the ''Im bored and have nothing to do thread'' write anything...,

brewing up

Well-Known Member

  • oh snap it's pj diaz and unlucky in the same thread

    when i am bored i fish, always helps​

is that a good or a bad thing?


Active Member
"All difficult things have their origin in that which is easy, and great things in that which is small."
-Lao Tzu

brewing up

Well-Known Member

  • [h=2]
    "All difficult things have their origin in that which is easy, and great things in that which is small."
    -Lao Tzu​

the fuck u on???

brewing up

Well-Known Member
with a plant plant here and a plant plant there, here a plant, there a plant, everywhere a plant plant, old mc donald had a farm, eeeeee iiiiiiiiiiiii, eeeeeeee iiiiiiiiiii oooooooooo

brewing up

Well-Known Member

  • knobhead ...............................

your just jealous coz u got no lyrical madness like the sloth mannnnnnnn