The horror of global warming!

you obviously don't watch the news, Gore will probably become the worlds first "carbon billionaire"

you have to prove them to be lies first smarty little rodent...


you clearly don't know how burden of proof works.

you don't get to assert something as true without citation and then demand that others prove it to be false.

but if we did, here's exactly how that would work: you got fired from your last job for diddling kiddies. my assertion is true until you prove it false.

have fun with that one!
Really ignorance just cause I'm southern??

no, it's because you clearly espouse right wing republican theories all the time, so when you mock the theories that your own party espouses, it is ignorance mocking itself.

I'm not a Republican dood both parties kinda suck

that's what everyone who voted for bush twice says.

all i know about you is that you espouse the silly "what if" land of austrian economics and said that ACC is a hoax perpetrated by communist scientists "on the doll" for measly research stipends. that lines you up directly with the republican party.

so just own it.

let me guess, rawn pawl fanboy?
Close to reality. The new plants aren't risk free and the word is Chernobyl. Nuclear should win out by price not be mandated. I wasn't scared of nuclear just pointing out it has serious long lasting risks that can last millions of years and you cant measure it. Takes lots and lots of folks to mine fossil fuels those numbers you cited would be in line percentage wise with the smaller staff of Nuclear. More farmers die every year than fireman doesn't mean firefighting is safer than farming.
it's not just the mining folks that suffer from fossil fuels

It also significant cause of Lung disease/ death. And coal burning releases more radioactivity into environment than nuclear

Modern reactors can use up a larger proportion of the nuclear fuel leaving waste that's only dangerous for a couple of hundred years
no, it's because you clearly espouse right wing republican theories all the time, so when you mock the theories that your own party espouses, it is ignorance mocking itself.

that's what everyone who voted for bush twice says.

all i know about you is that you espouse the silly "what if" land of austrian economics and said that ACC is a hoax perpetrated by communist scientists "on the doll" for measly research stipends. that lines you up directly with the republican party.

so just own it.

let me guess, rawn pawl fanboy?

Tell me my party again. I can pick and choose any theory to my liking, makes no difference what party I am you silly person.

I said jack fucking shit about commie scientist just said they were paid by government.....thanks for saying gov funded shit is commie though nice to know your position on things.

Here's some more commie shit progressives love that needs to go away:

Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.

A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.

Centralisation of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.

Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.

Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

Equal liability of all to labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equitable distribution of the population over the country.

Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labour in its present form and combination of education with industrial production.[15]

you clearly don't know how burden of proof works.

you don't get to assert something as true without citation and then demand that others prove it to be false.

but if we did, here's exactly how that would work: you got fired from your last job for diddling kiddies. my assertion is true until you prove it false.

have fun with that one!

you can believe what you want you of all people should know how the justice system works considering you're a dirty little snitch bitch...
it's not just the mining folks that suffer from fossil fuels

It also significant cause of Lung disease/ death. And coal burning releases more radioactivity into environment than nuclear

Modern reactors can use up a larger proportion of the nuclear fuel leaving waste that's only dangerous for a couple of hundred years

Ya when markets choose Nuclear it will be for everyone. Not arguing burning dead plants to make steam isn't dirty just that matter is neither created nor and your front yard will be a fossil fuel one day if we still burn gas....when carbon fuel gets low Market should point us not crappy science leading to more regulation by the ppl that funded the science.....if ppl go that way on their own I am all for it..... Till then can't go holding down developing nations with bullshit manufactured science and fake ass pie charts just cause they can't afford nuclear.....not fair to deny them their energy.
makes no difference what party I am


that was a totally convincing denial of being a righty and siding with the republican party on any issue i've seen you talk about.

I said jack fucking shit about commie scientist just said they were paid by government.....thanks for saying gov funded shit is commie though nice to know your position on things.

i'll go back and look, but i'm damn sure you slipped some commie/socialist reference in there.

in any case, it's reassuring to know that you share the idea that the demonstrable rise in temps is just a hoax by a bunch of scientists "on the doll" with every right wing blowhard on the radio. that totally makes you not a right wing republican schill.

Here's some more commie shit progressives love that needs to go away:

Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.

A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.

Centralisation of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.

Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.

Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

Equal liability of all to labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equitable distribution of the population over the country.

Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labour in its present form and combination of education with industrial production.[15]

oooooooohhhhh, someone knows how to copy and paste!

it is so communist to provide for public schools and abolish child labor. i can tell that you are a totally rational and sane person.

keep on fighting the good fight for no public education!

wow so talented make fun of copy paste in one post, then like it in the next. Buck you need CMSP brain help better go get on the waiting list.
it's not just the mining folks that suffer from fossil fuels

It also significant cause of Lung disease/ death. And coal burning releases more radioactivity into environment than nuclear

Modern reactors can use up a larger proportion of the nuclear fuel leaving waste that's only dangerous for a couple of hundred years

How many people overdose on drugs every year?
Ya when markets choose Nuclear it will be for everyone. Not arguing burning dead plants to make steam isn't dirty
Markets on a race to the bottom with fossil fuel i dont put my trust in them to make the big changes needed

just that matter is neither created nor and your front yard will be a fossil fuel one day if we still burn gas....
when carbon fuel gets low Market should point us
by the time the carbon we already know about gets low it will be much much too late to do anything about it
not crappy science leading to more regulation by the ppl that funded the science....
You can say those words as many times as you want it'll never make it true
.if ppl go that way on their own I am all for it.....
the largescale changeover from carbon economy is way beyond what can be acievhed at individual level
Till then can't go holding down developing nations with bullshit manufactured science and fake ass pie charts just cause they can't afford nuclear.....not fair to deny them their energy.
what a pathetically bullshit arguement

Hah... China? We're talking developed countries not third world shitholes... Significant cause of death in china? Got any figures for a western nation with regulation & oversight that is not related to mining/manufacture?
Hah... China? We're talking developed countries not third world shitholes... Significant cause of death in china? Got any figures for a western nation with regulation & oversight that is not related to mining/manufacture?
didnt you see the second link fuckwit?

lets hear from you about how clean coal is
didnt you see the second link fuckwit?

lets hear from you about how clean coal is

Yeah saw that shit, with a whole bunch of "may cause" or "may contribute to"... Funnily enough seems more concerned with the dangers that nuclear energy...

I never implied coal was clean and according to the WHO "Worldwide, outdoor air pollution contributes to 5% of all cardiopulmonary deaths"...

Not even something worth worrying about nor is it a confirmation of anything. You tried to imply fossil fuels are more dangerous than nuclear power, you're full of shit and you got nothing...