the hands down best drug combo ever


Active Member
1mg xanax drank with 2 shots 80proof vodka mixed in with ur favorite drink. then smoke a good strong sativa like white widow, snort another 1mg xanax and take 4 more shots of 80 proof vodka (the painkilling effects of the weed make it go down like water). then take 10mg vicodin or percocet, depending on ur tolerance.

if ur on an ssri like paxil or prozac then the euphoric properties of any opiate wont work just so u know.

the weed keeps u from puking and keeps u really fucked but awake. and the extremely pleasurable body feeling from being drunk as hell but no nausea or unpleasantness from the alcohol or the opiates(if u get nausea from them) is supressed by the weed.

so total,

2mg xanax
1 gram high quality sativa
4-5 shots 80proof vodka
10mg vicodin/percocet/oxycontin(IV)/10mg morphine(IV)

if you dont have access to opiates u can buy poppy pods from ebay, i like where u can get 100 dried poppy pods for 45$. put 4-5 in a grinder until its powder, put in boiling water with 4 tbsp lemon juice and boil for 30min, then strain and add sugar and honey as desired and drink.

the feeling is closest ull get to heaven with easily accessible drugs. try it out in small quantities to be safe but this is the dose that works perfect for me, im totally wasted but high and still conscious and able to enjoy every bit of it.. lasts about 8-12 hours. any hangover effects the next day can be resloved with an ibuprofen, another joint (this time indica), and a beer.

dont do this more than twice a week to avoid building tolerance. and ofc, dont do it if u dont have any self control.

bottom line: if you dont know already, weed is the best thing ever for stomach irritation and nausea caused by alcohol. being drunk and high at the same time with both the booze and weed acting against each others negative influences makes for a perfect relaxation no matter what. even with no other drugs. just weed, even shit ghetto weed, and any booze, even shit booze.
best is completely subjective. as fdd sais, just going to the lake, experiencing nature, can lift that high to an all new level, i don't need damned 80% vodka or shove crap up my nose etc, i get myself in the mind frame, and a nice simple joint can be the best high of my life
nature might give u a good high but thats just because of the neurotramisitters in ur brain that are causing the plesantries. there are drugs/chemicals out there that induce those same feelings. so whats the difference between seeing/experiencing something and getting a "high" or plesant feeling via the neurotrasmitters rattling around in ur brain, or taking a drug/chemical and getting a same/similar plesant feeling via direct neurotransmitter stimulation.

EDIT: even without the other drugs, alcohol and weed im sure we all take. get drunk, and smoke weed during. no other drugs needed and ull still be in total bliss.
nature might give u a good high but thats just because of the neurotramisitters in ur brain that are causing the plesantries. there are drugs/chemicals out there that induce those same feelings. so whats the difference between seeing/experiencing something and getting a "high" or plesant feeling via the neurotrasmitters rattling around in ur brain, or taking a drug/chemical and getting a same/similar plesant feeling via direct neurotransmitter stimulation.

EDIT: even without the other drugs, alcohol and weed im sure we all take. get drunk, and smoke weed during. no other drugs needed and ull still be in total bliss.

There's a HUGE difference. Your drugs bring along with them dependency, liver failure, depression, and usually death. Weed and natural highs carry no baggage and allow for peace of mind and centeredness.

Pills are nothing but trouble if used in excess and without purpose other than getting high. True highs are lived, not had by sorting a xanax.

And expect negative responses when you post something as childish as what you did. You proposed a recipe for disaster, so people will call you out on it. I'm not trying to be rude.....just letting you know. This site isn't about snorting pills and what not. Wrong demographic man - know your audience.

(sorry if I sound preachy - just trying to explain my perspective):hug:
nature might give u a good high but thats just because of the neurotramisitters in ur brain that are causing the plesantries. there are drugs/chemicals out there that induce those same feelings. so whats the difference between seeing/experiencing something and getting a "high" or plesant feeling via the neurotrasmitters rattling around in ur brain, or taking a drug/chemical and getting a same/similar plesant feeling via direct neurotransmitter stimulation.

EDIT: even without the other drugs, alcohol and weed im sure we all take. get drunk, and smoke weed during. no other drugs needed and ull still be in total bliss.

here's the difference, .......................

i'd rather have a fond memory of a day at the lake then to just lay in a stupor on my couch.
so basically it's like laughing without truly wanting to? :)

don't get me wrong, if it floats your boat, then you're A, made of stone to tolerate that, and B, go for it, but for me, environment and such when getting high are essential. when i'm taking things that are chemically getting my mind to that state, it's just so artificial, i don't feel that good for myself, when i'm getting high and i start to take in nature, physics, the world, i just feel so alive, something that drugs on their own have never achieved. it's like chain. one leads to another leads to another, i think wow, look at that! combine it with feeling some of that, catch a scent of that, i just melt away with it, i'll start smiling, free to do anything etc.

but as i say, if that is what tickles you, be my guest, everytone has their own thing, i used to be a raging alcoholic, and you bet i could justify that, but i've changed over the years.
benzos + alcohol = black out

My fave combo
2-3 hits of well miked LSD (so around 350-600ug)
About a gram or two of good weed.

sit back and let the world melt.
I've experienced things that are totally unexplainable in normal consciousness.
dude this sounds like a prescription to act like a zombie or stumble around like a clown. i might try the thing wit poppy seeds if i hav an extra $45 after i buy one of fdds masterpiece pipes
Or you could just stab yourself in the lung, and the lack of oxygen and loss of blood will have you feeling pretty buzzed...

"I'm gettin alittle woozey here man.."