The growing threat of right wing terrorism

You know that it is not and hasn't been for a very long time. You do know where Chicago is don't you?

georgia is a blue state and texas is a toss up?

you need a better map as much as your wife needs black cock in her.

besides, if it were a blue state, wouldn't you move there? you fucking love blue states you decrepit old shit stain.
More left wing murder rates for your viewing pleasure.

Blue states, cities: highest murder rates
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Reply Topic: Blue states, cities: highest murder rates
Posted: 17 Jan 2015 at 11:46am
By Garth Kant

Those pushing President Obama’s gun-control agenda often portray the United States as one of the murder hot spots of the world, but the numbers tell a different story.

Even more revealing, gun murders in the U.S. are concentrated in big cities that typically have the strictest gun-control regulations. And it is those cities’ gun murder rates that are comparable to the rates in some of the deadliest countries in the world.

A United Nations 2010 chart lists the U.S. as having a murder rate of 5.22 per 100,000 people. The world average homicide rate: 9.63 per 100,000.

And 89 countries have higher murder rates than the U.S.

America is not even in the same league as the worst offenders. Honduras has a murder rate of 60.87 per 100,000. Jamaica 59.5. El Salvador 51.83. Guatemala 45.17. Colombia 40.1. Trinidad and Tobago 39.67 Angola 38.59. South Africa 36.54. Burundi 37.38 Lesotho 36.69 Zimbabwe 34.29. Belize 34.26.

The statistics on gun murders shed even more light.

The U.S. may have the highest level of gun ownership in the world, but its rate of gun homicides is only about three per 100,000.

Gun homicides in the United States are concentrated in major urban areas. And those cities, typically Democratic strongholds with the most stringent gun control laws in the nation, have gun murder rates that rival those of the most violent countries in the world.

Listen to this leader tell listeners to forget shotguns, and why semi-auto rifles are needed.

Click here to see a map comparing the rate of gun murders in American cities to nations around the world. It uses data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and other sources collated by The Guardian.

The data reveal these amazing comparisons:

If it were a country, New Orleans (with a rate 62.1 gun murders per 100,000 people) would rank second in the world.

Detroit’s gun-homicide rate (35.9) is just a bit less than El Salvador (39.9).

Baltimore’s rate (29.7) is not too far off that of Guatemala (34.8).

Gun murder in Newark (25.4) and Miami (23.7) is comparable to Colombia (27.1).

Washington D.C. (19) has a higher rate of gun homicide than Brazil (18.1).

Atlanta’s rate (17.2) is about the same as South Africa (17).

Cleveland (17.4) has a higher rate than the Dominican Republic (16.3).

Gun murder in Buffalo (16.5) is similar to Panama (16.2).

Houston’s rate (12.9) is slightly higher than Ecuador’s (12.7).

Gun homicide in Chicago (11.6) is similar to Guyana (11.5).

Phoenix’s rate (10.6) is slightly higher than Mexico (10).

Los Angeles (9.2) is comparable to the Philippines (8.9).

Boston rate (6.2) is higher than Nicaragua (5.9).

New York, where gun murders have declined to just four per 100,000, is still higher than Argentina (3).

Even the cities with the lowest homicide rates by American standards, like San Jose and Austin, compare to Albania and Cambodia, respectively.

It’s true those comparisons are American cities to nations. But most of the countries listed have relatively small populations, in many cases comparable to large U.S. metros.

Here’s a look at the gun-control laws in the five U.S. cities with the highest gun-murder rates.

Baltimore gun owners. The state prohibits the sale of handguns and many high-powered weapons without background checks. Magazines that hold more than 20 rounds are illegal.

Newark is in a state that already has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation, and they may get stricter. The New Jersey state assembly passed a series of measures on February 21. One bill would limit the size of magazines to 10 shells from the current 15. Others would outlaw .50 caliber weapons, create weapon-free school zones, require background checks for private gun sales and require safety training for people seeking firearm purchase permits. The state Senate and Gov. Chris Christie would have to approve the changes.

