Well-Known Member
And the award for stupidest new member of RUI goes to....
Thanks for the laugh but you are talking out your ass.homophobes....
i love pussy. i love going to raves and rolling balls while underage girls sucks my dick on the dancefloor in their body painted costumes. i once saw a girl get fucked with a gun in SLC. jesus christ some poeple are dumb, x makes bitches horrrrnny. mormon chicks r dirtayyyy. i be up in that shit all night. as for having sex on a roll, yeah probbaly a bad idea to fuck before or while your peaking, as youll just cum gallons of jizz constantly and wont reach orgasm. Sex on molly is actually pretty good and much easier to stay super hard than a roll. i read a study on erowid that said that viagra and x can be combined safely. i mean damn, shits been around for almost 100 years now and people still crap themselves like its some drug from a violent video game. fuckin body builders used to take large ass ammounts to build musscle or cut before a comp, and you know they like those ripped 8 packs huh?