The Hempy Collective

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i got 2 white russian plants in medium size ceramic pots
do you think i should make the switch to the 5 gallon bucket hyrdo system with the growing in 100% perlite

because right now there both about 10inches and i have them in regular miracle grow would the 100% perlite change help my growth rate


Well-Known Member
I do this: Feed, Feed, Water. Feed, Feed, Water.. etc...

I do it every other day or every third day. doesn't make much of a difference for me going every third but every other day is easy too. Hempy is really VERY forgiving and if you have a problem just run a bunch of water through it. I "Flush" for a week prior to cut, but I am using organics so it really makes no difference in my case. Hope that helps a bit.

Yes Yes Is all clear now, Hempies are so simple that in our own mind we cant aknowledge how simple it really is...Im off to grow some big thanks guys for all help.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I think for my first time doing Hempy SOG iam gonna flip them to 12/12 @ about 6 inches tall.

Most are about 3 - 4 inches now



Well-Known Member
For their first feeding I gave them a full strength 5-10 lucas formula, it looked like it was too much for them. So since then ive been giving them a weakened feeding.

But I think your right, they can handle a bit more now.

Ill go back to full strength when I feed them tonight. Its been 4 or 5 days since I transplanted the last few clones and I think the roots have reached the rez.

Iam seeing new growth that looks slightly pale green, and some darker green baby fan leafs.


Well-Known Member
For their first feeding I gave them a full strength 5-10 lucas formula, it looked like it was too much for them. So since then ive been giving them a weakened feeding.

But I think your right, they can handle a bit more now.

Ill go back to full strength when I feed them tonight. Its been 4 or 5 days since I transplanted the last few clones and I think the roots have reached the rez.

Iam seeing new growth that looks slightly pale green, and some darker green baby fan leafs.
If you are under Fluro 5/10 is correct for Lucas. Under HID bump to 8/16. Veg or Bloom.

Lucas is my hero lol

Fallen Buckshot

i dunno if this had been covered but has anyone used hygrozyme or the likes in a hempy bucket ?


New Member
is there a side by side grow of hempy verse soil? I know there is a side by side of hempy verse a soil/hempy hybrid but I would like to see a comparison of a regular grow verse hempy.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i have done both soil produces great quality as does hempy but hempy is very easy to control drains flushes easy well and is more aerated. its funny you mention a hybrid as im playing with that lately.


Well-Known Member
Today I added a fan for my clones and I have the room set at 76 F

I just lowered the 400 watt HPS uncooled light to 10 inches over the tops of the 6 inch clones.

Now iam waiting for the clones lagging behind to catch up a bit. Then I can switch to 12/12 :bigjoint:


Active Member
Well My 3 lil hempys are growing good, I gave them and my soil plants the first shot of FloraNova.... They all seemed to have a little spurt. But the hempys have always been a yellowish color. Not green, More like a greenish yellow... But growing fine and not really any burn or messed up spots.... Somebody told me I should go to walmart or something and pick up some kind of water with no sodium or something or other and spray them.....

Want to check here since this is the hempy collective to see
what anyone would reccomend. My soil plants are doing amazing btw.
Same water... etc etc.


Well-Known Member
Hempys are slow to start. Until that tap gets to the bottom there will be some yellowing. You can either foliar feed with a VERY light FloraNova solution (RO is overrated, If you can drink your water so can your plants, imo) or make sure to water down the stem to get whatever medium you started them in wet every day till they hit bottom.

Let us know how it goes.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
because you can drink your water does not mean its proper for plants it may be full of mineral salts chlorine/chlorhamine and have an improper ph normally to high. none of these factors will kill your plant outright but using ro or distilled will give much better more controllable results i have used tap from various locations in most areas it is not desirable for use on plants that are acidophiles.


Active Member
Hempys are slow to start. Until that tap gets to the bottom there will be some yellowing. You can either foliar feed with a VERY light FloraNova solution (RO is overrated, If you can drink your water so can your plants, imo) or make sure to water down the stem to get whatever medium you started them in wet every day till they hit bottom.

Let us know how it goes.
Theyve started spurting over the last couple days, The yellowing
isnt bad, and seems to be laying off. I think I may have 6 females
in the closet at the moment:bigjoint: After takin the 2 hermies
out.... They are liking the flornova. I fed them, then used regular water, And my water IS tap water. I fill up gallon containers and let them sit in the same room as the plants for at least a day before it gets used.

So far, Its going a whole lot better than my last 2 grows. And the HPS is a big helper for that IM sure. The leaves on the soil plants (couple weeks older) are gettin BIG PRETTY LEAFS and no signs of balls, Just hairs:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
because you can drink your water does not mean its proper for plants it may be full of mineral salts chlorine/chlorhamine and have an improper ph normally to high. none of these factors will kill your plant outright but using ro or distilled will give much better more controllable results i have used tap from various locations in most areas it is not desirable for use on plants that are acidophiles.
You, obviously, need to watch PH but other than that any municipal water source is going to be fine for use. In fact, there are a lot of micro nutes in tap water that you must replace if you use RO. If you have hard water they make micro nutes to match. Stating that RO or distilled will give much better results is opinion not fact.
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