Florida law requires citizens in Miami wait three days before a handgun purchase.

Firearms-rights supporters point to the high rates of gun murders where tight gun-control laws are in effect. Dave Workman of the Second Amendment Foundation says the belief in the firearms community is those laws mean people simply can’t protect themselves and criminals know it.

He says, “Criminals realize victims are far less likely to fight back. There’s no deterrent factor.”

Gun-control measures proposed by President Obama in January could reduce that deterrent factor even more.

Obama is pressing Congress to pass laws that would ban so-called “assault weapons” and magazines with more than 10 rounds, expand background checks, toughen gun-trafficking laws, and require criminal background checks for all gun sales.

More left wing murder rates for your viewing pleasure.

Blue states, cities: highest murder rates
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Joined: 12 Sep 2009
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Reply Topic: Blue states, cities: highest murder rates
Posted: 17 Jan 2015 at 11:46am
By Garth Kant

Those pushing President Obama’s gun-control agenda often portray the United States as one of the murder hot spots of the world, but the numbers tell a different story.

Even more revealing, gun murders in the U.S. are concentrated in big cities that typically have the strictest gun-control regulations. And it is those cities’ gun murder rates that are comparable to the rates in some of the deadliest countries in the world.

A United Nations 2010 chart lists the U.S. as having a murder rate of 5.22 per 100,000 people. The world average homicide rate: 9.63 per 100,000.

And 89 countries have higher murder rates than the U.S.

America is not even in the same league as the worst offenders. Honduras has a murder rate of 60.87 per 100,000. Jamaica 59.5. El Salvador 51.83. Guatemala 45.17. Colombia 40.1. Trinidad and Tobago 39.67 Angola 38.59. South Africa 36.54. Burundi 37.38 Lesotho 36.69 Zimbabwe 34.29. Belize 34.26.

The statistics on gun murders shed even more light.

The U.S. may have the highest level of gun ownership in the world, but its rate of gun homicides is only about three per 100,000.

Gun homicides in the United States are concentrated in major urban areas. And those cities, typically Democratic strongholds with the most stringent gun control laws in the nation, have gun murder rates that rival those of the most violent countries in the world.

Listen to this leader tell listeners to forget shotguns, and why semi-auto rifles are needed.

Click here to see a map comparing the rate of gun murders in American cities to nations around the world. It uses data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and other sources collated by The Guardian.

The data reveal these amazing comparisons:

If it were a country, New Orleans (with a rate 62.1 gun murders per 100,000 people) would rank second in the world.
Detroit’s gun-homicide rate (35.9) is just a bit less than El Salvador (39.9).

Baltimore’s rate (29.7) is not too far off that of Guatemala (34.8).

Gun murder in Newark (25.4) and Miami (23.7) is comparable to Colombia (27.1).

Washington D.C. (19) has a higher rate of gun homicide than Brazil (18.1).

Atlanta’s rate (17.2) is about the same as South Africa (17).

Cleveland (17.4) has a higher rate than the Dominican Republic (16.3).

Gun murder in Buffalo (16.5) is similar to Panama (16.2).

Houston’s rate (12.9) is slightly higher than Ecuador’s (12.7).

Gun homicide in Chicago (11.6) is similar to Guyana (11.5).

Phoenix’s rate (10.6) is slightly higher than Mexico (10).

Los Angeles (9.2) is comparable to the Philippines (8.9).

Boston rate (6.2) is higher than Nicaragua (5.9).

New York, where gun murders have declined to just four per 100,000, is still higher than Argentina (3).

Even the cities with the lowest homicide rates by American standards, like San Jose and Austin, compare to Albania and Cambodia, respectively.

It’s true those comparisons are American cities to nations. But most of the countries listed have relatively small populations, in many cases comparable to large U.S. metros.

Here’s a look at the gun-control laws in the five U.S. cities with the highest gun-murder rates.

