The Illuminati


Well-Known Member
okay everyone I am about to lay some truth out for You....

The Illuminati is a word to describe individuals who understand both
dark and light knowledge.
"Illuminati" is a word literally meaning to illuminate and brighten up.
People who support the actual illuminati want to bring about positive, beneficial perception on everything,
both sides, red/blue, black/white, dark/light..etc. "It's All Good."

The reason most people are led to believe that "the illuminati" is a way to describe the elite is because the elite does not want You figuring out the truth of life...the real truth...not the "truth" in Your history books.....and that is exactly what They want You to think what the illuminati is... The illuminati is not the elite.
The actual illuminati wants You to know the truth, wants You to do good, and better Yourself so that humanity can better Themselves, One by One.

The Elite has brainwahsed Us. The Elite is not the illuminati.
If You believe the symbolism on the back of the one dollar bill is evil and satanic... You are brainwashed....
If You think the illuminati is evil and satanic... You are brainwashed....
If You think an upside down 5 pointed star is evil or satanic....You are brainwashed....

Now, There ARE evil powers out there, They are called The Elite. They are LITERALLY controlling US with bullshit lies and rumors; making GOOD things look evil....When this certain perception and knowledge just so happens to be secrets kept away from the publics eye to keep universal truths hidden.
These truths should not be secrets or be perceived as evil.
The Illuminati is supposed to be a GOOD word to describe good people.
"Illuminati" is not supposed to be a word to describe a group of elite world rulers.
The all seeing eye is GOOD and does not represent the government or the elite.
The pentagram is not a symbol of satan but a symbol of mother nature and the feminine.

It is time the TRUTH to be exposed.
FEAR is how The actual elite manipulate and control US. The illuminati is here to liberate, enlighten, and bring a sense of common sense that We have seem to have lost because of these ego hungry power freaks.

Have You ever wondered why They changed the money AFTER 9/11???


And why did They not change the ONE dollar bill???
Those of us not on par with your vast amount of knowledge. Little people was just easier to type out
Those of us not on par with your vast amount of knowledge. Little people was just easier to type out
I found all this knowledge on from a divine soul from Canada that has cancer and no longer gets on these threads. Also it takes the want to look into this information. It takes an open mind to look into these facts. It also takes a lot of LSD, mushrooms, and dmt to break down that much fluoride off the pineal gland.

Everyone has availability to this information... They just need to listen.

where can I go to find this knowledge? It all intrigues me, even if I am too dense to fully understand all of it lol
I'll tell you a Good movie to watch is 911 Road to Tyrrany. That will begin to open your mind to deception.
Oh and read The Gospel of JESUS CHRIST According to John -- The Book of John.

Have You ever wondered why They changed the money AFTER 9/11???


And why did They not change the ONE dollar bill???
And that to me is just crazy coincidence. I used to believe SOOOO MUCH of all this shit actually UNTIL I DID TRIP!!!! Then i started peeling away the Constant Bull shit that was fed to me.!

Yes our government at times as Lied and Manipulated and Deceived. But for the most Part they are Good People trying to make this Nation a Better place for All of Mankind.

There's Definitely Truth out there, but learn the Facts NOT theories.

Fact's like: Federal Reserve creation. Alcohol Prohibition. Rudolph Diesel. Cannabis Prohibition. Pearl Harbor. Japanese Interment Camps. John F Kennedy turning us Back to the Gold and Silver standard as Per The Constitution. Waco Texas Massacre -- Watch Waco New Revelations all of you who think it was All just Keresh and he was just some insane lunatic slaughtering people, WAKE UP! The Ruby Ridge murders. Oklahoma City Bombing and all the First Responders who died, and the Video footage showing another Man exit the truck. 9/11 -- watch In Plane Site. Iran-Contra scandal.

All these things are Real, and all of them were Manipulated by a Few Corrupt individuals. Look at Factual Documented History. There's a Multitude of Unclassified documents that have been released due to the Freedom of Information Act. Judicial Watch is probably the Greatest organization obtaining these FOIA requests check them out at and they are the ones who Got Official Documents released about the Fast and Furious scandal where we sold guns to cartels. And even that We created ISIS to Overthrow Assad! FACT LOOK IT UP!

But it does NOT mean we as a Whole are not good. We are Great! RUN FOR OFFICE!!!