The growth of marijuana and the pots its growing in.


Active Member
I can't find an answer to this question. Does marijuana (Just like goldfish) have the potential to increase in size according to the container it is in? I'm about to transplant my 1.5' plant into a 50 gallon container , Send her into flower indoors and 2 weeks later put her outdoors, Will she grow to match the equivilent of the container she is put in IE How if you put a goldfish in a swimming pool it would become the a size Equal to a % of the size of its surroundings?


Well-Known Member
yes more roots more fruits i dont exactly remember where i heard it from but i think it was hightimes regaurdless i know it is true lol but you shouldnt transplant if the plant is not ready just keep a good eye on her to make sure you got the watering down for such a large container


Obviously strain plays a role, as some strains will only grow to a couple of feet, but to those that can grow into monsters, the greater the available root space, the larger the plant will potentially be able to grow.


Well-Known Member
yeah, the size and health of the root structure are directly correlated with the size and health of the visible plant above ground. also, cannabis plants tend to do better in square pots


Active Member
Indoors, a 30 gallon container is more than enough to grow 6' trees, anything more tends to be a waste of medium in my opinion. Outdoor is a whole different game I haven't had the pleasure of trying - I would love to see if one plant could fill one of those 400 gallon smartpots!


Active Member
1.5' plant is not gunna need a 50 gal only grow tht large if u give it a long as veg. ull need a 5'-6' tall plant to fill that bucket and u wont get tht if u flower at 1.5'


Well-Known Member
why would you flower it before putting it outside!? it will go back to vegging when put outside... unless you are trying to figure out the sex before? even so, useless stress


Active Member
i use super air pots. you get a smaller pot with a large root system.
you can see the pots pretty well in this pic.
they have cones all around with open ends,
the root gets to the open part, dies, and spreds
back around the cone. this makes the plants
think they are in more soil then they actually are.


Active Member
why would you flower it before putting it outside!? it will go back to vegging when put outside... unless you are trying to figure out the sex before? even so, useless stress
The lighting is roughly 13 / 11 where i live atm, When put outside the max it will get will be 14 / 10, but i don't believe that will put it back into veg, Also i'm putting it in flower before hand because it's still a tad too cold outside, had a frost 2 nights ago.

Also i think in 2 weeks it will be roughly 2 - 2.5 ft if i keep vegging


Well-Known Member
ok I was just double checking since you posted in newbie central hehe... 14 hours might be enough to put it back to veg I would think, hope it works out great for you , the would be massive if it works as planned