The human condition


Well-Known Member
We can all see wikapedia's definition of the human condition but what I'd like to to know is how long we can last as a species carrying on the way we do?
We all know the things that are wrong with the world yet collectively we all fail to really do anything about it. One example is our environment, we can't keep taking at the rate we do or we'll kill the thing we live on!At the very least make it a wasteland that might heal itself eventually, but too late for us.
When will we realise that we are all connected and are ultimately bound to the same fate, whatever that maybe?!
Humans will get it together. It is easy to get pessimistic, but the long term trend is up.
The trend is up but not erection line or it would feel a lot nicer.
Don't get me wrong, I know a great deal is being done in a positive way, I am far from pessimistic but even though many people are like minded - the powers that be make too much money the way things are to let something like reality spoil it.
I get my kicks every single day in one form or another, a metaphoricle kick in the nuts at work and then nice kicks after.
My biggest kick is spending time with my daughter, her very pure and simple way of looking at things kind of inspired this thread.
She was watching TV with us and there was some environmental programme on. A montage of trees being cut down, birds in oil and fish being caught in a series of ways. Thousands of them.
'Look daddy they hurting trees, BASH!' 'Why they hurt the animals, aaaaaw poor bird not flying in a sky?' And the like.
For all the good that is being done, and money being spent in the process. Our consumerism and the people at the top who profit seems to mean that things are being 'broken' faster than we can fix it. U can't un-extinct things, unless of course u buy into Jurassic park?!!
how long we can last as a species carrying on the way we do?

Because minorities have like 10 kids per house hold.. I guess they are trying to take over, or sucking uncle sams titts dry.

I think china did a good thing by the one child policy..

Yeah, I'm definitely a fan... But as I get older I think I appreciate jim a lot more. Woulda been cool to have him around. It's from roadhouse blues :)
Album: Doors Live in Concert side 2….(yes after RH blues)

@bu$hleaguer I am a RABID doors freak. Favorite band. Besides, Jim was to DIE for in his prime. Had animal charisma, raw sexuality. rawrw…

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