The hearing protection act

Well, me and about two hundred plus million people in the country disagree with you. Why shouldn't they be taxed? I'm surprised you can even buy one. What's next civilian grade tanks for the no more flat tires act, and the forever popular fully auto for the trigger finger protection act.
Suitcase nukes. Mutual assured neighborhood destruction. We will all be safer.
My cousin Milton owns a company that makes suppressors

Personally, I'm not that interested in having to document shit
More machinists, draftsmen, specialty tooling providers, sales teams, convention staff, etc.
New market opening up for subsonic ammunition variants. Small shops can make these things with cheap CNC lathes, great place for a small business to get a foot in the door. And another tax burden lifted, 360 win.

can you cite those job numbers showing more jobs under trump?
REJOICE, more jobs and freedom. I get all this and all I had to do was vote for the guy?

More machinists, draftsmen, specialty tooling providers, sales teams, convention staff, etc.
New market opening up for subsonic ammunition variants. Small shops can make these things with cheap CNC lathes, great place for a small business to get a foot in the door. And another tax burden lifted, 360 win.

We're not talking about Trump, we're talking about an increased demand for a product and the attendant job creation by opening up a previously captured market.

There are no numbers yet, Friday my dude.

You're calling me sensitive? I'm not the one that needs big brother to keep me safe with his loving red tape.

I think it's silly that there's a $200 tax and a nine month wait for a ten inch corrugated metal tube with a hole through it. Criminals can already make pretty decent ones out of oil filters, you might as well let legitimate businesses make money. And I think suppressors are just cool, arguably anyone that doesn't is kind of a sissy.

I never understood making suppressors illegal for purchase without the ATF waiver, you aren't making the gun any more deadly. If you can already own the gun, why is a suppressor suddenly more dangerous? You can kill someone with an unsuppressed primer fired .22 that's way quieter than a 9mm with a tube on it.