The helpful random ? thread.


Well-Known Member
Nice... where to begin... this is some great weather. I hate the kind of people who don't eat "foreign" food when its the same meat and veg they are already eating...
Well yeah me too, but you have to understand their point of view. They probably don't like it because of the differen spices.


Well-Known Member
I feel as though you guys are missing the point of this tread. So let me explain... There's plenty of threads that really have no point but the op just wanted to say something. Well guess what you should just put that random thought down on here, unless you honestly think that thread will take off or use more than 10 pages then by all means make that thread. I know this thread seems pretty useless but if you think about it this tread can organize all the useless threads that are funny for about 1-10 pages. IDK I was baked when I made this and I still am but I thought it was a good idea. Anyways so yeah if you feel like making a pointless thread just post it on here and others will get on the subject and fill up about 5 pages. Ehh whatever, ha peace. Sorry for the bump just wanted to explain.

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
I feel as though you guys are missing the point of this tread. So let me explain... There's plenty of threads that really have no point but the op just wanted to say something. Well guess what you should just put that random thought down on here, unless you honestly think that thread will take off or use more than 10 pages then by all means make that thread. I know this thread seems pretty useless but if you think about it this tread can organize all the useless threads that are funny for about 1-10 pages. IDK I was baked when I made this and I still am but I thought it was a good idea. Anyways so yeah if you feel like making a pointless thread just post it on here and others will get on the subject and fill up about 5 pages. Ehh whatever, ha peace. Sorry for the bump just wanted to explain.
oh i understand....just no qts for u guys atm...


New Member
I feel as though you guys are missing the point of this tread. So let me explain... There's plenty of threads that really have no point but the op just wanted to say something. Well guess what you should just put that random thought down on here, unless you honestly think that thread will take off or use more than 10 pages then by all means make that thread. I know this thread seems pretty useless but if you think about it this tread can organize all the useless threads that are funny for about 1-10 pages. IDK I was baked when I made this and I still am but I thought it was a good idea. Anyways so yeah if you feel like making a pointless thread just post it on here and others will get on the subject and fill up about 5 pages. Ehh whatever, ha peace. Sorry for the bump just wanted to explain.
I feel like I understand now... I will hold off on further pointless posts... after this one ;)


Well-Known Member
I think IT IS necessary to capatalize all the letters of ICEE.
A Slurpee & ICEE are 2 different things, Slurpee is EXCLUSIVELY 7-11 & they ARE better.


whatever they use to flavor the slurpee always gets sucked out when you're halfway through drinking it, so you always end up with a big chunk of ice at the bottom of the cup. ICEEs don't pull that kind of crazy bullshit, you drink an ICEE and you're getting ICEE until the very last drop, yo!


Well-Known Member

whatever they use to flavor the slurpee always gets sucked out when you're halfway through drinking it, so you always end up with a big chunk of ice at the bottom of the cup. ICEEs don't pull that kind of crazy bullshit, you drink an ICEE and you're getting ICEE until the very last drop, yo!
Yeah seriously ICEE's are wwaaayyyy better. Like I said it the perfect blend it's just amazing.

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member

whatever they use to flavor the slurpee always gets sucked out when you're halfway through drinking it, so you always end up with a big chunk of ice at the bottom of the cup. ICEEs don't pull that kind of crazy bullshit, you drink an ICEE and you're getting ICEE until the very last drop, yo!
lol nice try....but the both least they used to...havnt had one in bout 10 years...


Well-Known Member
i have a question
if their was a weedfest u kno like beerfest what games would be in it?


Well-Known Member
yea like joint rolling competitions i was think like mexican sweat or red eyes idk what its called were u hold your hit till what ever it is your hitting come backs to u i kno that would be in their but what else sandwich creating?


Ursus marijanus
I figured there would have to be Competitive Frosting Eating in there somewhere.
Cookie Dough Deathmatch.
cheers 'neer


Ursus marijanus
Yah; I don't have the sugar tolerance I used to.
But when I'm good&baked my body craves mass quantities of highly-refined anti-nutrition. I'd give my middle nut for a strain that would make me groove on ratatouille. cheers 'neer


Well-Known Member
but then that would be more like an eating competition but im guess that is what a weed competition would be except with weed


Well-Known Member
yea like joint rolling competitions i was think like mexican sweat or red eyes idk what its called were u hold your hit till what ever it is your hitting come backs to u i kno that would be in their but what else sandwich creating?
How much weed can you fit in a blunt or joint.
Good job Jakob bong/pipe making.
Sandwich making would be perfect, haha.
Maybe getting super high on indica strains then trying to get off your lazy ass and have a race or other competitive sports competition.
You're thinking of Mexican sweep (I think?).
Biggest hits, you know put x amount of grams in a bowl burn through all of it in one huge bong rip, and there can't be any smoke left in the chamber and you have to hold for at least 10 seconds if both of you last that long the first person to cough loses.
Also the quit hitting game, IDK off the top o my head, take huge hits and you can't cough or you're out (no drinks).
You can bring your homegrown buds to compete against other people's home grown stash. Also most yield competition.
Just so many things, haha.


Well-Known Member
Would you have to take a drug test to get into the weed Olympics? Like it wouldn't be fair to go against someone who has been smoking crack rocks. They would be invincible.