The Impeachment Of Donald Trump


Well-Known Member
If they actually had anything it would be a no brainer. Just like the russian colusion thing. Dems loved comey till he turned on Hillary. They loved Mueller till he exonerated trump and took that circus to investigation based on a false dossier made up from a funded smear campaign by fusion GPS.
It's all a load of horse shit that is being cooked up by the msnbc trump haters. This entire ukranian fiasco was based completely off hearsay and presumptions. That's why adam schiff the mastermind behind this entire circus told Jake tapper he wasnt sure if they was gonna push forth articles of impeachment. Dont you know for a second had they proven anything it would be unquestionable. You libs know nothing other than to call people who support border protections racist but in the same breath live behind gates communities.
Let's stick to the facts, shall we? Nobody disagrees that it was Trump who solicited a bribe in the form of aid to his campaign in exchange for millions of dollars in US military aid. I can understand why Trump is trying to pass it off as just a mistake and not worth impeaching him. What I don't understand is why don't you care that Trump harmed US national security by using the power of the presidency for his own personal gain.
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