The Impact of Light Intensity and Spectrum-Tuning on Cannabis Yields

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And standard strips where manufactured to fill the replacement needs of florescent high bay fixtures. COBs for more intense downlighting such as floods and stadium lighting. None where manufactured for AG use.
n grow decent weed with the 5 meter rolls of Chinese strip lights for 15 bucks a roll. ratio of 3 warms to 1 cool white full spectrums. Those are better than the old "blurples" that gave leds a bad name.
There is nothing wrong with HID lights, but if you wanna step to the next level in lighting tech, it's out there for the willing.
Lighting is just 1 aspect of producing a quality product.
Did you look at the paper and where it’s from? Also the methodology? This isn’t from a led vendor.

Yes except the green seal part from a hydro industry and yes you can reference bavk to each persons facebook and the inst. that fronted the tiny amount of cash needed to generate such a writeup :-)
I read everything you wrote and intresting stuff but the matter still exists that hps growers yeild as much as any light watt for watt from rthe wall or the whole site led grows would stand out as far better in everyway and that simply has never been the case here.

Im glad Phillips know the perfect spectrum.... anytime they want to tell us an exact formula so we can dismiss the rest and focus on one spectrum only per species... I mean ive waited years for that science if you have that....

Hps old.... yes, broke.... you calling us growers lights here shite...insult much cause we have always stood our ground and your tests, mainly led growers need us hps growers to teach you science lest you view our measky few hundred watts like super heaters, be more inclined if most led growers werent so arrogant and flipant to science basico 101....

If i changed it would be cmh, single point light rules your flimsy wattage problems... Next youll be quotting me ppfd like your god ugggghhh.

So ya i like your info just disagre with your led market hype, your led future is some wet dream also and jacking your orices past us hobbyists who see very little loss of money when we spread the cosy not a $1000 upfront for thirty year old diode tech older than the dawn of man mr stonage guy....your flogging very old tech, ideaa far too costly till now but still costly :-)

Some folks insist that LEDS are like Lasers!!!
I saw a video on that and it made me laugh...
Usually the the folks who are resistant are older folks who have always used HPS and they figure "if it ain't broke..."
But it is broke, those things not only use hordes of wattage, but they are also hazards when it comes to disposal.
But then again, they are just as bad as the compact fluorescent folks, which again are hazards when they are disposed of...

But no one looks at that.

They see the $1,000 upfront price tags on the high end LED lights, plus what appears to be a small savings in electrical usage and then compare that to the much cheaper upfront cost of their HPS setups and then they compare that to their current cost for a grow compared to the return on investment.
But they seem to ignore COBS, which especially in kit form are comparatively priced to the start up cost of an HPS system.
COBs, when run at 75% power will last like 10-15+ years before the lights dims enough to be noticeable, at which point it then becomes a clone light.
These same folks don't typically factor in all the HPS bulbs that will need to be changed in that 10-15 years, every 6 months at $30 a pop..
When I built my last COB light, it was about $100 more than a comparative HPS setup.

Then there is the fact that LED prices keep going down and older tech like vacuum tubes, sorry, HPS light prices will continue to go up as less and less people use them...

I under run the LED's and it should lat me about 10 years, so that's like $35 a year.
Compare that to the initial start up costs of an HPS system and the regular bulb changes and over that same period of time you are looking at the system costing you $70 a year, plus the additional wattage...

Whatever, I know LED's work and I can talk myself blurple in the face trying to convince others of that fact, but if they are set on the fact that HPS works, because it's what they have always known, then no amount of fact or reason will change their minds.
Something will just click one day and they will get it and that's all that matters...

If I were ever to ever go with a bulb type light it would be Light Emitting Plasma, that shit is awesome!!!
A bulb the size of a fat grain of rice can kick the ass of any other light out there!!!
EXCEPT during flower because LEP is a blue spectrum light....
Wa Wa Wa....
And standard strips where manufactured to fill the replacement needs of florescent high bay fixtures. COBs for more intense downlighting such as floods and stadium lighting. None where manufactured for AG use.

