The guys across the street have a band set up


Well-Known Member
and are playing some shitty old green day songs. But, here's the thing: I'm rolling right now:eyesmoke:...So I kinda want to go over there. But, I think they might be fags...They're all like late 20's early 30's types with the long hair and look like they don't shower. Plus, I know already they don't smoke bud because I know the sister...So, IDK wat do u guys think? Talk me out of it:-|

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
Go over and sit in with them or just listen? I'd probably go but I'm usually initially attracted to anyone playing an instrument unless I can hear them from a distance and they're playing Green Day songs.


Well-Known Member
Go over and sit in with them or just listen? I'd probably go but I'm usually initially attracted to anyone playing an instrument unless I can hear them from a distance and they're playing Green Day songs.
LoL....Why didn't you guys talk me out of it?!?! Yeah, they were fags, I knew it...Actually, they weren't that gay but they didn't appreciate the herb I brought to share. So, of course, I left. IDK I can't seem to relate to ppl that don't smoke weed.


Well-Known Member
you should have told them it would make their playing alot better.. surely couldn't have made it any worse.. you should record them and let us hear sometime...


Active Member
Hi I'm Johnathan and I'm baked. I also can relate to this. See I cant really connect with people who dont smoke weed either. I sorta just started hanging out alot more with a certain crowd from early in my childhood and none of these guys smoke pot! One is a friggin 7th grade teacher so its always awkward being around him when you're baked. Just they wanna talk all about it but will never smoke when I offer it. Its weird.

Anyway just saying I get ya man. Dueces

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
LoL....Why didn't you guys talk me out of it?!?! Yeah, they were fags, I knew it...Actually, they weren't that gay but they didn't appreciate the herb I brought to share. So, of course, I left. IDK I can't seem to relate to ppl that don't smoke weed.
What kind of lame ass "musicians" don't like the herb? I can't really relate to people that don't smoke either. Especially if they're playing Green Day.


Well-Known Member
What kind of lame ass "musicians" don't like the herb? I can't really relate to people that don't smoke either. Especially if they're playing Green Day.
Hi I'm Johnathan and I'm baked. I also can relate to this. See I cant really connect with people who dont smoke weed either. I sorta just started hanging out alot more with a certain crowd from early in my childhood and none of these guys smoke pot! One is a friggin 7th grade teacher so its always awkward being around him when you're baked. Just they wanna talk all about it but will never smoke when I offer it. Its weird.

Anyway just saying I get ya man. Dueces
See this is why I come to this site. You guys get me:weed:
And I'm in Norcal to make things worse. I guess I just got shitty neighbors.


Well-Known Member
I find it weird to be baked off my ass and chill around people who are not stoned as well. Most of my good friends that i hang with don't smoke and basically it's just cousins that do. my girlfriend does not smoke and i am stoned as shit at her house tripping to myself but still functional but i feel guilty stoned around people that are not smokers. do you ever get lonely when your stoned by yourself?


Well-Known Member
They just all said no thanks. But, I could tell by the looks on their faces they disapproved. I'm not stupid. So I made a bogus excuse and took off.
lol damn people are ungrateful Id be real happy if some random neighbor came over and asked to spark me and my friends up.You seem like a cool guy for even doing that but you should of took the warning when you heard the shitty Green Day playing.
And your avatar makes me crack up every time I see it.


Well-Known Member
i have played in a few bands with people who didn't toke and it's always wierd. ignorant people tend to make a big deal out of my use and say stupid things like "are you even going to remember the music if you're stoned during practice?" i try to explain to people that as a drummer the weed tends to help my playing be more smooth and exact. and there is absolutely no way that i will curtail my usage just to fit in to a band. in the end, it never goes well.... people who don't toke are just too fucking up tight. the fact that these guys were adults playing greenday songs is pretty indicative of their douchy nature. greenday blew ass in 1992. they for sure haven't gotten any cooler in the last 17 years. you should probably thank your lucky stars for having avoided the tragedy of sharing your good dope with some douche-bag ass holes that wouldn't have appreciated that pleasant stoney sensation.


Well-Known Member
I have been in several bands, both with and without smokers. It's been my experience that the majority of the smokers never make it out of their basement. There are exceptions to the rule, but for the most part they couldn't get out of their own way. Of course this is talking about bands who want to do something other than rock out to the silverfish downstairs. I have also done years of extensive research on the effects of pot on playing ability and have come to the conclusion that I am a much better player without the weed. What, no weed? Shocking to some of you, but yes, I make less mistakes and keep better timing. Now, writing music on weed is a whole different story. It gets the creative juices flowing for sure.


I find it weird to be baked off my ass and chill around people who are not stoned as well. Most of my good friends that i hang with don't smoke and basically it's just cousins that do. my girlfriend does not smoke and i am stoned as shit at her house tripping to myself but still functional but i feel guilty stoned around people that are not smokers. do you ever get lonely when your stoned by yourself?
Oh man, I totally relate. One of my best friends who doesn't smoke at all is into video games and stuff on a whole different level than I am. I often find it hard to relate with him, but when I'm high I can be on the same bandwidth as him and have a great time! Except I know I'm high, and I know he's not. So I feel a little guilty. And I wonder if he knows that I'm high, and that I supplement our friendship with a little weed. :-?