That is very incomplete. The sun does that. You want a light with a high cri Rating. different k of white would be a better combo. those purple lights are very incomplete as spectrum goes. The small amount of white that “light“ has is limited. Changing the k rating of the light would be a better fit ie sycnced led or fohse does a really good job at this. I love how they say nasa is using this tech when they’ve moved to lights using full spectrum leds. Not to mention the article is a few years old already. What light are you using with your phone. I would love to see what sort of claims it makes.
I honestly didn’t see any hostility until you said go fuck yourself. Asking to see proof of your claim isn’t hostility. Don’t talk about it. Be about it
I read the entire BK's SHIT SHOW over the weekend.It's toooo late BK.....YOUR SECRETS ARE OUT KIND SIR!
You stated you shit on your plants during VEG.Others mentioned you had it backwards and that pee is for VEG and shit is for FLOWER.You're not fooling me sir.
Defo smoking too much - happens every harvest while curing & burping jars. "Hmmm, this one feels perfect, I'll take a little sample to see." A dozen jars / samples later & I can't see straight.