do too,but the humidity and heat is like nite and day from indoors to out.I was going to put them back out during the next rain but so much for that shit.When i sell this place he is oneman who wont know my new address.Ill know more in the morning but im going to expect the worst..


Well-Known Member
Thank you girl.Im glad i only germinated 5 of each.I can restart if i have too and they can finish off indoors.Ill be out at 630am to check em out may have to put the survivors in the ground.About the white paper its a no,no since 1 plant will get you 2 years and 10,000 in fines in the great state of texas.Ive never been in any real shit but id get 10 years probation.I wish i still lived in cali.Saw those pics fdd put on the soil thread you posted in and i wanted to pack up and move.This covert growing shit is really getting old.If i can keep people like my brother out of my life it wouldnt be so bad....My next house will have a secret room!!


Well-Known Member
Shit, Hydro, I don't know what to say! I am so sorry that happened to you! Yeah, growing in TX is no joke. I used to live there -- that's why my first grow didn't finish, I was living with my bf at the time and he got paranoid and asked me to trash the plants. The house and land were in his name so of course he had the right, but it was pretty heartbreaking to let them go.

In slightly better news, my outdoor plants are really filling out into short little bushes. And tonight I realized they're beginning to smell! They smell awesome. :)

Oh and my bending-over plant is starting to stand up again. They seem to be able to go about six days between res/nute changes.

Got my fingers and toes crossed for ya, Hydro.


Well-Known Member
fuck hydro....fuck....that sucks ass...I dont even know what to's just sad. :-?...plants are very addaptive they may make it till you get a new place or shit calms down:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
pretty sure I am the father of two boys....I am gonna give it two more days till I make the call for sure.....fuck


Well-Known Member
take a look...these are pics from the larger one of the two least I guess I will have a TON of connie seeds....Oh and they have been on 24/ seems like this light grows the shit out of plants and everything I have put under it has shown sex within a month and a half

