The Impeachment Of Donald Trump


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The senate trial of Donald Trump...
Dems Ramp Up Call For Impeachment Witnesses Following 'Explosive' Emails - Day That Was | MSNBC

Newly released emails regarding Ukraine defense aid held by the White House show that a request to withhold funds came less than two hours after President Donald Trump's July phone call with the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy.

The emails, obtained by the Center for Public Integrity through a Freedom of Information Act request and court order, reveal the timeline to freeze defense aid to Ukraine. Sen. Chuck Schumer called the emails "explosive" and renewed his calls for witnesses in the impeachment trial, citing the emails as cause. Aired on 12/24/19.


Well-Known Member
This POS is still working in the WH.
E-Mails Show Racism Stephen Miller Brought To Trump White House | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Rachel Maddow looks at the white nationalist references in e-mails written by White House policy advisor Stephen Miller, obtained and published by the Southern Poverty Law Center, in the year before he joined the Donald Trump administration. Aired on 12/24/19.


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Donald definitely has a stray hair up his asshole over impeachment, he's worried and doesn't trust anybody, Mitch could screw him. If it goes into a secret removal vote (51%) it will get interesting fast. If Mitch holds a show trial, the democrats will continue to investigate and the courts will compel witnesses and documents, Donald will get even nuttier and desperate. Most of what he has been impeached for is criminal, plus he is an unindicted co conspirator in other criminal matters, it's just there waiting until he is a private citizen... If he is removed he could be arrested and in front of a judge in 24 hours, then promptly muzzled and eventually jailed for failure to comply.
Trump fires off on Twitter during holiday vacation

President Trump tweeted a stream of messages raging against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and his impeachment.


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Hey, only the best for Donald!
He's got the best shrinks in the world keeping a worried eye on him, many are nearly in a panic over someone like Donald in charge of nukes! These people are experts in the field of mental health and are unanimous, GET RID OF THIS FUCKIN NUT, NOW! There are lot's of them speaking out too and none who are saying Donald doesn't have a screw or several loose. We've all seen enough to know Donald enough, at least those among us who aren't dupes and suckers, those not blinded by fear and hate. People can see clearly in the bright light of day, Trump lurks in the shadows and twilight of a dying version of America, an improved version is arising to take its place. Some sunshine on the doings of the Donald are in in order methinks and I think that's what we will see with the courts coming on side and congressional investigations continue with witnesses and documents. If Mitch acquits Donald in the senate trial, he will roast with him all through the spring and summer with key witnesses compelled to testify and court enforced document production at public hearings. Acquit Trump and this is what Moscow Mitch has to look forward to all summer, perhaps even the inherent powers of the house, but I doubt that will be required.
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She moved on him like a bitch.
