The Idiot Kim Jong-un Has to Go


Well-Known Member
The idiot Kim Jong-un has to go.

He's toying with serious war, he's killing his own people and staff at an alarming rate, and he looks like he's a fucking pussy that needs a good ass-whipping.
The idiot Kim Jong-un has to go.

He's toying with serious war, he's killing his own people and staff at an alarming rate, and he looks like he's a fucking pussy that needs a good ass-whipping.
Depends on what side you're on.

I'm sure many Iraqis could've said the same about Idiot George Bush or Idiot Barack Osama.
The idiot Kim Jong-un has to go.

He's toying with serious war, he's killing his own people and staff at an alarming rate, and he looks like he's a fucking pussy that needs a good ass-whipping.
wow, did ya dream up that one all by yourself?



no, he's just a wee bit closer to chimp DNA than the rest of us:

A chimpanzee's arms are longer than its legs. The male common chimp stands up to 1.2 m (3.9 ft) high and weighs as much as 70 kg (150 lb); the female is somewhat smaller. When extended, the common chimp's long arms span one and a half times the body's height.
Chimpanzee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

jk @Harrekin don't get your bloomers in a bunch:hug:
Depends on what side you're on.

I was thinking the more of his people and staff he kills, the less someone else will have to later. Which side is that, because there is an empty seat and popcorn waiting for me. Start the show.

I mean, at his rate I don't see him pulling out at the last second and avoiding conflict his entire life. Eventually, he's gonna start something he can't back out of even if he wanted to. Not with his own people, they are total fucking sheep, but his neighbors seem to be getting sick of his antics.
The idiot Kim Jong-un has to go.

He's toying with serious war, he's killing his own people and staff at an alarming rate, and he looks like he's a fucking pussy that needs a good ass-whipping.

I am sure Obama will enter into a treaty with him like the Iran deal... We could be so lucky eh?
Okay, I have to ask. The green stuff on your fish, is it some kind of power bait or did you have salad for dinner and wipe your ass with that fish?

your obsession with everything anal betrays the fact that you were sexually molested as a 13 year old child by a pedophile.