The High-Potency Marijuana Sentencing Enhancement Act of 2009!WTF


Well-Known Member
Do yall believe this sh#t???:shock:

Congressman Mark Kirk of Illinois introduced legislation to increase the penalties for selling kush. The High-Potency Marijuana Sentencing Enhancement Act of 2009 (H.R. 2848) increases the penalties for the possession with intent to distribute, manufacture, importation and exportation to maximum fines of $1 million for an individual and $5 million for a group, with a maximum sentence of 25 years from the standard sentencing for marijuana which calls for a maximum fine of $250,000 for an individual, $1 million for a group and up to five years in prison. Kirk said that as kush may sell for up to $600 (USD) per ounce these increases are justified, saying that "if you can make as much money selling pot as cocaine, you should face the same penalties

Taking 4rm wiki


Well-Known Member
i saw this too stupidest thing i have ever seen and u know if it passes all cops would be saying stress was kush and if u hear how they describe kush all decent cronic can be considered kush i hope this shit gets dismissed asap fucking bitch just hatting and who pays that much for kush i know in cali no one does


Well-Known Member
A pathetic attempt to stir up reefer madness at a time when pro-legalization groups are being given credibility and face time in the mainstream media and cannabis law reform proposals are popping up in the legislature around the nation. Nothing you wouldn't reasonably expect from someone who is afraid that their thin, anti-cannabis propaganda veil will soon fall.

With all the talk about criminal justice reform, ending the war on drugs, etc, there is no way this bill will make it through Congress.

Moby Dicck

In Denmark where I live, we already have this law in action. My current dealer wont sell the green stuff anymore, cuz of the insane penalty he will get if he gets busted. Still he got some good hash though. But thats what most ppl here smoke anyway.

Only thing I dont really get... As far as I nkow, the reason thats this las got passed, if cuz of the high THC content. And thats around 20% right??
He still sells some good ass hasish like Kashmir. And im pretty sure that the THC content of these hash'es are much much higher that ni any weed.


Well-Known Member
In Denmark where I live, we already have this law in action. My current dealer wont sell the green stuff anymore, cuz of the insane penalty he will get if he gets busted. Still he got some good hash though. But thats what most ppl here smoke anyway.

Only thing I dont really get... As far as I nkow, the reason thats this las got passed, if cuz of the high THC content. And thats around 20% right??
He still sells some good ass hasish like Kashmir. And im pretty sure that the THC content of these hash'es are much much higher that ni any weed.
to me mj is mj, would they give a harsher sentence for hi potent cocaine?
The more potent it is..they less you have to smoke. It gay how they can sell 100% alchol content liquer which can kill a person if they drink to much.


A typical practice to slow the legalization, they try what they can to make everything just that much harder, .. bastard!:spew:

Cap K

Well-Known Member
Do yall believe this sh#t???:shock:

Congressman Mark Kirk of Illinois introduced legislation to increase the penalties for selling kush. The High-Potency Marijuana Sentencing Enhancement Act of 2009 (H.R. 2848) increases the penalties for the possession with intent to distribute, manufacture, importation and exportation to maximum fines of $1 million for an individual and $5 million for a group, with a maximum sentence of 25 years from the standard sentencing for marijuana which calls for a maximum fine of $250,000 for an individual, $1 million for a group and up to five years in prison. Kirk said that as kush may sell for up to $600 (USD) per ounce these increases are justified, saying that "if you can make as much money selling pot as cocaine, you should face the same penalties

Taking 4rm wiki
Is he introducing this as Illinois state legislature or is he pushing for Federal? Either way it's real fucked up, but at least at the state level it woul'nt affect everyone.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
just a scare tactic?

it's like these little personal piracy lawsuits where some individual shares a $5 game 10 times, that is so bad noone bought it in the first place, then get's a $100,000 fine. it's one of those things, just wouldn't work, if the goverment turned around and told me that i was being fined for $100,000+ for a completely pointless reason that is imoral at best, then i'd say fuck it, what're you gonna do? they know that it's completely unrealistic

and as said, every bag of weed in this city is sold as kush, so good luck getting the kinks in that one ironed out.


Well-Known Member
Just change the name, it's that simple. Plus in court no prosecutor would ever be able to actually confirm the the marijuana is Kush, therefore not being able to identify strain an prosecute.


Well-Known Member
Just change the name, it's that simple. Plus in court no prosecutor would ever be able to actually confirm the the marijuana is Kush, therefore not being able to identify strain an prosecute.
lol, i would love to see some shit like that on mattlock


Active Member
sometimes wiki is not the most reliable source being that just anyone who knows just a little about computers can edit that website! also they would have to set a THC % level that would qualify what strains were high potency and which were swagg(like we dont know that but were talkin about the law not your average pot smoker who really does not know that much to begin with) then they would have to develop some type of device to measure the % of THC on the bud to qualify it as high potency! this is just my opinion but I think this bill would be more trouble to pass then its worth being that our lovely plant marijuana is illegal anyways!


Well-Known Member
sometimes wiki is not the most reliable source being that just anyone who knows just a little about computers can edit that website! also they would have to set a THC % level that would qualify what strains were high potency and which were swagg(like we dont know that but were talkin about the law not your average pot smoker who really does not know that much to begin with) then they would have to develop some type of device to measure the % of THC on the bud to qualify it as high potency! this is just my opinion but I think this bill would be more trouble to pass then its worth being that our lovely plant marijuana is illegal anyways!
and they trynna make it more illeagal


Well-Known Member
The Kush law is ridiculous as Kush is just a marketing term. It would be like making something labeled "Extreme" illegal. Its just a name the grower came up with. I was watching the news and saw this story and had to laugh. They said one of the ways to tell if its Kush is that it will have some purple color in it. It makes me laugh cuz most of the bud I grow has some purple in it and ive never grown kush so now what. It also looks like Illinois has passed a medical marijuana law today so that would end this for us med users. I have my card for here in Hawaii but come to Illinois almost every other week so I want to know about the laws so I can comply. I havent been able to get any proof that it passed but was told it did. Has anyone else been able to confirm this? Bad news is that the casual smoker would still be subject to this law if it were to pass.


Well-Known Member
What a piece of shit. Like your normal pot grower or smoker ect...has 5 million to pay the government. This is just fucking silly. 25 years for pot is a fucking joke. You could rape a women, mug a person, or beat the shit out of someone and get a lower crime. The whole war on soft drugs is a fucking joke. I don't know why they don't waste more time and energy hit up hard drug producers. Now those drugs fuck up lives. Pot users are totally productive people. Fucking with pot users is just dumb...Whats the worst thing a pot user is going to do...Hit up the 7/11 and get some munches...thats about it.

Also no way in hell are people paying 600 an ounce unless one they are being taxed up the ass, 2. they are retard, or 3 they aren't buying a straight up ounce/buying by the gram. It's just silly. I hate uneducated politicians with their own agendas to make themselves look like they are the campaigners of the people. All they really are doing is serving their own egos to make headlines. I personally hope no one votes for this fucker again.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
I am growing og kush. Am I going to die? lol. It is to replace my morphine, and percoset I take so I can walk!


Well-Known Member
Whew . . . glad I only grow exotics.

T-tree . . . yes, you're gonna die (eventually) but certainly not from Kush, or any other cannabis.