Baltimore gun owners. The state prohibits the sale of handguns and many high-powered weapons without background checks. Magazines that hold more than 20 rounds are illegal.

Newark is in a state that already has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation, and they may get stricter. The New Jersey state assembly passed a series of measures on February 21. One bill would limit the size of magazines to 10 shells from the current 15. Others would outlaw .50 caliber weapons, create weapon-free school zones, require background checks for private gun sales and require safety training for people seeking firearm purchase permits. The state Senate and Gov. Chris Christie would have to approve the changes.

Florida law requires citizens in Miami wait three days before a handgun purchase.

Firearms-rights supporters point to the high rates of gun murders where tight gun-control laws are in effect. Dave Workman of the Second Amendment Foundation says the belief in the firearms community is those laws mean people simply can’t protect themselves and criminals know it.

He says, “Criminals realize victims are far less likely to fight back. There’s no deterrent factor.”

Gun-control measures proposed by President Obama in January could reduce that deterrent factor even more.

Obama is pressing Congress to pass laws that would ban so-called “assault weapons” and magazines with more than 10 rounds, expand background checks, toughen gun-trafficking laws, and require criminal background checks for all gun sales.


i like some of their other reporting better.

High-school pal beaten to death with hammer by homosexual lover
Published: 01/29/2014 at 12:22 PM
I guess the growing rate of left wing murders is a buzz killer?

the murder rate in america is shrinking.

if not for the south, america would be a far less violent place.

Every year the Fourth of July is marked by ringing affirmations of American exceptionalism. We are a special nation, uniquely founded on high ideals like freedom and equality. In practice, however, much of what sets the United States apart from other countries today is actually Southern exceptionalism. The United States would be much less exceptional in general, and in particular more like other English-speaking democracies such as Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand were it not for the effects on U.S. politics and culture of the American South.

I don’t mean this in a good way. A lot of the traits that make the United States exceptional these days are undesirable, like higher violence and less social mobility. Many of these differences can be attributed largely to the South.

All English-speaking democracies share certain characteristics in common. Compared to continental European and East Asian democracies, the Anglophone nations tend to be more market-oriented and less statist, with somewhat lower levels of social spending and weaker bureaucracies. We might even speak of “Anglosphere exceptionalism.”

But even by the standards of the English-speaking world, the U.S. appears as an extreme outlier, in areas ranging from religiosity to violence to anti-government attitudes. As we learned after the slaughter last month in Charleston, S.C., some deluded Southerners still pine for secession from the Union. Yet no doubt there are also more than a few liberal Northerners who would be happy to see them go.

Minus the South, the rest of the U.S. probably would be more like Canada or Australia or Britain or New Zealand—more secular, more socially liberal, more moderate in the tone of its politics and somewhat more generous in social policy. And it would not be as centralized as France or as social democratic as Sweden.

As a fifth-generation Texan, and a descendant of Southerners back to the 1600s, I don’t want to encourage lurid stereotypes of a monolithic South. The states of the former Confederacy include ethnic minorities like Louisiana Cajuns and Texas Germans, along with African Americans. And the dominant conservatives in the South have always been challenged from within the ranks of the white community by populists, liberals and radicals.

But the South really is different from the rest of the country. Here are some examples of how the South skews American statistics.

Today there is more inter-generational social mobility in Europe than in the United States, contrary to the American myth that the United States is still the world’s No. 1 land of opportunity. The Economic Mobility Project of Pew Charitable Trusts has shown that children are far less likely to rise above the socio-economic levels of their parents in the U.S. than are those in Britain, Canada and Australia, as well as Germany, France and the Nordic nations. The American South, with the lowest rates of intergenerational social mobility in the U.S., clearly skews the national statistics, creating an embarrassing and depressing version of American exceptionalism.

Economic inequality? Apart from California and New York, where statistics reflect the wealth of Wall Street, Hollywood and Silicon Valley, the South is the region with the greatest income inequality. Southern exceptionalism has helped to ensure that the American Dream is more likely to be realized in the Old World than in the New.