Flourescent phosphor in the decent flourescents is one of the closest spectrums to daylight, led cant match that sorry and if you ever grew with both id rather the flouro wattage and spread thanks :-)
I replaced 2 600 watt HIDs with 900 watts of cobs and have been nailing the exact same numbers for well over a year now. Pulled a 6 out of a 4x4 and replaced it with 450 watts of PCB/cobs - same thing. I still run a 6/750 DE in my big room, but it has 12 foot ceilings.

I live in an area where electricity is incredibly expensive and heat waves are a common occurrence.

Yer less wattage is more managable for you, eitber that or you sucked at hps (likelty scenario).

Just cause you did better dosent mean they are better, easily debunked lol :-)
Lots of led grow light makers called their 11 or 13 band or whatever “full spectrum”. Those were the Blurples.

Today’s phosphor created white LEDs are the real full spectrum and the most efficient light sources today. They just are.

And still i prefer the peaks and troughs of modern hps bulbs over white leds....

You'll work this out one day, till then your statement holds little gravity in the real world :-)
I’m seeing all over IG and the many forums, that Leds are producing BETTER quality , some folks are closing their eyes and stuck here on RIU, just let them

Hence my initial quote asking is icmag offline tonight, go troll there if were closed eyed fools, no need to ruin our fun....

Oh wait led grower, seems like your intent on ruining things, somewhere i smell profit being made sniff sniff :-( all comes down to efficiency. Leds just make photons more efficiently than other methods. Even in your house 100w bulbs replaced with 23w cfl replaced w 14w led. And if you want to argue spectrum you can really make leds do anything...broad or narrow. You could make the spectrum exactly the same as a hps if you want. It all comes down to light cost vs electric cost vs payback. You can’t argue against the efficiency.
Flourescent phosphor in the decent flourescents is one of the closest spectrums to daylight, led cant match that sorry and if you ever grew with both id rather the flouro wattage and spread thanks :-)
What? Do diodes not use phosphor coatings for their color rendering ?
I find it odd that people are more concerned about the color of diodes than actually growing cannabis. It's like some think the only way you can grow good weed is with the latest LED technology. I can set a plant outside and grow good weed. This is getting crazy stupid with the LED crap. People grow great weed without LED's.


Half of the posts about LED's are shill accounts from LED manufacturers or people selling LED's.

Only stoned pot growers are gullible enough to fall for all the nonsense.
Of course the Sun provides the best and most light but it is not available in my house. Just like to use the best indoors. Most of us who use COBs and Other White LEDs grew for years with HPS and everything.

Not one to be a shill here, just want the most and best light for my garden.

HID growers have used MH to veg, it seems, to use a spectrum different from HPS. If intensity alone is king why is that. Some very prolific HID growers switch to MH late in flower, why? all comes down to efficiency. Leds just make photons more efficiently than other methods. Even in your house 100w bulbs replaced with 23w cfl replaced w 14w led. And if you want to argue spectrum you can really make leds do anything...broad or narrow. You could make the spectrum exactly the same as a hps if you want. It all comes down to light cost vs electric cost vs payback. You can’t argue against the efficiency.

And when you know the most efficient spectrum maybe publish dont troll since were all waiting for this science you seem to know but as yet the world havent worked out and is one darn complex subject.

You didnt think owning an led and copy paste made you in the know about science did you.... It dont :-)
Of course the Sun provides the best and most light but it is not available in my house. Just like to use the best indoors. Most of us who use COBs and Other White LEDs grew for years with HPS and everything.

Not one to be a shill here, just want the most and best light for my garden.

HID growers have used MH to veg, it seems, to use a spectrum different from HPS. If intensity alone is king why is that. Some very prolific HID growers switch to MH late in flower, why?

Ya know a different spectrum can still contain the same light just in different ratios, think thats should help clear up your confusuon... Hps contained a lot other than red :-)
If anyone wants to post the perfect spectrum for weed id be happy to annnounce you to the world as having solved that scientific problem before making just one light and selling out to every ag comoany in the world....

Any takers, you probably be in line for a nobel prize too but you have that i merelyy want a cur of the millions in patent phillips and others will pay for this info :-)
Perhaps if someone or some company would make an LED spectrum Light EXACTLY THE SAME as the HPS spectrum .......
That would be interesting.