the HLG-600H thread

50W/sqft is way too much with 56% efficient cobs. you want like 30-35w
Go for a higher MA driver but a "B" version so you can dim. I don't know why anyone would buy anything but them for grow lights. That way you can crank it up as you flower.
not according to the datasheet. its a range, with a pot...

The ~ means One or The Other, man... notice how they're ALL 1/2's of the other? I know this for a fact. I did a lot of research on them.

I did a lot of research on them.

the word is range not step!
"Does MW LED power supply allow adjustment of output voltage and current levels?


  1. LED power supply comparison table to see which MW LED power supply allows for V/I adjustments. A suitable unit can be picked based on the type of adjustment required. For the allowed adjustment range, please refer to the spec sheet. Tuning of the voltage and current levels can be done through the built-in VRs/potentiometers. PLN/ELN requires removal of the top cover in order to access the internal SVR1 and SVR2, see figure 9 for VR locations. For other series, the VRs can be accessed through IoADJ and VoADJ holes after rubber stopper removal. After adjustments have been made, please make sure rate power is not exceeded and the rubber stoppers are properly reassembled. "
So, one concern I don't see being addressed here is wire. The 50-2303CR solderless connectors are limited to 18 gauge solid copper, which is only going to allow for about 5' of wire at these power levels. Less if you want higher driving currents/fewer chips.

You'll have to remove the solderless connectors from the cob holders(just clipped in) or use a different attachment method. Either way you're going to have to solder on the chips with this driver.

This driver combined with 16 CXB3590's would be a match made in heaven for a 4x4 space though. ~1100 umol/m² depending on the CCT.
The closest solution you can get will be HLG-600H-36, at 16.7A, when divided by 12 you get 1391ma which is around 48-49 watts, that’s about the best you can get driving 12 COBs of one driver
^. ^
Email I recieved from Cutter. Point was to have one driver on (12) cobs and maintain 50w per. Any problems or reasons why I shouldn't build this suggested way?
LOL :dunce:

The ~ means One or The Other, man... notice how they're ALL 1/2's of the other? I know this for a fact. I did a lot of research on them.

... a lot of research, haha ..

Did you try wikipedia ?
"(..) between two numbers, to indicate a range"

Did you try thinking too ? (sorry)
The reason the first number is half of the second ... is because that's what 50% is in regards to the second number (ie 100%) ...

Maybe you got mixed up with "alternative current" sine symbol ...

Anyways, you made my day lol
So, one concern I don't see being addressed here is wire. The 50-2303CR solderless connectors are limited to 18 gauge solid copper, which is only going to allow for about 5' of wire at these power levels. Less if you want higher driving currents/fewer chips.

You'll have to remove the solderless connectors from the cob holders(just clipped in) or use a different attachment method. Either way you're going to have to solder on the chips with this driver.

This driver combined with 16 CXB3590's would be a match made in heaven for a 4x4 space though. ~1100 umol/m² depending on the CCT.
18AWG can easily handle 3.6A which is maximum current for CXB3590. Holders are rated up to 4A. No need to worry.
18AWG can easily handle 3.6A which is maximum current for CXB3590. Holders are rated up to 4A. No need to worry.

I'm not so much worried about the current rating on the cob holder. Wouldn't the voltage drop from the 16.7 amp output of the meanwell HLG-600H-36 on 18AWG be cause for concern though?
no, because the cobs are wired in parallel. 16.7A would be split according to number of cobs

[email protected]
10@ 1.67A
20@ 0.835A

the 16.7A is fed thru two pairs or 14GA conductors coming out of the driver. im gonna land each pair of them on one of these

and take off cobs from there. 18GA only sees current for individual cobs

easy breezy

Your electrical experience is broad, it seems!