The mythology of American exceptionalism holds that ever since 1776 the United States has led the rest of the world in expanding individual liberty and the growth of the middle class. This makes for inspiring Fourth of July rhetoric, but it has never been true. In reality, the United States has frequently lagged behind Britain and her other offspring in these areas. Britain peacefully abolished slavery within its empire in the 1830s; thanks to Southern opposition, the U.S. did so only as the result of the catastrophic Civil War. And thanks to mid-century Southern members of Congress, welfare-state policies from home ownership to Social Security were designed to reinforce segregation or exclude the disproportionately-Southern black and white poor. Not until the 1960s, with the help of federal military intervention in Southern states, was the right of African-Americans to vote secured. And today white Southern Republicans are at the forefront of efforts to roll back the voting rights revolution by making voter registration more difficult.

Read more:
The left wing murderers are out of control.

Detroit’s gun-homicide rate (35.9) is just a bit less than El Salvador (39.9).

Baltimore’s rate (29.7) is not too far off that of Guatemala (34.8).

Gun murder in Newark (25.4) and Miami (23.7) is comparable to Colombia (27.1).

Washington D.C. (19) has a higher rate of gun homicide than Brazil (18.1).

Atlanta’s rate (17.2) is about the same as South Africa (17).

Cleveland (17.4) has a higher rate than the Dominican Republic (16.3).

Gun murder in Buffalo (16.5) is similar to Panama (16.2).

Houston’s rate (12.9) is slightly higher than Ecuador’s (12.7).

Gun homicide in Chicago (11.6) is similar to Guyana (11.5).

Phoenix’s rate (10.6) is slightly higher than Mexico (10).

Los Angeles (9.2) is comparable to the Philippines (8.9).

Boston rate (6.2) is higher than Nicaragua (5.9).

New York, where gun murders have declined to just four per 100,000, is still higher than Argentina (3).
a little early in the morning for so many black dudes to be gang banging your 400 pound wife, eh nitro?

reported as spam.
I guess the growing rate of left wing murders is a buzz killer?
That's a stretch. This thread refers to politically motivated murder, as in terrorism. To simply pull up murder rates of cities and call it left wing murder is both dishonest and stupid. First off, it assumes that all those homicides are politically motived. Secondly, it assumes even further that they are also carried out by people who hold left wing views. The basis for these two asinine assumptions which would each be sufficiently stupid alone to dismiss your argument as the ramblings of a fox news consumer is beyond decipher. However, when you combine these two terribly retarded assumptions, what you get is a masterpiece of fatuous doltishness that could only be expected from a lobotomized simpleton who needs help putting his clothes on straight.
That's a stretch. This thread refers to politically motivated murder, as in terrorism. To simply pull up murder rates of cities and call it left wing murder is both dishonest and stupid. First off, it assumes that all those homicides are politically motived. Secondly, it assumes even further that they are also carried out by people who hold left wing views. The basis for these two asinine assumptions which would each be sufficiently stupid alone to dismiss your argument as the ramblings of a fox news consumer. However, when you combine these two terribly retarded assumptions, what you get is a masterpiece of fatuous doltishness that could only be expected from a lobotomized simpleton who needs help putting his clothes on straight.

Murderers are murderers why are you doing a political dance when it comes to the facts? You are narrow minded for the fact that all the dead people were terrorized.
Murderers are murderers why are you doing a political dance when it comes to the facts? You are narrow minded for the fact that all the dead people were terrorized.
That's nice, good for you, have a nice day.

Dismissed as the ramblings of a fox news consumer. (lobotomized simpleton)
That's nice, good for you, have a nice day.

Dismissed as the ramblings of a fox news consumer. (lobotomized simpleton)

When it comes to people being killed what difference does a TV channel make? At least you know when to throw in the towel before it makes your thread look any more stupider than it is.